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Lady Kopaka

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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Current mood: Tired
    Currently doing: Nothing at the moment
    Currently listening to: PotC Soundtrack (again)
    *Falls asleep on keyboard* So...tired.
    Well, my sister made it safe and sound here last night. Great to see her since I haven't seen Rebecca in over a year. She got me this pretty necklace and a nice bracelet. And she'll be staying for a week I believe.
    We went to church, and my friend and I that day were strangely hyped up () and could not settle down. So we decided to go see if we could go help in children’s church, which thankfully we went and if not, the parents would have had a problem. When we got there, somehow whoever was supposed to teach was not at church or something just got confusing. So Laur and I took over and stuff, read a lesson, did a little craft, got some snacks and let them play. It was pretty easy, but two young boys would just NOT settle down, they were running around like crazy. But besides that no harm done.
    And then we went out to on this special occasion since my sis is here. Went to a Mexican place...Really nice food, and then here I am. Stuffed, tired and...mmh yes that’s about it.
    Well I went to check about the voting polls, and I am ahead again. Though dear Jedi Gali could just easily catch up, which I wouldn't mind as her story is just amazing. But I am very excited about all this; I would be so pleased if I could get passed the Semi's.
    Also, once again I have gone on that terrible habit of not replying and PM'ing people. I am sorry about that, once again remember I am not ignoring you, it’s just because I have been to busy to reply and I sometimes forget to reply when I do have the time.
    About the scanner....STILL hasn’t been plugged up yet, but I will get around to it, because I know all of you are impatient 'bout that.
    Art Project getting closer to be done! Almost all the inking is complete, and soon to color...Though I am sad because I have noticed some Ink mistakes. ;_; Oh well.
    (Guess what this is from? )
    Barbossa: All right! Only I knows the route home.
    Jack Sparrow: That would make you - - the navigator.
    Barbossa: Captain.
    Jack Sparrow: Cook?
    Barbossa: Captain.
    Jack Sparrow: Cockswain?
    Will: Enough, Jack is rightfully Captain of his ship. All decisions subject to my approval, understood?
    Jack Sparrow: As Captain, I am pleased to name as First Mate Master Barbossa.
    Will: Agreed?
    Barbossa: I can deal with First Mate. It worked out fine for me late time.
  2. Lady Kopaka
    Oh dear, VBS has been hard work, and its only day 2! I am currently helping in crafts, which is cool. But I can't do any of course. I have to set and clean up the table about 4 times during the day; it can get very tiring and old.
    But hard work pays off, and my doubts are now gone! Today I went to see Pirates II, and goodness help me it was the best sequel EVER! *Squeals* I just love the ending, so glad one of my favorite characters is going to be in the 3rd.
    Yes, I like the strange characters over Will.
    Though I do hope the 3rd movie tells more about the history of everything.
    No, my dad didn't take me as I wished. I got to go with a friend, which was nice....We came back though and I asked my dad if we could go see it again, ‘cept he could come. Though he thinks it’s stupid and a waste of money.
    But I really just wanted to go just to be with my dad, I don't get to spend a lot of time with him.

    SPOILER for all you die hard Pirates fans: My friend figured that the next movie might invovle Chinese Pirates. Though could be a rumor, I hope it isn't. I love Chinese Pirates.
  3. Lady Kopaka
    Current mood: Happy and in good hopes
    Currently doing: Writing and Drawing
    Currently listening to: Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack
    VBS is almost over! *Dances* And my sister Rebbecca should be here tommorow around nighttime, I am so excited to see her!
    My friend Laur came over to my house after church last night. (She had no one close by her to take her home, so she would just spend the night at our house) We stayed up mostly looking up stuff on Pirates I, II, and III, and found some VERY interesting stuff.
    For example of we finding Barbossa's first name. Its so funny and totally does not suite him, no wonder everyone just calls him by his last name! But strangly, how bad it is for a pirate, its still a good 'one.
    Or we reading part of the draft script for Pirates III.
