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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    BRB, heading off to North Carolina for the weekend in a few hours (oh I so do not want to leave at 5am). One of my sisters' is getting married, and we'll hang by the beach for the extra day. Too bad we can't stay longer, boo. I love the area where my sis lives.
    Oh but ahaha very funny family, since my two oldest sisters' are already married, apparently I'm next in line? Good luck waiting for that to happen.
    Gunna be offline for the weekend and a few days after that 'cause of college/work. To those who have my number, feel free to reach me like that. I'll hopefully get some homework done and get drafts of commissions ready to scan when I get back. Sorry about not being on top of review requests and PMs btw, been really busy and sick as usual.
    Don't forget that the deadline is in two days! (I feel like I forgot about what else to say?)
  2. Lady Kopaka
    I'm studying. I swear. But my mind is like "DO SOMETHING WITH THIS IDEA NOW RAWR". All right, fine, you win!
    Simple question: what would guys think about a [web]comic involving Human Bionicle characters? I have some cool plot ideas I've been wanting to use for a long time, but I'd love to hear what BZP wants/likes/dislikes/etc. Thankees.
    Doing a comic has been something I've dreamed of doing since I got 'truly' interested in art when I was around 10 or younger. It's now or never. I will continue to work on commissions (which is going fine, but may be a slight lag because of the scanner agggh sorry) and GitS. Am I putting too much on my plate? Yes. But sadly, that's what artists do and it keeps my inspiration pumping. I mean, I can't promise this project will come out tomorrow, but maaan this is a craving worse than my desire for chocolate. That's a big craving.
    Back to studying about studying...(I really don't get this class??)
  3. Lady Kopaka
    I decided to extend the deadline until the October, 10th! That means people who haven't found the time to enter, or ones who already have, can get some time to enter and edit their entries. Good luck!

    Last year I held a Glitch in the System contest, and its theme was to design one of my characters--this time? The purpose of this contest is to create a character that will show up in the upcoming epic. If you win, the character will be considered canon in the GitS universe. You guys have been so kind to me with this story, so I feel I should repay you by getting the community a bit more involved. Now then, let’s get down to details.
    This is not an ‘only art/story/moc’ contest. You guys get a lot of free reign in this. The purpose is to simply come up with a character of your liking, tell me about him/her in a format similar to RPG templates, and that’s it. However, it is strongly recommended that you do art/MoC so I can picture him/her clearly. The more details and depth, the better chances you have at winning (this doesn’t mean you have to have super long info, though).
    Need tips on creating a character?
    • The character has to fit into the theme of GitS. My story focuses a lot on a ‘cyberpunk’ theme. This epic is mainly in a city called Jiahk with the classic gangsters, funky politicians and lots of guns and explosions.
    • While Toa are always nice, try to be extra creative. Do you have an idea for a spunky Matoran reporter? A mysterious diplomat? Some evil crime lord? Be creative, surprise me!
    • If you’re still unsure about what to do, think of the characters in stuff like NCIS, Star Gate, The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell, or other crime/adventure series.
    General information and rules:
    • Follow all BZP rules and guidelines.
    • One entry per person.
    • I’m going by a judging system, not voting. I am not judging by ‘who drew the best looking character/etc’; I want originality, not necessarily artistic talent.
    • There will be three winners.
    • Remember: if you win, that means I have full control over that character. No, I won’t make him/her be stupid, and you will have full credit of creating him/her—but be aware that this is my story, do not back-seat drive (but feel free to give me ideas or things you do not want me to do with said character).
    • Please make sure the format of your entry is readable and organized. Otherwise, I’m not picky.
    • I am NOT going to answer super basic questions on the story for you. If you expect to get a character in, I expect at least for you to read my story.
    Q: ….what is Glitch in the System?
    A: Glitch in the System is a Bionicle epic that is about a Toa named Tachi and her Partner named Komas. It’s set in a slightly futuristic setting. You can read it here.
    Q: What’s the deadline?
    A: OCTOBER 10TH, 2010, 11:59PM CNT. I know, it’s only two weeks, but I must begin working on this story soon. I may be flexible, though.
    Q: Can the character be an alias of me/my bzp persona?
    A: If you really want to. Just make sure that character will fit logically in my story.
    Q: So, I can make a MoC, piece of art, or even a sprite of my character?
    A: Yes. There are no limitations on this.
    Q: Can my character be part of Toa Niihlus’ agency?
