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Manterax Prime

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Posts posted by Manterax Prime




    every bionicle set i have has broken joints face palm

    There might be a problem. And it's probably not Lego's :P
    It definitely is LEGO's problem. A problem with their plastic quality that they obviously can't address properly. When HF 2.0 brought new part, I thought they had fixed the breaking problem. Now, 3 years later, I see that I was wrong.


    When parts break even though a set has been left on display, the problem is with the production company.

    What do you mean, "I see that I was wrong"? I have heard accounts of Hero Factory parts breaking. But for the most part, they've been isolated to a few individuals—the vast majority still report no such problems. I'm not sure what sort of environmental issues might be precipitating mass joint breakage for those few fans (and not for lack of trying to discover the cause), but the fact that no such problem has appeared for pretty much everyone else, and that I've still seen scant pictorial evidence of such a thing occurring even from those who do report it, suggests that the issue is no longer endemic the way it was in Bionicle's heyday.

    I'm starting to see fractures in Fire Lord's joints. I'd get new ones but LEGO can't supply them. I already got replacements for Furno 2.0 who had several bad parts and Evo 2.0's hand.

    It may not be as big a problem, but it's still a problem.



    every bionicle set i have has broken joints face palm

    There might be a problem. And it's probably not Lego's :P

    It definitely is LEGO's problem. A problem with their plastic quality that they obviously can't address properly. When HF 2.0 brought new part, I thought they had fixed the breaking problem. Now, 3 years later, I see that I was wrong.


    When parts break even though a set has been left on display, the problem is with the production company.




    It would be nice to see both comics and online games.

    I deffinitely sure we will get some animated series like the one they made for Hero Factory.


    From what i have seen, it seems to be a continuation, and not a reboot.

    A continuation, after so many years, IS a reboot.

    For example: Doctor Who. Revived and brought back to TV in 05.

    It was a reboot of the series. It was also a continuation. It just took place so many years after the original series and the 96 movie.

    Not really. A reboot would be changing the entire backstory, like giving the Toa Mata a new background, and revisiting prior events. It's like the original Superman movies vs Man of Steel. I prefer continuity.
    Yes really. The word "reboot" can apply to a continuation, a remake, or anything else that fits.

    The defintion for Reboot that applies here:

    Reboot - to restart or revive (a process or sequence, especially a series of films or television programs)


    Doctor who was revived in 2005, so it counts as a reboot, but it is still a contuniation, as none of the Doctor's already established backstory was changed. A new backstory was added to act as an explanation for the gap.

    Star Trek in 2009 is a reboot of the original series which takes place in an alternate reality.


    In both situations, the word "reboot" applies. It does not apply to one thing and one thing only.

  4. It would be nice to see both comics and online games.

    I deffinitely sure we will get some animated series like the one they made for Hero Factory.


    From what i have seen, it seems to be a continuation, and not a reboot.

    A continuation, after so many years, IS a reboot.

    For example: Doctor Who. Revived and brought back to TV in 05.

    It was a reboot of the series. It was also a continuation. It just took place so many years after the original series and the 96 movie.

  5. Wait. They implemented that stupid policy?

    That's why I haven't gotten the September-October issue?

    LEGO, WTH?

    I thought the majority of votes in the pole were from people over 13 and would be upset if the didn't get to subscribe.

    In fact, I'm sure of it. They still did it?


    Well.....I'll be making a call to customer service.

  6. Well, I've pulled up this example before - Hasbro a has a booming collectors market with the Masterpiece line of Transformers figures. Perhaps we'll see something like that, kind of like the fancier, expensive sets that most kids wouldn't get their hands on.

    Hasbro's primary "booming market" is kids, while collectors are only a small portion. They complain about mpst things Hasbro gives them anyway.

    So, no, I don't think LEGO should pander to older fans. It just leads to complaints and rage if what they get isn't what they want.

    Oh wait, people are already doing that.



