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Lady Kopaka

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Lady Kopaka

  1. Lady Kopaka
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. They were really sweet! Swert's the one who made me put my age back up, hahaha...the weird feeling of going "Oh, I'm adult?" keeps coming and going, but I'm in a indifferent state about it.
    Birthday was full of Prince of Persia yummies. Saw the movie, my friend got me this awesome graphic novel on it, and we played the games all day. The one thing lacking is we forgot to get a small PoP Lego set for the birthday cake, but we’ll get them later.
    Speaking of the movie: IT WAS GOOD. First movie based after a game that was actually really good. I admit, I am partly biased as I'm a big PoP fan, but then again I did have high expectations. My dad who usually chews out most movies really liked it. You'll either love it or have no interest/be meh over. But definitely not a 'bad' movie at all. It was done very well. Though...something felt missing? I'm not sure. Ah well, definitely going to buy it and cuddle it when it comes out on DVD.
    Don't usually care much on presents, but I got some nice ones this year. Mainly, my parents surprised me with a card saying they'd get me a new tablet. Wasn't expecting that! It's counting as both my grad present too, but I still think I'll contribute to it a little since our money's so tight, though.
    Now I'm just sitting here, having a 'party' with friends on a chat and probably going to bed soon. Then tomorrow it's time to get caught up with work and all that; a lot has been going on, but without the school stress I'm handling things so much better. Sorry for being fail about staying on top of the commissions. I’ll try so hard to send the PMs this week and actually start them!
    Okay, enough of me rambling about myself. TLDR: I had a good birthday. You guys take care, and thanks again!
  2. Lady Kopaka
    just wanted to announce I'm working on a new epic/novel that involves Bionicle that will definitely debut here in a few months. I will keep you guessing what it'll be about until I can make a proper poster. I'm very excited for this because I haven't had a serious project to work on since Glitch in the System. (which, btw, is being posted again; lightly touched up and edited to boot)
    I mean, well technically, I could start on the original graphic novel version of Glitch, but I feel that's a huge leap for me due to my health and life situation. I want to ease back into writing and art with a smaller project. So why not something that involves Bionicle?
    I know the fandom is small now and may dramatically change if/when Bionicle returns and many may not be interested in what I'm doing, but I'm doing it for myself. However, if you're interested, let me know!
    Stay tuned!
    (p.s. - sorry I'm not at brickfair this year guys...maybe next year! You all have lots of fun! Thank you Aanchir for taking the time to call me, that was so kind of you. And thanks as well Vezok's Friend, ChocolateFrogs, and Bionicle Raptor for skyping me. You guys are awesome!)
  3. Lady Kopaka
    EDIT: I usually -hate- bumping entries, but I just wanted to do it just in case some people missed this (I originally posted this at a awkward time, anyhow)
    Well, since I announced the return of Glitch in the System...we got some exciting stuff ahead of us before I post the sequel. Might as well get this started with! (man, I feel like a cheesy advertiser)
    First things first: Glitch in the System Audiobook is a green-light again, officially. If you were part of the cast, please PM me to say if you still like to do that said character, or if you cannot! I'll still be trying to PM everyone if people do not read my blog regularly. It will either be posted before the sequel, or will update alongside it.
    Secondly, I'm going to be hosting another contest! Last time I asked you guys to help design some of my characters...this time? The chance to create a character in the GitS series!
    In a few weeks, I'll also be posting a 'prequel' sort of story that's limbo between the two epics as a kick-start. Art will be coming too (the major hold-back on that is my scanner is being weird with Windows 7).
    What else? Hmm, well I can give you some preview art (it's all a WIP).

    Now, excuse me. Brownies are calling my name, and I’m sleepy—so so happy I have no classes tomorrow. Oh, and feel free to ask questions.