    A: Sure. Any faction you remember, you can create a character to be part of it. You can also create your own.
    Q: If I win, how important will my character be? Are there other prizes?
    A: It depends. It will most likely be more than a cameo, but otherwise it depends on what the story needs. Besides getting your character canon, I am considering some cool other prizes…but still working on that.
    Q: I don’t understand this in the story/I’m not sure I can do this/etc.
    A: If you need any help, just ask here or PM me.
    Aaaand I think that’s it. What are you still here for? Go create that character for me!
    (oh and if you want to spread the word/advertise, that would be nice.)
  4. Lady Kopaka
    If you guys ever have spare money, I vote for supporting a fellow artist. I recently got someone on dA to do a drawing of my cat Gibbs for me and I am blown away.

    I can't get over how awesome it is!
    and no, this isn't about my commissions at all, this is about all artists in general. Even if you can't afford a drawing, still give 'em some love! I just felt compelled to post this because I forget how grateful we should be to artists--not only people who draw, but musicians, actors, writers, MoCists...any kind! Heaven forbid a world without art.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    6AM: Wake Up
    7AM: Be out the door to make it for class
    8-9AM: Intro to Visual Arts
    10-11AM: Quick stop at home to get reorganized and make a lunch
    12-1PM: Work
    2-5PM: Grueling Studies Class
    7PM: Drag myself home and hope I can sleep decently
    I do not like Thursdays. It could be worse I suppose, it's just all the driving is tiring and gas eating blaaah.
    anyhow, some random updates:
    I got a 16GB Zune! I got it on sale (hence why I didn't get iPod), and I'm really loving it. <3 No qualms so far...I'm not a app person, but I wish it had a few more (something to read documents would be nice). I just wish I could have afforded the 32GB haha, I already filled mine out. I got my hands on the last Harry Potter book! I'm rather afraid to finish it... I got a 98 on my history test a 100 on my essay! Now about my Visual Arts result tomorrow...? Why is trying to find a place to move out and getting a car so flusterating? Only one slot left in my commission list, though I may accept one or two more...either way, hurry before I close it and start on the art! Speaking of art...scanner still hates me. *cry* Planning on extending the contest for another week, to those who are feeling rushed. Audiobook recording should began again this week, next week at the latest. I'm also considering dying (not permanent) my hair purple and dressing up as the Major from Ghost in the Shell for Halloween...hmm. Okay, break time over...gotta finish some homework for class tomorrow. *headdesk*
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Bunch of folks have asked me if I would ever put some of my art back up, so I took the time to upload a lot of art that was originally lost when I was hacked last year. You can find both Bionicle and non-Bionicle here.
    It's likely the folders won't be public yet, but hang in there. I decided it'd be easier to upload everything via maj. The Bionicle folder is organized by year, from 2007 to 2010 (I left out 05 and 06). Human Bionicle art (08-10) is all in one folder. I didn't upload everything, but the most liked of the collection. Since links in my old art topics don't work anymore, this is the best link you'll find to my stuff. Got any questions on a piece? Feel free to ask...but heaven forbid my old art gets critiqued, haha.
    Also, if you see a drawing (traditional only) that you like, I may be able to sell you the original, if interested.
    Still having drama with the scanner concerning newest pieces...anyway, enjoy!
    EDIT: You guys might want to check back every now and then, I'm still adding some art (and of course, will continue to do so).
  7. Lady Kopaka
    I'm feeling really sick so I'm off to bed soon, but needed to post this:
    Okay, since I finished Vorox Chief’s piece, I’m officially starting back on commissions for everyone again, whoo!
    If you asked for a commission, you might want to remind me…I only remember Inferna’s. Otherwise, there are four empty spots. And I really will get these done at a humane time (and if I am late, it's because of life/sickness), because this is essential since I’ll be living off of commishes and contracts in the upcoming years. The information is in my content block, fourth one down. So yeah, I really appreciate the support. If you have any questions, just ask here on in PM.
    Speaking of such, I really do have art to show, promise! Over five drawings! Bionicle too! Blame my scanner. The bugger is slowing everything down. I've also noticed a lot of people wondering where all my oldish art is. If you guys didn't know, when I was hacked last year it was all deleted from maj/brickshelf. I'm currently re-uploading a decent amount and will let you know when they're available.
    (and don't forget about that contest!)