    Sadly of course(Ok it isn't sad), Laur has noticed my begining interest into Barbossa, now she says my fad over General Grievous is over, and Barbossa is my new one.....
    I am a fangirl to the weirdest guys.
    I also have finally gotten back into my writing faze, just started up on an Indiana Jones and PotC fanfic, and working on a few others that I haven't worked on in forever, and just got an idea for a good original story.
    Yay for the glory of writing.
    Ok, off to go work on that HUGE project. About to ink!
  4. Lady Kopaka
    Goodness gracious, only two days left for VBS! Its been cool, but very hard work. Today I had to cut/tape, etc for beads tommorow, the roll IS HUGE, and I have to do it all. >< I wil have to finish it tommorow.
    Good news, might be getting to go back to see PotC:DMC around next week, as my sister is comming back from Afirca and comming to stay for a week! It'll be nice to see her, I haven't seen Rebbecca in over a year. And since it was recently her birthday, we might go see the movie if she is interested...Or of course I could just take my brother by myself. (Someone would have to drop me off of course)
    I bet some of you have noticed I be doing more pirate speak and maybe you have already guessed my favorite character?
    I found part of the 3rd movies script, not sure if its officail or the final one, but if true, the 3rd movie is very promising. Just...A little more far fetched than the others.
    Well I need to go brush my hair and whatnot, we have to leave for a church thing.
    (BTW, does anyone know the last lines said in the movie of the 2nd? I am pretty sure *Cough* said them, but forgot 'em)
    PS: Art Project going along good, had a little trouble with some things earlier, but now all seems fair in the seas. I am almost done with the sketch, now I need to ink and color.....Need to figure out what type of medium to color it with though....
  5. Lady Kopaka
    Dear me, I look into the poll, and see that I am tied up with Electric Turahk and Ikki! Oh wow this is a close match, and I am very scared of what’s going to happen...Maybe a tie at the end? Good news, my brother is going to vote for me (He gets on here....Like rarely...I need to make him get on more). So yay brother!
    I also added another block yesterday. I decided that my blog looked boring and I needed to make it as cool as the wonderful Turakii's. She can get such cool ideas. And I mean, she has a celebrity to talk in hers! I wonder if I could get Kopaka....
    Kopaka: ...
    Eh, nevermind, that wouldn't be a good idea.
    Also onto art, I am very sorry, I bet all of you were expecting at least me to be uploading them the maj/brickshelf. >< And I haven't even scanned.
    Reason, my dads been working really hard, so I haven't been able to sneak on and scan long enough. Not only that but these past two weeks have been crazy! I hate being busy, it’s just not my thing.
    On Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday I have parties to go to, PARTY ANIMALS!
    ....We're such deprived home schoolers as the world likes to point out to us.
    Well, off to go to school. Yay.
  6. Lady Kopaka
    As I write this my hands are very shaky with excitement. I have already voted in Voya Nui Poll A, and so far I have 1 vote. (No, I didn't vote for myself. )
    So I REALLY, REALLY hope I do good, I work awfully hard on that story, so I don't want to desperately win(Even though that would be nice ) But I just hope I get more votes than what happened in AC11. So if you wish, vote for me! *Pokes*
    Well I have a lot of reading to do, and so see you all. And also, good luck to everyone in the contest.
    ...I hope this doesn't turn into some popularity contest. ><
  7. Lady Kopaka
    Wow....I haven't updated in quite awhile....ITS NOT MY FAULT.
    I had an all day two day thing at my church, which didn't give me a chance to get on. And then on Saturday, I got to go spend the night at my friends, and that was exciting. And we were going to see Pirates II after church!
    But, my world can be very unfair...So oh, guess what? It has been 7 months (Yes, 7 MONTHS) since I have been to the theaters, and look, the tickets are sold out.
    And that was my only chance to go see a movie; I was going to see it with my friend. And my dad hates PotC (Infect he hates about 80% of movies), so there is no chance for me seeing it.
    I am really disappointed....Because I never got to see Cars either, and I was hoping to see a Pixar movie in the theaters.
