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Joey245: Toa of Gravity

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Blog Entries posted by Joey245: Toa of Gravity

  1. Joey245: Toa of Gravity
    Today we have the rare oppertunity to interview Joey245: Toa of Gravity. Read on!
    Interviewer: So, tell us about yourself.
    Joey245: Where to start? Well, I live in Wisconsin, I have two brothers, and I'm a MAJOR Bionicle fan. My upstairs room is full of LEGO Bricks, Bionicle parts, and there's even a few MOCs in there. I recently turned 14, and my parents made a joke that I'm 14 going on 40.
    I: What's on your iPod these days?
    J245: iPod? What is this "iPod" of which you speak?
    I: Who's your fave Bionicle character?
    J245:Hahli. Definetaly Hahli. And maybe Tamaru.
    I: I noticed that you're more partial to the lady characters of Bionicle. Are you a boy or not?
    J245: :angry: I feel insulted! No, I am a boy, I just like the female characters of Bionicle, that's it .
    I: I also noticed that you are obsessed with Gravity. How come?
    J245: Well, when you live in my house, you discover gravity really fast. My house is full of climbable surfaces, and that's how you learn gravity quickly.
    That's all he could share with us now. Come back soon!
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