  8. Lady Kopaka
    EDIT: I usually -hate- bumping entries, but I just wanted to do it just in case some people missed this (I originally posted this at a awkward time, anyhow)
    Well, since I announced the return of Glitch in the System...we got some exciting stuff ahead of us before I post the sequel. Might as well get this started with! (man, I feel like a cheesy advertiser)
    First things first: Glitch in the System Audiobook is a green-light again, officially. If you were part of the cast, please PM me to say if you still like to do that said character, or if you cannot! I'll still be trying to PM everyone if people do not read my blog regularly. It will either be posted before the sequel, or will update alongside it.
    Secondly, I'm going to be hosting another contest! Last time I asked you guys to help design some of my characters...this time? The chance to create a character in the GitS series!
    In a few weeks, I'll also be posting a 'prequel' sort of story that's limbo between the two epics as a kick-start. Art will be coming too (the major hold-back on that is my scanner is being weird with Windows 7).
    What else? Hmm, well I can give you some preview art (it's all a WIP).

    Now, excuse me. Brownies are calling my name, and I’m sleepy—so so happy I have no classes tomorrow. Oh, and feel free to ask questions.

  9. Lady Kopaka
    first my day started out pretty good (mmm sleeping in and cuddling my Gibbs)
    then it got sorta bad (no I do not want to be sick and skip another class)
    then it was good again (yay for my church that I have not visited in months)
    then it got reaaaaallly bad (personal...lets just say I'm much more serious about moving now)
    then I checked my financial aid status and it's granting me $2,000 per semester. (most relieving thing I've heard in months)
    In the end? Good day. Let's just hope this rollercoaster doesn't have a steep drop.
    Needs more art, writing, and bzp though!
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Windows 7 is really really awesome. I never used Vista much (and it didn't bug me when I did), but I am really liking all the upgrades. Computer is running better, layout is nice, better stuff for customization...and all for $30! Still getting used to everything, but I am happy I updated finally. Goodbye faithful XP!
    Only downside is I have to reinstall stuff. Gragh. But it did get rid of a zillion useless programs, so my computer is cleaner so to speak. Gotta reinstall Mass Effect 1 & 2 soon though...The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC comes out tomorrow!
    Classes start again tomorrow...I'm so out of it and nervous. I've been pretty sick this weekend, so I barely got to take advantage of the extra studying time. I'm going to have to step up and be extra careful, I do not want to fall behind...
    I'm beyond exhausted (it's not even 10 yet!), and have to get up at 6:30AM...I am not a morning person. Just wanted to brag about Windows...oh, and in the next few days, not only is a art topic coming, but a certain short story that shall we say...is somewhat of a prequel to a certain upcoming epic?
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Hey, you guys. Read this story.
    Seriously, she's a great writer. Tifosi92's sister, yanno...the talent apparently runs in the family. Also, she's only eleven. I wish I could write that well when I was eleven. I was reminded she's ten, not eleven. WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
    Speaking of writing aaggggh--I am so terrible with choices. I have all these ideas, and I really want to get some decent stuff up on here again. I feel quite torn between Glitch and LtfB. I miss writing so much! (and art, but a topic is coming soon promisepromise)
    Okay, enough trailing off about myself...anyway, go check that story out--or honestly, any story. Give a new writer a chance. And, I've learned that writers don't care one bit if you just give them a sentence comment in their story (as long as it isn't spam/flame); nothing thrills them more than just knowing who is reading it.
    (but oh oh $30 for Windows 7 and Bonobo music yessss)
  12. Lady Kopaka
    College so far, has been going much better than I expected. Loving my classes, professors, and the workload hasn't been to extreme, so it's a nice transfer from what I'm used to. I'm surprised at how well I'm following everything. Of course, I love reading/studying...but when tests come up, that won't be pretty. Don't get me started on how awesome I am at testing.
    But it's done quite a number on me. What's sad is I know it could be way worse, but it doesn't make me feel any better. Today I got so sick I had to reschedule work, and skip my afternoon class. I hope this will be just a one time thing, because if not, it's going to be a rough semester, and I'm so worn out as it is. As much as I hate throwing up, I wish I could force myself just to so I can't get the feeling out of my system. But once I do, my body doesn't know when to stop, and dats no good.
    *insert more ranting here*
    Okay, icky subject. Um...my kitty is fuzzy and adorable and is sleeping ON MY TABLET GET OFF GIBBS.
