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Status Updates posted by Hakkums

  1. Tommeh my buddy! Tommi has a birthday! Have a good one, man! 8D

  2. TPTI was closer, though not Muppets. I award you some cookie crumbs. :D

  3. Turkey Day. :3

    Happy Thanksgiving y'all!

  4. Ugh, monkey breath! And I thought Setsuna was tough? :P

  5. Uh-huh...*sits on a lawn-chair inside my happy little self-contained stasis field, drinking Mountain Dew* Continue on...

  6. Uh-oh, what'd he do? :P

  7. Uh...huh...Well, I'll beat that with mine, which involves getting struck by lightning. Shocking.

  8. Um, no?


    *incinerates cake* Now no one gets it. =D

  9. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitaaaaaaaaaamiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Wut's goin on? xP

    When did I get dragged into this? :P

    Ah well. We'll devour the boxes the dough comes in, the tomato sauce, and all the toppings while you eat the terrible, terrible dough! Hahaha!

  10. Wait, nononono. Tahu part of me? D= ... *abandons Lewa* NOT WORTH IT. DX

  11. Want an honest answer? xP

  12. Well, um, I'd like the discord in my profile to pick up more. It pleeeaaases me... *finises the Mt. Dew* Knock it off guys. :P

  13. What's an MD? >.>

  14. What's getting ya down, anyway (if you don't mind me asking)?

  15. Who cares it's cuddly? XP

  16. Who cares, they're goin bai bai. >8D

    *covers ears*

  17. Why you wreck my koalas for me TPTI? You used to be cool, man... ;_; You mean Marty Xaery? Yeah, he's got some decent stuff.

  18. Wibbley Wobbley Tiney Whiney...stuff...

  19. Woot for random ear landing on someone's shoulder. 8D

  20. Wouldn't eating a planet that's 3/4 water (or whatever perecent) make the mighty iron gut rust?

  21. Wut's wong, a big bad Makuta can't handle Sticky? :3

  22. Xaeraz makes a convincing point... FIGHT TO DA DEATH.

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