    This is... this is the first time I'm hearing of "Greg's ending". When did this happen? Was it in MNOG or something? I've been walking around for the last 12 years thinking the Toa teaming up to fight eachother's shadow doubles is how that went down :P

    In the BIONICLE Encyclopedia from 2006, the entries mentioning the Shadow Toa stated that the Toa defeated them by absorbing them into themselves. IIRC someone asked Greg why that was, since it contradicted Tale of the Toa, and he more or less said "I didn't like Hapka's version, so I changed it."

    As he's probably done with several other established elements of the canon. And people wanted him on the new story team? No thank you.

    Hey, Greg, your stuff isn't canon if it contradicts something EVERYONE knows.

    • Upvote 1


    Definition of Reboot according to the Oxford Dictionary:


    'Restart or revive (a process or sequence, especially a series of films or television '

    That's a rather poor definition because it fails to explain whether the old story is continued or not (the deciding factor in whether the revival is a reboot or not).
    When a reboot does not have any correlation to the original, it's sometimes called a remake. Reboot just happens to be a catch-all term. The new Robocop is a remake. The new Star Trek films are a reboot, even moreso because they have a tie to the prime universe, that tie being Spock.
    • Upvote 2
  9. No one's just a 'fan' of anything anymore. People tell me they're a "big fan" of something, or "a huge fan". Being just a plain old fan nowadays just means you're a loser who's not even interested in whatever franchise you're talking about.

    So you're saying I'm a loser with no interest in bionicle?

    I'm gonna add that to my list of "Dumbest things I've ever heard".

    Watcher is right. That's really narrow minded.

    • Upvote 2


    And we discussed this on Facebook but we really need a fandom name now haha



    Uh...no. No way. Not in the slightest.


    We don't need a fandom name. We're fans, nothing more. Call yourself a fan.

    You're the second person who has said that. What is it that's so bad about having a cute name to refer to fans? I think it can be a point of pride. Kind of like how schools will identify with their mascot. So for instance, at my elementary school we weren't just "such-and-such elementary school students", we were Patriots. At my middle school we were Tigers, and at my high school we were Yellow Jackets. It helps establish a sense of identity and solidarity. Except even more so, because what I'm a fan of is a much bigger part of who I am than the school I went to.


    I'm glad to call myself an AFOL and a brony. I'm not quite comfortable calling myself a Whovian because although I enjoy watching Doctor Who from time to time, it's not a community or an interest I'm passionately engaged with. But being a BIONICLE fan is something that's definitely a big part of who I am, so if I had a label I could wear with pride I'd do so in a heartbeat.


    "Chroniclers" is one of the best-sounding names but it's also a bit generic for my liking, and as a term with a literal meaning it might be liable to confuse people. I can think of plenty of terrible, terrible ideas, of course, like mimicking the "brony" label and calling ourselves Broa. :P Bad idea. The next best term I can come up with that has the same sense of camaraderie is "Biomrade", which also sounds kinda stupid. I guess even if we did come up with a term that had just the right connotations there's no guarantee it'd take off.

    So. We still don't need one.

    I don't identify with fandom names as I view the use of those titles as one dedicating themselves to a single line or franchise.

    I'm not dedicated to any particular franchise and as I'm merely a fan. It's an all-encompassing term by the way.

    Why do we need a fandom name when "fan" does the job perfectly.

    • Upvote 1
  11. I pointe it out elsewhere, but if this is the Mask of Creation, it's been drastically redesigned and somewhat simplified. The MoC was forged in many diverse and intricate ways to represent every single culture in the MU. That includes the likes of the Vortixx, the Skakdi, Steltians, etc. It also has "angular and pointed"/evil eyes. NONE of those are present in this mask/helmet.

    • Upvote 1



    Anyone remember a year or two back where Lego gave those Lego Club CD's in each magazine?

    I don't remember them having them in each magazine, just in a particular issue. That was kind of cool even though the content was all stuff you could find online.

    I worded that wrongly. I meant each magazine in that issue.

    I still have said dvd.
  13. Hey, LEGO, what are doing?

    I wouldn't be upset, I'd be furious.

    I've always kept subscribing, and this is going to be detrimental to the fans.

    And on the suggestion of an AFOL paid subscription, Brickmaster didn't last very long.


    Oh, LEGO, why are you doing this?

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