    But I guess I shouldn't complain about this, I mean, they always come out on DVD in a few months, and it cheaper, so I guess I can rent and watch sometime. That will be nice!
    And I can't really blame it on my parents either, it’s not my dads fault for not being a movie-fan and working all the time, and my mom is usually sick (Got an illness).
    So sorry I had that rant/complaint, I just needed to get that out of my system…For a long time.
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Hah, I am now ahead in the S&T. ET's selfishness has backfired. (Inside joke) Even though I still think he(and Ikki) Did a much better job, but I am overwehlmed that I am ahead....For the time being of course.
    Well, I was going to scan my art. But while I was trying to get the scanner to work, dad comes tropping in and telling me that the scanner is unplugged. *Grumbles*
    So hold onto that ok?
    Onto another note, could you guys wait for your requests? (Not counting TPD and my next dude) I have an AWESOME AWESOME BIG COOL and-can't-tell-you-project. Bwahahah I am excited bout' this. So I will be very busy for the next week.
    So....Go finish up some chores, see if Zieg is on, read Eldest, and off to bed with me!
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Stardate 7.5.06
    Aye yah! I was going to update this mornin’ and forgot to.
    Lately I have been having trouble sleeping. When I go to bed (Around 10'sh), I fall asleep just fine. But during the night around 12-4, I wake up and CANNOT fall asleep again, it’s very stressing. So what I have been doing is when that happens, I will have to go into the living room and when I try to fall asleep on the couch...I do. Heh, my bed must be getting uncomfy, I can feel the springs and it’s really flat....How old IS that mattress?
    Well, onto a lighter note, remember that HUGE project I was working on for my dad? I had to download and stuff to over 860 files (Which BTW took up 6GB on my computer). That’s been mainly dragging me around and also why you haven't seen me post any new art updates, because I have been focusing on that.
    Well guess what? I FINALLY finished it, and got 50 wonderful dollars! I am much closer to saving up for my Electric Guitar....Not sure how I will afford GW: Factions or any new Bionicle’s, but I will somehow....Anyway; I only get one Bionicle every few months.
    I got to go visit my friend that I only get to see about once or twice a year. (They live in FL) So it was nice to see him, though we mostly played around on Guild Wars and some other video games, watched a Mr. Bean movie, and by then we had to leave for Wednesday night church. Good thing is that we got to eat tacos, yum.
    At church, I usually go to a bible study with most of the other girls in our church, but my friend, as a boy wanted to go to the Youth Group and do the big water gun fight and stuff, so I go to the Youth Group that I totally despise(To tired to explain the mess). It was fun, but I really didn't have much fun, and worst of all my favorite shoes got all wet and muddy.
    I am at home, and really tired, so good night all.
    Stardate out.
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Happy 4th of July everyone! May America be blessed by God in years to come.
    Right now neighbors have BAGS of fireworks, and its driving me crazy. Sure a few is cool, but I mean, there not even half done and it’s really loud and annoying.
    Though I wish we could have gotten fireworks, but dad says there a waste and mom said we couldn't afford 'em, so maybe next year!
    I think now, my story is now completely edited and ready for the upcommin polls....I hope. I guess during that time, I should start reading all the stories I haven't read.
    I guess I am getting to lazy to update my art now. Don't worry, I will....And I really need to do something about that website.
  11. Lady Kopaka
    A: I have no idea, but I need to update this blog more often.
    Onto other such things....Yesterday was Sunday right? Well nothing much happened besides church, I helped with Powerpoint again, but it was a stressing day, I kept on messing up, and I spilt grape juice up stairs. >< Well it didn't get on my skirt...Thats a good thing....Right?
    I finally edited my story without ANYONES help. Well I would have loved help, but everyone I asked was to busy to review my story. Thankfully bngi judged my story and pointed out alot of things I missed, so hopefully I don't have to go through and edit again, and I will get the seal of approval.
    But remember to vote for me. Ok you don't have to, but I think...just might have a better chance than in the Art Contest....Oh I hope I do well!
