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Status Updates posted by Jalajohn

  1. I just like trying to come up with strange names.

  2. Congrats on what?

  3. Yeah, it's of my favorite series. I like The Penultimate Peril best. And in my profile picture is really my cats eye, I like how it looks like the V.F.D. eye.

  4. No i not mommy.

  5. Ok. Frog legs taste good really

  6. You like monk to? I LOVE it!

  7. Monk Fans Unite!!!!

  8. Dude, you got to change your name. People before you have been banned for impersinating HT.

  9. I mean the "Im In Your Base" Ducks

  10. look at me i am posting to my self

  11. Those are two of VFD's codes.

  12. I was born in 07

  13. Welcome, and five stars!

  14. Hey nice sig. It has a me in it!

  15. Jon and Kate fight alot

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