    Anyway, two questions--I've known I have asked these before, but I promise it'll be the last time.
    do you guys have suggestions for mp3 players? The reason why I'm being so picky is that any simple brands that are 16GB higher are actually more expensive than things like iPod and Zune, oddly. It's a curse having over 20GB of music. I can't really afford much and since I prefer WMP over iTunes (), ipods are not my interest, but I'm open to suggestions. about a upcoming Bionicle epic...would you guys prefer A)Glitch sequel? B)Let the Flames Begin sequel C)or something else entirely? I was aiming for the Glitch one, obviously, but I don't want to wear the story/characters out. Either idea has a almost refined plot, but I need to decide on what to focus on the most... Sleep...sounds wonderful right now...
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Dona eis requiem. Satoshi Kon, 1963-2010
    Satoshi Kon was a Japanese director/animator of some of the best anime films I've seen. Such as Millennium Actress, Memories, and Paprika. One of my absolute favourites of his was one called Tokyo Godfathers. I would really encourage you to watch his works. A few days ago, he passed away because of pancreatic cancer. He also left a final statement in his blog before dying. It was one of the most touching things I've read in awhile. He was only 46 years old. It really breaks my heart. Not only did we lose such a talented person...but just a person in general.
    I don't usually make a lot of entries on things like this, but I really felt I should post this.
    In other news, college draws ever closer...I'm having to run off to a orientation type thing and then work later. On the plus side of things, I recently got hold of some wonderful green skinny jeans and a Sonic the Hedgehog tshirt (thank you mom for buying me new clothes...I have new outfits instead of wearing hand-me-downs from my three other sisters!). Oh, and free Amazon Prime is quite awesome.
    Namaste, everyone.

  14. Lady Kopaka
    I'm so exhausted, mentally and physically. Spent all of today trying to get classes scheduled correctly, and most were all full. It's all a mess and I'm one hour under full-time, my classes are scattered around different towns. It's a miracle I scrapped up enough to pay for this semester.
    and my first classes are on Monday and I don't have any books yet. Oh right, I forgot about the cost of books...and gas...how in the world am I getting to classes when my car broken, anyway?

    I want to sleep forever and ever and eat chocolate and play with Lego/Bionicle while watching Roman Holiday, pretending none of this happened. Which actually isn't a bad idea. (sorry if I sound whiny btw, I'm going to be fine, just ranting)

    do any of you college veterans have advice? I'm so clueless on everything.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    I've been trying to update this blog for daaaays. Gotta update more and stop making my entries so rambly and disorganized.
    Since I love the list feature thingy, I shall use that to update what's going on:
    College. takljdklfjakldaufandaklfa. Please make sure you plan for college early and have someone to solidly help you with it...otherwise, you will end up like me. College is next week and I have no clue what's going on with classes, payment...pretty much everything. Stupidstupid car is still broken. This is going to be a huge problem for college. Oh and stupidstupid gas. Stupid. I got my bloodwork results a few days ago. They came back normal. This is not good at all, ironically. Chocolate. I need this. So badly. Finally getting around to reading the Harry Potter books...I'm such a laggard. Really enjoying them. Just finished Order of the Phoenix. Trying to finish reading/watching before Death Hallows this December. Speaking of HP, I now believe one of my brothers is a incarnated Ron in our universe. The resemblance is uncanny. We plan to make a costume for him by Halloween. BUT OMG I ACTUALLY HAVE REAL BIONICLE ART TO SHOW SOON YESSSS WHOOO. Topic should come in a few days. How in the world can I sleep all the time and then feel like I haven't slept in weeks? I think in a previous life I was a cat and some sleep-deprived courier. I know a lot of you guys are interested in commissions still, but anyone also interested in buying art I've already done, or junk (books, dvds, etc) off me? I'm trying to get extra money for college. Plans for the Glitch sequel are becoming much more concrete after all. Something is nagging in me (as usual) that I'm forgetting to say something...but oh well, my brain has already melted for the day. Time to put it into the freezer and call it a night...
  16. Lady Kopaka
    VF is gone, I'm not at brickfair, my mind in many places as usual, stories and art need to be updated soon, and sickness enjoying it's usual fray against me. Ah, such a familiar world.
    Vezok's Friend, thank you so much for taking time to hang out with me. I'm sure you got annoyed when I was distant a lot, or hiding in my room sick, but I really am so thankful to have a friend's company in my life.
    We had a lot of fun; got to head down to the beach, something which was awesome because we never usually do vacations. Besides lots of other silly randomness we were up to, we also did a drawing for Brickfair at the last minute! (literally, it was a all-nighter. my fault) Hopefully if you go, you'll see it. Whenever VF can, I'll let him post the drawing here.
