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About KennyWhee

  • Birthday 06/05/1996

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    I'm not going to beat anyone for longest interests, but I can try.<br /><br />MUSIC<br />Daft Punk - Gotta love these guys. They're freakin' ROBOTS. That sing!<br /><br />Weird Al Yankovic - He's a genius. Don't doubt that.<br /><br />Lonely Island - More mature stuff here (Younger BZPers, don't search them up) but equally hilarious. Also, they got nominated for an Emmy.<br /><br />Flobots - Alternative rock. Heh. <br /><br />Marting O'Donnel & Michael Salvatori - They composed the HALO theme. Anyone who doesn't like the HALO theme will be shot by Sangheili. <br /><br />Beatles - Classics.<br /><br />Michael Jackson - Too bad he's gone, but he was awesome while he was still kickin' (or moonwalking! :o)<br /><br />Basically, I enjoy Techno and Alternative Rock<br /><br />Books <br />I like books that talk about computers. Be they books about Google and how it will take over humanity, or books that tell me how to program in C. Also, I like thick Sci-Fi novels. I once read a book called Battlefield Earth. It was thicker than a Dictionary. It was also very bad.<br /><br />LEGO<br />Bionicle is win. Everything else is boot.<br /><br />TV & Film<br />I don't watch a lot of TV or movies. Only the very best are seen by my eyes. These include Avatar, Star Trek and Star Wars. And the BIONICLE movies of course. <br /><br />Technology<br />I have a Laptop and an iPhone. Case closed.<br /><br />Games<br />I <3 HALO. Team Fortress 2 is another pet game of mine. Civilisation IV, Half-Life 2 (and episodes) Age of Mythology, Marathon, Dawn of War 40k, C&C, Dragon Age and Runescape are among my favourites as well.<br /><br />

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    http://None to speak of.

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  1. hey im commenting on myself! u speak spanish? me 2! oh yeah , hola! ah, regular... y'tu?

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