  4. Lady Kopaka
    Lately my poor blog has been so covered in random stuff on art and Glitch, I decided to be merciful to it today. xD
    So these past few days and upcoming ones are quite busy. School, doctor visits ( ;.; ), art and other crazy things. What I'm most excited for is we're going down to Louisiana in a week! You have like, no idea how excited I am. This is probably the first trip I've ever been on that we're going just because we really want to, and does not involve business trip or something annoying like that. I miss good ole' Louisiana. 0: If you're curious, LA is our choice of a summer vacation 'cause we used to live there a year ago, so we're having family/friend withdrawals. :<
    I'm planning on getting my hair cut before going, because I look terrible with long hair and it's just plain annoying right now. You guys have any suggestions for styles? I'm leaning toward something short and thinned/really layered. If uh...you guys help me out, I'll show a picture of me when its cut!
    And yes, you can suggest crazy stuff. I was actually thinking of getting something Motoko-styled.
  5. Lady Kopaka
    I think I'm getting sick again. Again.
    My sleeping med has decided to stop working over the past few days. Which is really bad, because as you know, sleeping is the best cure for getting better. Of course, because of some unknown factor that's causing a lot of sickness/physical blah, I can't sleep. When I can't sleep, I get stressed and struggle against anxiety and increased activity in doing nothing (oxymoron?). Then I get more stressed and confused, resulting in even more sleep loss and so many nightmares that I'm literally afraid to go to sleep at night.
    I've told myself no matter what, to keep my head up—so, I'm doing pretty good considering things, but I really hope I find the solution to this. I'm very disappointed with myself, I was doing so well last week. I really felt like the old me; the real me I haven’t seen in probably a year.
    Then there’s NaNo I was so pumped for. Now I couldn't even concentrate on watching NCIS tonight; I also skipped going to this art gathering this evening. It's just sad. I'm trying to push myself through with my writing (not to mention a slew of other things), and though NaNo is more about quantity rather than quality…I'm just not feeling it one bit. This is different from a writer’s block or pushing through the story's plot holes and oddities—I can’t function at all, with anything.
    This just stinkeths.
    Oh, but currently fixing new blog graphics, and I finally found my darn phone. That has to count for something, right?
  6. Lady Kopaka
    Important: Because of some illogical pricing, I had to go back and fix prices…some things were slightly raised (sorry) but just by a few dollars so things would make sense. This only applies to people who have not paid me yet.
    Also, can y’all do use this template for further requests? You guys have been really helpful giving me the right references for your art, but this just saves me a lot of time when I have to organize them.
    Medium: (sketch, ink, colour)
    Technical: (size of the drawing, how many characters, head shot/waist-up/full, etc.)
    Description: (information on the drawing itself)
    Background: (scenery/other)
    Drawing Style: (anime, realism, comic, etc)
    Colouring Style: (just needed for coloured pieces)
    Other: (for those nitpickers)
    Hi, help. I'm willing to sacrifice time to draw you something so I can buy food and pay off car bills. And I'll throw in a free invisible cookie.
    All drawings are usually sketched on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper, unless specified otherwise.
    Pencil (Pencil/Digital sketch)
    Headshot/Bust - $4
    Waist Up - $7
    Full-body Single Character - $10
    +backgrounds - $3-$7
    +extra character/or other - $3-$7
    Inked (Ink pens/Digitally inked)
    Headshot/Bust - $7
    Waist Up - $10
    Full view Single Character - $13
    +background - $3-$10
    +extra character/or other - $3-$10
    Coloured (Digital/Colour-pencil/Watercolour/Markers)
    Headshot/Bust - $10-$13
    Waist Up - $14-$17
    Full view Single Character - $18-$21
    +background - $5-$20
    +extra character/or other - $5-$15
    (note: colour prices vary because of the amount of time, and different styles/materials used)
    Rough sketches - $3-$10
    Character Design Sheet - $25
    +Base colour (for b&w images) - $3-$7
    • Shipping of the original to you is optional; fees on shipping is determined during payment stage, if you wish to have the original. (note: digital commissions cannot be sent out, unless it’s a large/unique)
    • I hold the right to refuse a certain request for my own reasons. I accept cash, check, money orders, or paypal.
    • Prices may differ when discussing your request. It is determined by materials, size, time, and the drawing itself.
    • While I promise to work hard and diligently, give me some leeway at times. I will be more than happy to fix mistakes, but I cannot overwork myself with nitpicking; I may have to charge extra if this happens.

    1. Raia
    2. Jithra
    3. TAK the Voyager
    4. Vorox Chief
    5. Inferna Firesword
    6. Spink's Cat
    7. Necro
    If you’d like to bug me with questions, feel I should fix something, or whatever—you’re more than welcome to point it out via PM or comment.
  7. Lady Kopaka
    you should all totes check it out and yeah.
    i'm going to start drawing again ???
  8. Lady Kopaka
    Yeah I blame you. Aprons too I suppose.
    But seriously, he's just too cool not to draw, everyone loves our dear Mutran!
    Since you totally inspired me, this picture is dedicated to you, Uncle Khote.