    Alas, reality surfaces again from a momentary peace, and a raging storm follows me wherever I go. I have college to plan for, work to sort, health problems to improve on, and to fix my own flaws when it comes to friendships. And that brings me to another thing. Some say I am sweet and considerate person, which may be true, but ultimately I suck at being a friend. I wanted to apologize deeply to many right now. I know I've said I'd do things, respond to your messages, and many more--but have not. Maybe to some of you it's okay, but I know ultimately it's not the right thing to do. Being 'busy' (which honestly is a mild word in my case) is a lame excuse after awhile...but it's the only one I have.
    I'll be away for a few days again, so hopefully within that time I'll be organizing a sleuth of things that need to get done. I apologize if this entry sounds like a pity party or the sort, but I'm really trying as hard as I can. Give me a smack and tell me to try harder, that's what I need. And really, if you have felt offended or ignored by me, please tell me so we can mend the problem. I'm very sorry.
    Love you all! Hopefully things will get betterand my brain will actually function so I can remember silly things like PMs and tying my shoes.
    In the meantime, enjoy one of the drawings I did while hanging out with VF. Human versions of Zaktan and a slightly mature Toa Hahli (headshots again? aagggh).

  17. Lady Kopaka
    Hey y'all, been almost two weeks since I updated...lets see...
    If it is possible to have such a awesome week that the sheer force of it could not be contained in this universe, this was it. And another to go!
    Vezok's Friend made it to my place finally. Thanks to him my life has been a lot more exciting this past week (yay I have only been sick for one day of the week!), and we have one more to go! Our tomfoolery has involved rivers, shopping, melting under the heat, old spice, stopping at green lights, drawing, geeking out over Mass Effect, and a certain surprise for people who come to Brickfair! Alas, it seems I will be unable to go...but who knows?
    Tomorrow the family, VF, and I shall be going to the beach for the weekend. Quite happy because we never go anywhere.
    Umm...besides the usual apologizes of being inactive and all, what do you guys like reading in blogs? I can never think of anything to say these days.
    Anyhow, got stuffs to attend to. Stay cool, BZP.
  18. Lady Kopaka
    Nearing a month since my last update...sorry! To be honest, one reason is because there is nothing to update about. No art, writing, exciting life experiences...just been sick and busy with life. Things have just been a drag here, and I'd rather not talk about the hardships.
    Next week however, VF should be rolling around my area, which I'm quite excited for. Hopefully we'll be able to get a lot of art done at that time. Speaking of art:

    I draw these three too much, but my fandoms are my only crutch right now to keep up with art/writing. Proportions are off, but when do I ever get them right? HB versions of Lariska, TSO, and Ancient...maybe I'll have the next chapter up soon, or I might enter the Short Story Olympics contest. *shrug*
    Anyway, that's sorta it...yeah sorry, my blog is pretty lame, I don't know why I have all those views and stuff. Haha.
    I hope everyone is doing well! As usual: sorry for being lame with PM responding and other duties I have not fulfilled yet. Lastly, any suggestions what I should draw? Throw it at me--Bionicle, Hero Factory, something non-related to LEGO...whatever. Love to hear your input on that and things like styles and mediums to use. That always encourages me to draw more. (I really should draw more action/posing stuff...)
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I now have a PS3! I thought I'd never get one! It's one of those awkward old ones that doesn't do backwards capability (agggh), but I bought it from a friend for a epic price. I'm just so thankful I was able to get one. Haven't had any problems with it yet.
    If any of you have one, my account on psn is Lady-Kaguya. I only own Mirror's Edge and Uncharted now, though. It honestly should have been the last thing for me to buy when I'm so busy with work and future plans, but meh, I needed to spoil myself. It's been a rough few years.
    Sorry about the commission stuff again...I swear, every time I promise to get that started I get sick. You guys are going to have to bear with me, my state is too unpredictable to make any promises. And it's driving me crazy because I worry about work and college...
    Anyhow, don't worry, isn't as bad as it sounds. I'm training myself to just worry about today, and not tomorrow. The tactic is surprisingly very helpful and stress-relieving.
    Haven't been on BZP much besides lurking...what's going on in the forums? How are all you guys doing? Anything my Dory-like self forgot to mention or anything?