    I am almost done with TPD request, sorry it took awhile, just never got around to finishing it. I have inked it, and now onto coloring, which should be easier since most of its white/gray/blue and such.
    So yeah...
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Ehhh, I really didn't say much yesterday huh? I kind of was busy.
    *To everyone* Thank you guys. I think I might just show it on CoT or something, but later I might just delete the picture.
    Well anyway, yesterday was sure one busy day of my life. I had to get up early and leave to the orthodontist.(Could never spell that word right...) I'm doing well with my braces, its just my gums are swollen and there kind of going over my braces, which isn't good, so I really need to start scrubbing those gums hard, even though it hurts.
    Then we left for Hobby Lobby. I was pretty glad, I got two notebooks this time, one of 'em were small though, which I will use for drafts, doodles and whatnot, and my bigger one for final things. But I also got another eraser, mechanical pencil, and another ink pen, so now I am pretty good in art, I wish I could afford to get some art markers, but that'll have to wait. But it was nice to be just with mom.
    Left to Sams then, we shopped around, got the stuff we needed, and I stared at the Electric Guitar I want so very much, hopefully I will be able to buy it.
    Well when were checking out, for some reason the lady was having trouble with moms check, oh gosh that was an awful mess. We figured out that one check we did while on the trip messed up, so they were not accepting this one.
    We waited there for them to figure to mess out, and I was already starving, see I didn't eat any breakfast at all, so I was ready to go home and eat something. Least mom got me a coke, but coke isn't always the best thing with an empty stomach.
    STILL waiting, and we see some of our friends from church...Well there two older men, but ones my Sunday school teacher and the other....Well he just goes there.
    Well my Sunday school teacher was getting a new couch, and the other guy was just helping him. So there waiting to. So the other guy go gets two slices of pizza, and as you know, those things are HUGE.
    He offered me some, but at first I refused(Mom also), but after he asked again, I couldn't help it, what could a starving little girl do? So I am very gracious of that.
    So around then, the lady comes back with our check, and the people come with the couch, so they leave, and I am waiting for mom. THEN she comes back and says we have to go to the bank and get cash to be able to pay for our groceries. SO we do that, come back, get our stuff and FINALLY start for home.
    By then I am able to play a little bit with my art stuff, but not for long, as I had to watch a little girl for awhile. (Totally cute) Then after that, we leave for church. (Wednesday night deal) I finally get to see one of my best friends, it’s been over a month since we have seen each other, she's been in China, and I was on that terribly long trip.
    Since she missed my birthday, she got me a bday present there, which to no surprise at all....is a hat. She knew that I liked collecting (and wearing 'em) hats, its really cool, because it looks like Zorro's hat. I now need to make a mask or something like his. Then I'd be ZORRO! Well of course....with freckles.
    That’s about it.
    And I don't think we'll be going to the theaters ANY time soon, mom talked to me about the recent financial problem, and there’s really no way we can go see Cars. Which is OK, I am disappointed, but it happens all the time, but I'd be glad to see it when it comes out. So I hope dad will be able to make some money, not just for that, but for what we need. Like bills and stuff.
    Oh I hope I get to see PotC though....
    Well I think I have talked to much gibberish. I really should be typing on my story entry.
  13. Lady Kopaka
    I now officially have all the SoT, WW, and TTT music. Huzzah! *puts them all on the MP3 player* I need to count 'em, but I am almost certain there are over a hundred. HAH! In your face Takatu!
    I can't decide which soundtrack is my favorite, SoT has more of the beautiful Persian music, WW is good hard rock along with that dark feel, but TTT is fast pase and almost a remix of the Persia music…in fact its more middle eastern than Persia sounding, though it’s a little more 'climatic' if you get my meaning.
    ACK, it’s all so good!
    Ok enough of that, my story survived, but I am going through some major editing, I forgot how bad I am with spelling/grammar.
    But I believe I have it ready. Though I will probably give it to a few of my friends first to see what they think or if I missed some grammar and spelling deals. Then I repost it, and hopefully it’s all good.
