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Status Updates posted by Hakkums

  1. Sera, I blame you. Get it in your head pal, you take a girls chocolate, and it's a glomp fest. D:

  2. Sets z rit, u has no powah, Powah

  3. Sets: When pigs fly.

    Nihy: Fail.

  4. Shashashashaaa.... *goes santa all over this place* Merry Christmas. ^^

  5. Silly snake. Tasting like chicken. *nibbles*


  7. So...I'm drowning a song? Suhweeet...

  8. Someone did. A sneaky little haxxor likes original things. :)

  9. Sounds good to me. Let's tie him up in a batch of fire works. 8D

  10. Srsly. It's cool. You can even put "I ARE GONNA RUST" in your sig. =D

    ...j/k about the sig. xP

  11. Sure you don't want him a little higher before I drop him?

  12. Tell me, O Munkiman? :)


  14. That makes up for them not being bears. =3

    And I thought you meant Martin O'Donnel, Xaery, the guy who composed Halo's music. =P

  15. That means you're related to me, fool. And the chicken.

  16. That sucks. Did they steal their ideas or copy those word for word?

  17. That's a disappointment. :(

  18. The gate's slow and I've done all I can do, whereas here I have to worry about relentless harassment from you. :D

  19. The KFC guy came second.

  20. The Power That Is Neutral! FIRE!

  21. Then I prescribe Lolcats, cuz they cheer me up when I'm stressed/hyper/having insomnia. =)

  22. There's stars in Imaginationland.

  23. Think he meant you, buddy. =P

  24. TO KRATOS! With all the kissing up and back-rubs he gives the guy, there MUST be some... 8P

  25. Today they own dawgs, tomorrow they drive fire trucks. Planet of the Apes (the remake) foreshadowed our fate. Munki must be proud. Oo

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