    Concept art and all, so I will probably change around a few things... Just don't tell me to remove the apron. Mutran must has apron. <3
    EDIT: And though this is concept art, a lot of the offs in this picture are about to drive me mad. Thanks for pointing out flaws guys, I'm gunna fix it asap. ^^
  9. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Flustered
    Currently Listening to: Apathetic Way to Be - Relient K
    Currently Playing: Sims 2
    Going to Watch: The Railway Children
    Going to go read: Scewtapes Letters - C.S. Luis
    Well, I am in a mood similar to Nikira. A bit disappointed as how our ACs going; and basically have the same opinion as she does (Read recent blog entry). So I won’t get into that since the dear already said what I was goin' to sah.
    But yeah...I was so excited about AC13....WAIT A MINUTE. 13 IS AN UNLUCKY NUMBER. =O No wonder!
    But I really, really want more ACs!
    And on a lighter note which made me feel better, was I got Blog of the Week!! It was funny, I always going to wonder if I was ever going to get it, and for some reason I had this funny feeling while it was loading...and I saw my name, and I was all like:

    So very happy about that.
    And ah yes, back in that terrible addiction of Sims 2; soon to buy Sims 2 Pets from a friend...And then decide either to get Seasons or Nightlife. Which one first?
    The rest of my money will go my tablet I am plan on getting. Though my dad claims to have a big one the size of a table!
    Que Garné....Namasté!
  10. Lady Kopaka
    Nearing a month since my last update...sorry! To be honest, one reason is because there is nothing to update about. No art, writing, exciting life experiences...just been sick and busy with life. Things have just been a drag here, and I'd rather not talk about the hardships.
    Next week however, VF should be rolling around my area, which I'm quite excited for. Hopefully we'll be able to get a lot of art done at that time. Speaking of art:

    I draw these three too much, but my fandoms are my only crutch right now to keep up with art/writing. Proportions are off, but when do I ever get them right? HB versions of Lariska, TSO, and Ancient...maybe I'll have the next chapter up soon, or I might enter the Short Story Olympics contest. *shrug*
    Anyway, that's sorta it...yeah sorry, my blog is pretty lame, I don't know why I have all those views and stuff. Haha.
    I hope everyone is doing well! As usual: sorry for being lame with PM responding and other duties I have not fulfilled yet. Lastly, any suggestions what I should draw? Throw it at me--Bionicle, Hero Factory, something non-related to LEGO...whatever. Love to hear your input on that and things like styles and mediums to use. That always encourages me to draw more. (I really should draw more action/posing stuff...)
  11. Lady Kopaka
    Christmas spelled backwards because I can't think of a decent title.
    Hey guys, how was your Christmas day? Enjoy your presents? Ate too much food for your own good like me?
    I went to visit my grandparents and other family in east TN. My favourite part was getting to see my adorable nephew. He’s four months old now and no word can appropriately describe how cute he is. I think my parents had way too much fun with him...tis’ fun to poke fun at my old man and call him a grandpa now.
    I'm home now, simply bushed. It's been snowing a lot today; it looks so serene and is quite inspiring for writing and art...something which I really need to start doing more of. I'm digging in the chocolate I got for Christmas; it's all quite yummy and relaxing on this cool evening. If you're wondering, my favourite Christmas present was Beauty and the Beast from my parents. I also got a Muse album from them, a Michael Bublé album from my sister, and then just an assortment of random things (chocolate, a scarf, coloured pencils) from other siblings and relatives. Very thankful to have gotten this much.
    In addition got to see True Grit--it was a superb movie. It's different from the original John Wayne version, and I have a feeling most people won't like it (ah, my abnormal [or bluntly terrible?] movie tastes), but I fell in love with it. Very witty, realistic, and I loved how it was centered around this young girl—but was shockingly not cliché in the slightest. That’s why it was just so unusual, but a good unusual. It was like Anne of Green Gables bumped into Clint Eastwood and all karzahni broke loose, haha.
    I'll be going down on Wednesday to Louisiana to visit some more relatives and friends. I'm frankly a bit antsy since I haven't been there for nearly two years. Whatever the outcome, I still won't be very active for the next week or two.
    I’m feeling pretty sick and sore all over, so I’m probably going to curl up with a book or play FFIX in bed. As much as I love my relatives, it can get so loud and crazy!
    Take care you dears.
    (P.S. I bought a present for a certain friend and I apologize in advance that it will be sent late :'< )
  12. Lady Kopaka
    Hey, you guys. Read this story.
    Seriously, she's a great writer. Tifosi92's sister, yanno...the talent apparently runs in the family. Also, she's only eleven. I wish I could write that well when I was eleven. I was reminded she's ten, not eleven. WHAT IS THIS I DON'T EVEN
    Speaking of writing aaggggh--I am so terrible with choices. I have all these ideas, and I really want to get some decent stuff up on here again. I feel quite torn between Glitch and LtfB. I miss writing so much! (and art, but a topic is coming soon promisepromise)
    Okay, enough trailing off about myself...anyway, go check that story out--or honestly, any story. Give a new writer a chance. And, I've learned that writers don't care one bit if you just give them a sentence comment in their story (as long as it isn't spam/flame); nothing thrills them more than just knowing who is reading it.
    (but oh oh $30 for Windows 7 and Bonobo music yessss)
  13. Lady Kopaka
    Lady K has finally caught up with serials. =D
    So like… I read Chapter 2 in Dwellers in the Darkness… Hope I'm not spoiling anything but...