    Last night I went to a part with all my friends, we stayed at there house for awhile, talking, fooling around and whatnot, then went swimming, which was fun, but the water was so hot. I prefer ice cold thank you.
    Then we went to a concert, that one of my friends sister is in. No not a band, it was a choir, and let me say, for a girl that really dislikes them, it was amazing, they all had great voices, and one guy was hilarious up stage, he kept on making the weirdest expressions. My friends and I will be talking about that for a long time.
    Well, I have work to do for my dad, and I want to finish up some art, but on that topic for a moment....
    Ok, I have more than enough pictures to scan and show, me likes a lot. But I still haven't gotten around to finishing TPD's request. Errr....Sorry?
    Remember Nikira did a request for Takatu? The big tall red and black dude? Well I am doing his weapon now, hopefully, Takatu will like the choices.
  14. Lady Kopaka
    Ok well I posted my story and guess what happened?
    After posting, I noticed something strange, so I looked around and I....WENT PAST 4000 words! I completely freaked.
    I decided to go bike riding with my family during that time, trying to think of a way around it....Sadly nothing helped, but this did clear my mind.
    I get home, and once again check the word count....Oh and look? I was reading Characters this time. At first I had originally done as it said, by word, then I misunderstood and read by characters, then I checked again and I was right at first. So eh-heh....Silly me.
    But thats not all, I forgot about the NO EDITING deal, and I edited to put up that red bolded thing saying about me going over 4000. So then I get freaked again. But thankfully, Swert helped me clear up the mess. THANK GOODNESS. *Hugs him*
    So yes....Lets hope I don't get into that trouble again.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    *Comment time*
    Nikira, oops, my mistake. Not 4 notebooks, 3, I have only gone threw 3 during this year. And also don't worry, I usually never use printing paper...Now unless I am just doodling.
    Takatu, Demon Hunter is a great band, its good metal, but not the annoying kind that all they do is scream. I'd suggest looking them up.
    O_o we're going threw some weird PoP faze together.
    Zieg, thanks, I am going to miss you a lot on the trip, no one to mic now. ;_;
    OKies, now I am very happy now, I am currently listening to the new Prince of Persia my Sands of Time music, I have all the songs from it, bwahaha. Now I must find Warrior Within and The Two Thrones.
    The music is so good, I have always loved that Middle Eastern style, and then of course the hard electric guitars in some are amazing.
    MUST...BUY..Two Thrones....
    Though I do admit it isn't the best, I really favor Warrior Within, it has the best plot, and the prince looks cooler in it. Though SoT is great...Still unsure about TTT though.
    In fact I was just playing SoT, haven't played that one in awhile, forgot how fun it is, but I have beat it to many times...

    Ok I am boring you mmhh?
    Well, I worked again for dad today, mom asked if I wanted to go swimming with the rest of the family, but I said I needed to finish my work. (To some extent) But just 30 minutes after they left, I had trouble with the site I was going to. (It went down or something...) So now I wish I could have gone swimming.
    One of dad’s clients is over, nice guy really and friendly, we ate dinner with him, but it’s weird....
    WOW long post....
    *Skips off to play WW*
  16. Lady Kopaka
    Well I am back. Tired but alive and such. We traveled almost 3000 miles, and I am still counting up the hours. And my dad had over 150 emails. =3 Scary.
    Anyway, I have a whole bunch of art to scan and show, a few that I need to finish, but I think I have about 4 or 5 ready for scanning, not totally sure. The other few really are done, they just need some last minute check ups and some things I needed a picture for, but didn't have during the trip.
    But I will scan and do that stuff tommorow, I still need to check email, and play Guild Wars. () But really I am just to tired to play with my stupid scanner.
    So farewell!
  17. Lady Kopaka
    Can't think of a title, hang with me.
    Well, I started on my S&T entry, so far its going pretty good. Like its no way it'll win, but hey its fun to write dotcha know? Zieg has been helping me with some suggestions and been a VERY good editor for me. I usually don't have time to do 'good' editing and whatnot. I am so bad at spelling.