    EDIT: put my content blocks all on one side again because of the larger banners effecting the comments.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Hey guys, check this out. Kiotu/Velox came up with the awesome idea of a BZPWriMo (BZP Writing Month). I'd love to see this work out. Help out by expressing your interest and opinions with a comment over there, please and thank you!
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Today I feel like rambling, so...
    Hung out with a friend of mine and saw Iron Man 2 last night. Very good movie. I think I prefer the first, but this one was a worthy sequel. And zomg Avengers!
    Downside however, is my body cannot tolerate a lot of food and sugar (twizlers, chocolate, popcorn, drink, pizza >>) late at night, so I enjoyed hugging the toilet when I got home. I'm sooo sleepy and I have to babysit four young boys soon. Maybe I'll put on a movie and sleep...
    Upside? My Wacom Intuos4 Graphics Tablet came today!! I love it so much. Mom and dad, you have no idea how thankful I am to be blessed with this. For my old tablet, I'm selling it to Tuan soon. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have! Maybe I can finally start on commissions and other projects.
    Well, hopefully soon--will be running around on Friday getting ready for my graduation, and then on Saturday itself is the ceremony. Then I'll be busy house-sitting for about two weeks, but that will be a good time to do a lot of art.
    Then the signature guidelines...I want to thank Black Six so much for updating it, I'm sure he worked hard on it. I love the freedom, but I think the size is just a little too big. I don't really want to disable either because of links and stuff to members' creative stuff. Ah well, this is just a change and I'll get used to it. I'm just worried about obnoxious banner fads.
    aaaand then I have to get signed up for college and decide if I'm doing full-time or part-time, and get more clients for work, and somehow get to brickfair....where is my summer to-do list...oh. That's a long list.
    But, for once in years, I am not overly stressed and I'm enjoying this little bit of crazy. For now, haha...but I'm hanging in there!
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. They were really sweet! Swert's the one who made me put my age back up, hahaha...the weird feeling of going "Oh, I'm adult?" keeps coming and going, but I'm in a indifferent state about it.
    Birthday was full of Prince of Persia yummies. Saw the movie, my friend got me this awesome graphic novel on it, and we played the games all day. The one thing lacking is we forgot to get a small PoP Lego set for the birthday cake, but we’ll get them later.
    Speaking of the movie: IT WAS GOOD. First movie based after a game that was actually really good. I admit, I am partly biased as I'm a big PoP fan, but then again I did have high expectations. My dad who usually chews out most movies really liked it. You'll either love it or have no interest/be meh over. But definitely not a 'bad' movie at all. It was done very well. Though...something felt missing? I'm not sure. Ah well, definitely going to buy it and cuddle it when it comes out on DVD.
    Don't usually care much on presents, but I got some nice ones this year. Mainly, my parents surprised me with a card saying they'd get me a new tablet. Wasn't expecting that! It's counting as both my grad present too, but I still think I'll contribute to it a little since our money's so tight, though.
    Now I'm just sitting here, having a 'party' with friends on a chat and probably going to bed soon. Then tomorrow it's time to get caught up with work and all that; a lot has been going on, but without the school stress I'm handling things so much better. Sorry for being fail about staying on top of the commissions. I’ll try so hard to send the PMs this week and actually start them!
    Okay, enough of me rambling about myself. TLDR: I had a good birthday. You guys take care, and thanks again!
  23. Lady Kopaka
    My fangirl side has taaaaakeeen over. 

    Love. This may be the first movie based after a game that will actually be dadgum good.
    My sister suggested I should do a Prince of Persia birthday--play the games all day, have a cake styled after it, go see the movie...oh lol, it is ironic how when I turn into a adult that I shall have a 'themed' birthday party for once in years.
    I wonder if they sell PoP party hats and all that too?
    and I still cannot get over how he reminds me so much of my HB Zaktan.
    (also on a random note, is the sandwich style of my blog bugging anyone, or is it okay?)
  24. Lady Kopaka
    *cues Final Fantasy Victory theme*
    I am free. From highschool.
    Nothing can express how happy I am. Mind you, I love learning--but life was making it that I was barely surviving with decent grades. However, I finished roughly with two A's, a B, and a C. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my back. True, there's still college if I decide to go...but that's going to be completely different.
    I shall spend my summer relaxing, hopefully getting lots of art and work done...and yeah. I am very happy right now. Not to mention my birthday is coming up and all that...so much stuff happening, both good and bad; one downside is that I'm pretty sick atm...but that's not surprising, lol. But I'm happy right now so that's all that counts.
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