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Rapi-Toa of Elements

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Blog Entries posted by Rapi-Toa of Elements

  1. Rapi-Toa of Elements
    So I had to go to dentist today, a tooth at the back of my mouth had chipped tremendously (An accident when I bit a fork whilst eating), I had to have it filled and man it felt weird o.o.
    They had to inject some anasphetic (sp) into my gum and I had to wait for it to become numb, he then started to drill out the tooth and filled it up, I seariously was nervous while he was doing it.
    In the end though it all went out fine and now it has been filled although I still have a sort of worry that it might fall out or I might swallow it by accident o.o
    Well thats my story for today, hopefully my next entry will be far more interesting.
  2. Rapi-Toa of Elements
    Well I am finally a Premier Member now with an awesome blog, however I would like to say that I came first...

    Seriously, apparently I was a Premier Member before even BZP even existed, or even Bionicle for that matter!
    So thats my Daily laugh for today along with my first Blog entry, I'm looking forward to making more!
  3. Rapi-Toa of Elements
    What can I say for this week, I've had a cold and sore throat for 2 days and I get headaches constantly...
    On a good, better note I went around the traveling fair in my town; went in the daytime and got there a bit too early.
    There wasn't anything interesting so me and friends decided to go bowling (I won a game, and nearly broke the entire game by throwing a ball with fingerholes too small for me and getting it catastrophicly stuck in the gutter... >>;
    Other then that I'm all good, been playing this game a whole lot and getting good levels (Lord of the Rings Online) and still trying to find a job.
    As for the title, I've been saying that alot lately, probably another word to say instead of bleh.
    Until next time, Cya!
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