    I have had fun swimming at the pool we're in membership currently for the summer, I learned how to do a flip, but still working on the backflip. (Even though I used to do both, gah what happened to my Le antics?!)
    My dives are sloppy, and I was racing my sister, but by one lap, I was out of breath. It seems I need to do more excercise. ><
    Went to church today, it was good, I got to help once again with sound and the slideshow stuff, and also, a good old couple from our church is moving to Indiana, *sniff* I will miss them.
    Though, I was so tired, the sermon was good, but I could not keep myself awake. Thankfully, I got to sit up stairs (Where are the sound equiptment is), so that kept me distracted from fallin asleep.
    Bleh I am still tired.
    Well guess what? My notebook has finally ran out of pages, thats the 4th one since Jan.! But i really want to draw, but I don't like lined paper, and a dad doesn't like me to use his printing paper. *Sigh* Guess I need to finish coloring a request and two pictures in my newest filled up book.
    Zieg is completed, and in my opinion, he looks very good. ^^ But I will wait until I finish TPD and my two other pictures for an update.
    Need to work on my Piraka look....But I am sure I will be trampled by Nikiras. And need to draw more bad guys and matoran. I seem to be drawing more original characters than the offical ones.
    Ok I am leaving.
    *Goes to listen to Demon Hunter*
  18. Lady Kopaka
    *Comment time*
    Yes, I named my computer Lucas...And I need to name my MP3 player to...Mmhh...
    I'm a sad little girl, my entry is doing terrible. Only 6 votes....But hey, I can't blame them, it wasn't the best entry, and I had to get stuck with LZ0Z and those two other guys that I forgot there names.
    Looking Nikira has over 90 votes, I have a feeeling she'll win for sure, all those hard years of art and twice she didn't make it, so she deserves it.
    Well, right now I am in one of those moods when your just down in the dumps and even though everyone claims that you did a good job on things, you still hit your head against the wall. *Sigh* I guess I am just being a spoiled sport, so I guess I need to stop complaining....
    Well, a peice of a chocolate cake calls my name, that should make me feel better. And I need to get it before some of the family comes back from church. (My sister, grandma and I didn't go, to prepare for lunch)
    So see ya.
    Atleast 7 pictures almost completed and ready to scan! Thats quite a lot, and a few I am very proud with. I still need to work on my coloring though....
    Also, when I get home, I will take a picture of my Titanic picture and a few other paintings I have done and show 'em here possibly.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    Wow, lots of big projects I have going. Working on a webcomic for another forum, doing some work with my dad (Getting paid $50! ) And now that S&T contest! I am over joyed and extremely happy. I think I have the guts to write something, but not totally sure which one...Guys, which one do you think I'd be best with? I cannot decide.
    Well it was fun talking to Zieg with the mic yesterday. It was kind of funny because when we first started we were all..."Uuhhh...Hi....Mmhhh."
    But of course we got over it, (Or I did) And I was worried if I was talking to much Zieg?
    But seriously, he said he could hear me just fine (Cept when I moved away from it sometimes). But my mic wasen't working on TotA. Grrr.....*Twaks mic*
    Well I need to continue working on that project for dad, and think of a good idea for the contest, so farewell!
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Pretty stars.....
    *Clears throat* ANYWAY. To my updated art....
    To the cross picture, THAT was what I was going to do for the contest, but I never had time to finish it. >< I really like how it ended up though. But I am sorry Phy, I really didn't have a clue how you really looked besides that little sprite dude, so don't burn me ok?
    TPD, sorry he said to make a dragon with no back feet, but I HAD to add back feet, seriously he looked bad with no back feet, I played with about three pages of drafts, and I couldn't get it good, so I added back feet. Don't bite me.
    Zieg, Don't worry, all those sloppy and extra lines will be gone. Also, this will be my first CG'd request.
    The infected picture....This what happens when you play to much PoP and gets into Bionicles.
    I also have one other picture, remember my dude in the AC11? Well I updated him, and he's so cool. *glomps*
    ...I gave him an Indiana hat.