  14. Lady Kopaka
    To confirm the suspicions of many BZP'ers who have never seen a picture of me, and only the drawing Turakii did, I bring you the proof.
    More Proof
    Cases confirm that Lady Kopaka does have red hair.
    ....Ok its actually Strawberry Blonde with red along with some blonde and brown. But let’s not get to technical.
    EDIT: To whoever reads my epic, I have chapter I up.
  15. Lady Kopaka
    Passed my written test on getting my drivers license back on Wednesday, so yaaay. =D
    But next Wednesday, I gotta go back and do the actual driving part. Arrgh. D=
    Even if I get it, I won’t be able to use it too much cause of a lack of vehicle. And I have no intention of using my dad’s tank—no excuse me, I mean his truck. xP But it’ll still be exciting to have and I know getting it will make it easier on my parents. It’s also cool cause I don’t have to pay for insurance for awhile…actually, when I do get the license, my parents insurance will get a lot cheaper.
    …How does that work out? O_o
    Also on another random topic, lately I’ve been geting a lot of friend requests from people (here on BZP) I don’t know who the clue they are. I don’t want to add them obviously until I know the person, but I don’t want to ignore them either. Have some of you guys had this issue?
  16. Lady Kopaka
    How in the world do you use this thing? *smashes*
    I usually am a wiz with computers, but this has got me stumped, but probably because I haven't played with it longer than 5-10 minutes. Been rather busy.
    This Sunday was really good, but very busy. I slept late(By accident! ) and was in a rush to get dressed, I need new clothes....
    But good news I made it to church, and guess what? I am now working/helping with the sound stuff and powerpoint. Sure is fun job, but a little scary knowing you have complete control. (Bwhaha...*cough*)
    THEN, after that, my sister and I took care of childrens church, first time we have ever done that without an adult, it went rather well considering how little kids go.
    On my art news:
    *Ehem* Anyhow, I just inked *Toa_Dwan*, now I need to find my Prismacolor maker and an eraser...
    Aranos is finished sketched. FINALLY. But his mask ended good, yay me!
    Been working on a Piraka design, for just a few tries, I actually have one, now I need to do a full version. Someday.
    Have a few other pictures to upload, once I scan my pictures....Hehe, I need a scanner in ma' room.
    Ok ok, better go finish that art.
    But on a note, I think after these requests, I will take a month or two break. You know, to actually give these poor hands a rest, but don't worry, I will get back to requets. Anyway, I have to go to 3 states in 2 weeks. Fun yes, but no fun sitting in the car for however long....
    I forgot to say!

    EDIT: Not weeks...days!
  17. Lady Kopaka
    History II
    Art History II
    Intro To Sociology
    Composition I
    aaaaaahh I finally can take normal classes and not useless developmental ones. I originally wanted to do another class--like a actual drawing class, but thanks to issues with my advisor and holds, by the time I got things working, most classes were already filled...not much to take at my college. That and I really should not put too much on my plate due to health.
    Either way, decent schedule, won't have to rearrange art teaching too much, but we'll see what the future holds. In in the meantime, this is how I'm going to react to it:

    I just have three more finals, three papers (or was it four?) to write, and I am free for a month. One does not know how relieved I am, because I am beyond exhausted, I just want to sleep the holiday season away. So, excuse me as I study some more on my Visual Arts final, and maybe a bit of FF9 before bed. I miss drawing and writing ever so much. :'[
  18. Lady Kopaka
    It's out!!!

