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Rapi-Toa of Elements

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About Rapi-Toa of Elements

  • Birthday 07/02/1990

Profile Information

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    England, UK
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    Xbox GamerTag: ProtoRapius<br />PS3 Name: ProtoRapius<br /><br />Real Name: Simon Davis<br />Age: 20<br />Location: Kingston Upon Hull, UK<br /><br />Occupation: Student (Currently looking for a job)<br /><br />General Lego Information:<br /><br />I have been an avid Lego collector since my youth, collecting minifig sets until I came across the Slizer sets (Throwbots to others), collecting all of the first sets set about me becoming a great MoCer. The next sets afther that was the RoboRacer sets which I only ever bought two of, it was then after that I got into Bionicle, the first sets I bought was Gali, Lewa and Pohatu Olda, the latter who's Kanohi I still bare as my avatar to this day.<br /><br />Movie Genres: Action, Comedy, Anything which can both be awesome and also funny at the same time.<br /><br />Music: Metal/Rock<br /><br />Games: RPGs are a big favourite mine, such as the FF series but also some different types such as the Mass Effect series and Phantasy Star Universe, I do cater to other genres of games<br /><br />Misc Info: Well I am a huge Anime fan with series such as Azumanga Daioh, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Lucky Star, as well as having a near full collection of Bleach manga as well as other books. I also see myself as a good artist and writer, although with both I shoudl do more with; I'm also a fan of MoCs, seeing it as one of my main sources to create and just have fun.

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Tohunga (3/293)

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  1. Happy birthday, dude. I hope you had a good one.

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