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Blog Entries posted by Kysetara

  1. Kysetara
    Slow day...The hours pass so very swiftly...*rolls eyes*
    Got up late, did some RPing, lunch, online, Watched Dr. Who (Last of the Timelords is a great episode, FTW), played my Pokemon Gold version (Still a great game!) and that was about it. I recently read Bionicle Legends#1 and Bionicle Legends#2 because I was tired of not knowing stuff. My library doesn't carry anymore than those two, though, so it might be awhile before I read the rest....><
    Well, I've decided to do a bit of RPG info tossing.
    Kin: Lots of fun coming your way toward the middle/end of August, Kin. School will be starting for me but it has never stopped me before. I've been cooking up plans with certain Kin people and a large arc will begin. The Kin Council will be a part of this arc so I'm sorry about the delay but trust me, this will be the best time to hold the council. (*cough* Great time to get your characters prepared. Finish up arcs or get to a point where a Kin-wide arc wouldn't interfere) I've been sworn to silence about plans, though, and only those heavily involved have been told many details.
    BoD: The Air Force is going to start building up soon. I'm going to begin work on an outpost in Le-terros and hopefully another in Ga-terros just off the shore of Blackwave. Blackwave isn't exactly a very Air Force base (For good reason, of course. It's the Navy's main base) but I feel the need to have some AF there. I'm going to hopefully work out details with Marc and Nid tonight. Production of Aeroplanes is going to be critical and zeppelins are going to be pushed to the back burner. I'm also going to work on some bombers now too. (Nothing fancy of course.) They'll basically be the same as the fighters just with a heavier payload. =D
  2. Kysetara
    Well, so I was born in...
    What? You don't honestly believe that I would tell the boring details of my life would you?
    *audience shouts*
    Bridgekeeper: GET ON WITH IT!
    I'm still not telling the details of my life here.
    Well, anyways, any of you looking at this probably don't know me, do know me, don't want to know me, etc, etc, etc. I'm Dwin/GDoT. I've been on BZP for about a year and 9 months and as you can see on any of my posts, I have a lot of them. I mostly frequent the RPG forum but every once in awhile I do peruse the Comics (I KNOW HAK! GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT THE COMICS!), Epics and S&T forums. I've made a lot of friends on BZP and probably some enemies (But who couldn't love my innocent...erm...typing).
    Well, during this week, if you follow this blog, you might get some sneak peeks into some upcoming events in the BZPRPG, Atlantis or Anarchy. Also, I might talk about my music loves, my somewhat rants about the current state of Bionicle (I'm getting better! The return of Makuta is a big uplifter for me. ), perhaps a bit of my daily life and maybe some interesting stuff like the things found in Dr. B's blog.
    Well, till next time!
  3. Kysetara
    Well, my weekend turned out to be a bit busier than usual. Fundraising dinner for a missions trip, slept over at a friend's house, went to church, hung out at their house all day, played some Halo 2 (More details on that in a moment. =D), then went to Youth Group. All in all, a very successful Summer weekend.
    Now back to the fun of Halo 2. We weren't playing standard Halo multiplayer. We were basically just messing around on Zanzibar. We were rolling around the exploding barrels, doing special kills with dummy profiles, and just royally messing around. Vehicles recieved a lot of attention as we did crazy things with them. I myself got launched until I hit the ceiling game wall where I continued to bounce off of the windmill and corresponding walkways.
    Well, that was pretty much my whole weekend...
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