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Status Updates posted by EU-04

  1. EU-04

    Actually, TPTI, the line is from the Bible and various other places. A chick gets possessed by awhole lotta demons, and calls herself Legion.

  2. Me no care! Hark, I must kill!

  3. I DESTROY THE MODS NOW! They disabled the PM system because they cannot do an effective job of moderating? Wow.

  4. Aroo? Haxors in my game?

    *Boots Shark, then goes into forge mode and builds fort*

  5. EU-04

    Interesting insult Nid. Interesting.

    *Smacks Nid with a tire-iron*

    Who else wants to use Your Mom jokes? WHO! I DEFY YOU TO USE ONE!

    *Foams at the mouth*

  6. EU-04

    This Whole PM banneded thing is making me mad! The Admins are Nazis! Media censorship! ITS A CONSPIRACY!

  7. EU-04


    *Rips off Haru's face, and shoves it down is throat. Then sticks a spike grenade to what is left of his head*

    My Niddy.

    *Hugs Nid*

  8. And that reminds me... How do the Protoss... Eat?

  9. Yes, yes. And, no, Coddox, you space elves "own" nothing. Ahaahahahaaaaaa!

  10. Coddox is cool. Coddox is great. If you don't like Coddox, I'll hit you in the face.

  11. EU-04

    Why am I four stars, when you're five? I MIGHT HAVE TO DO SOMETHING CRAZY.

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