    Twenty lovely tracks are all mine! I love you Amazon MP3 for being so reliable and cheap.
    Go get this album. It is the best of the year.
  19. Lady Kopaka
    I am like, extra extra sick right now. I hope it isn't the flu...I'm surprised how long I escaped the grasp of all those ailments traveling around though (I'm not even sure I have a immune system).
    Just Skullkid invited me to go see Harry Potter 7 on Sunday...I can't be sick then! Agh! I don't even remember the last time I hung out with people, much less people my age!
    Besides that, life is pretty much Karzahni. Sick on top of sickness, getting bad grades 'cause of it, a lot of personal problems--every little darn thing goes wrong. Whoever said that the Irish were lucky needs a punch in the face. Now yeah, it 'could be worse' or 'hang in there', but man, right now I can barely breathe through my nose and my head feels like it's about to fall off, I have a right to be emo. SO YEAH. Don't mess with grouchy LK.
    In the meantime, I'm going to curl up and attempt to do homework...and probably end up playing Guild Wars or something instead.
    I also had to quit NaNo. I'm sorry guys. Glitch 2 isn't canceled, but I have no idea when I'll be able to write on it. I'm really sorry to commissioners too; few weeks ago I had started on all the drafting and things were going smoothly...and then it fell apart. I'm trying really hard though to work on them when I can, really.
    Hope everyone is doing good here, sorry for not being active.
  20. Lady Kopaka
    Yes, I got pulled over by a policeman yesterday.
    I've gone casually to a nearby small town, but church is about forty minutes away, so I was all excited to drive by myself there. Well, not but five minutes away from my destination, a policeman turns from another road and comes behind me, and I start laughing to myself if I was stopped.
    Guess what happens? ._.
    I swear, when those lights came on I had a heart attack. I was like, "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO JAIL."
    So I turn off the road and he gets out of his vehicle and comes up to me, and this poor sixteen year old driving newb is about to pass out in her mother's van. He asks for my license and I comply, explain where I am going, and to put it in very simple terms, he says:
    "Excuse me but one of your breaker lights is dead, kthxbai."
    Biggest. Relief. EVER. No ticket, happy to say my dad fixed the light.
    Well that was one of the many 'excitements' I experienced this week. xD
  21. Lady Kopaka
    Life, thank you for being so good for the past week or so (not including being sick agggh), even if it is just awhile. I'm finally enjoying things again--which in this case, is music.
    Lately I've dusted off my guitar and started to practice again, and dabble with the piano. And, I really want to learn stuff in the Electronica/Trance area, and record my own music. I just love creating...and music is just...amazing. I can't find words to describe how much I love it.
    Do you guys have any suggestions for a good program I can use that isn't a zillion dollars? Does anyone approve of Audacity or another free program? Do you have any other tips/suggestions to get me started? Thanks in advance!
    On a completely random note, I'm making an offer on the car tomorrow. *fingers crossed*
  22. Lady Kopaka
    Current Mood: Um...Good?
    Currently Listening To: The Foggy Dew - The Chieftains
    About To Do: School
    I updated my art. Yay me.
    But I still no likey my art. '-'
    Don't look at me like that!
    Why are you staring at me?
    OK, FINE. I'll go open the request list...Be that way!
    I had a weird dream where I met President Bush and he told me he liked my hat. It was cool! (I thought it was really happening at first)
  23. Lady Kopaka
    I'm so exhausted, mentally and physically. Spent all of today trying to get classes scheduled correctly, and most were all full. It's all a mess and I'm one hour under full-time, my classes are scattered around different towns. It's a miracle I scrapped up enough to pay for this semester.
    and my first classes are on Monday and I don't have any books yet. Oh right, I forgot about the cost of books...and gas...how in the world am I getting to classes when my car broken, anyway?

    I want to sleep forever and ever and eat chocolate and play with Lego/Bionicle while watching Roman Holiday, pretending none of this happened. Which actually isn't a bad idea. (sorry if I sound whiny btw, I'm going to be fine, just ranting)

    do any of you college veterans have advice? I'm so clueless on everything.
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