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Ok well, hehe, I didn't update yesterday did I mmhh? Sorry bout' that. SOMEONE was keeping me distracted on AIM. *Stares at Zieg*
    Ok well fine, I still have one picture I haven't scanned yet, but it'll have to wait. When I update, prepare to hear excuses on what happened on these ruined pictures.
    *Goes off to update*
    Also looking over, I haven't updated my site! Seriously I need to do something about that...Like, give it a makeover or whatever....
    Ok ok I am leaving now!
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Good morning all you dears, I am currently still in my pajamas, SERIOUSLY scary hair, and half asleep. So ignore random comments, while I am under the influence of being tired.
    Well, after waiting almost two weeks, my Indiana Jones Video Game came; it’s a very good game in my opinion. BUT of course, it could be more helpful if I could get my controller to work, instead of using the keyboard, and more checkpoints or quick saves could do me good....Oh well, it’s still very nice.
    My arts going along nicely, even though I haven't updated, I need to scan and show sometime, but I am currently under distress, as I cannot find my sketch pad that has a request in it, and I must ink it and color, I hope it didn't get thrown away, I would be traumatized, all those pictures in there....Well lets just hope I can find it.
    On another note, I finally took pictures of my best in show-first place 'Titanic Painting'. I am very proud of it, and will probably show it in the COT section. Now if I could only find my wire so I could move the pictures to the computer....
    Well my dad calls, breakfast is ready. (Yum, eggs, cut up potatoes and so much more!) So bye for now.
  23. Lady Kopaka
    *Comment time*
    TO EVERYONE: Goodness gracious you all misunderstood me. Those 7 states are not the only one I have been to. Oh well, I never explained well...
    I have been to Louisiana, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Arkansas, Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Indiana(I think…) Alabama, And I know there is more, my brain is just not working. >< I guess I haven’t been to much places though, specially up north, I have stayed(and lived) as far south as you can go.….BUT, I have been to Britain, Germany, around part of the middle east, and lived in Kurgistan for awhile. Yay for out of USA. But I have been to most of those states I stated several times. Even lived in some.
    Anyway I am at my grandparents, love it here, I could live here really, but I have church and friends down where I live, but I’d move to TN or NC in a second.
    Well yesterday we left NC and decided we go all the way to Savanna, Tennessee. Which was crazy as it would be around 12 hours. But guess what? We did it.
    Even crazier, we left at 6:30 PM. And besides for dinner and rest stops once and awhile, we went all the way to TN and didn’t go to any hotel. Which was kind of cool, but I HATE sleeping in vehicles.
    So we get there at 7AM and after we unpack, EVERYONE goes straight to sleep, and I slept till 12. 5 hours ack! My sleeping is now messed up.
    In about 2 days or less we leave to home, which will take 8-9 hours. Which isn’t bad. So I will be so glad to get home and to see Lucas! *hugs him*
    ….Oh I keep on forgetting, Lucas is my computer. My friends is called George, but that go into a terrible joke.
  24. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah well I bet everyone wondered where I went as I left kind of sudden without much of a good goodbye.
    After finishing my entry, my parents were already kind of mad at me, so I couldn't really do anything 'bout that. I even forgot to say ANYTHING at all to one of my forums I go to, everyone thought I left there. >>
    Anyway, guess I should explain what’s going on, I left where I live and traveled threw Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and NOW, North Carolina! I believe I have now traveled all over the southern part of America. Well I am kind of glad my parents are the big traveling type, specially my dad.
    The main reason of the trip was because ma' dad has quite a few business meetings. And now in NC, we are at the last one. (FINALLY!) But then we're going to see our sister, then going threw Virginia, and then to stay at my Grandparents in Tennessee.
    So....we're going threw...*counts* 7 states! Goodness gracious we're going to be very bankrupt when we get home. ^^
    Art is going well, still really mad at my entry, I would have been better off not doing anyone at all. But anyway, when I get home, yall be getting lots of more art.
    I was going to say something else, but I forgot...So bye, as I need to get dressed and start packing, we're going to check out soon. And mom and the others slept late.
    EDIT: Darn my terrible spelling.
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