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Blog Entries posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. EmperorWhenua
    For some strange reason I'm starting to like Hawthorne Heights. Dunno why. Somehow the emo-pop is just appealing all of a sudden.
    Nothing else to say...
    Well, actually, I have a whole lot to say, but I'm too lazy to write it all.
  2. EmperorWhenua
    Here we have a great '84 Jaguar XJ6 Vanden Plas, special edition.

    It has new bodywork!

    The when iside, your view will be great!

    Great upholstery!

    Also has a splash of color in great looking blood red!

    Also has a brand new engine!

    And last, but not least, it has an attractive rear!

    And what is the price for this great car? Why, the owner was dumb enough to put it on sale for a mere $99.99! That's right, you can have this priceless piece of junk for a slight cost of $99.99! What a deal! So come on to XXXX, XXXXX, XX XX, XXX, or call the number that is not on the bottom of your screen, and buy this great car today!
  3. EmperorWhenua
    Due to the fact that poem topics in COT are largely ignored and can die, I decided to compile a single blog entry meant for all my poems to be added and stored for both future reference and commentary.
    Newest ones come on top, the earlier works on the bottom. That way, when you look at the entry, *BAM!* there is the newest work. No scrolly-rolly to do.
    Poems with topics will have a link.

    Man's Vision
    Under the glow each insane leer
    Lays an ocean of surging fear,
    That crunches the human soul
    Like a hammer destroys a bowl.
    The man, with a twisted mind
    Shows a grimmace to his own kind;
    And with his wilting eyes
    He is burning deep inside.
    And yet every time he stared,
    He could not even dare
    To lift his finger at the figure
    That he saw standing there.
    Cuz' each vision gives a rise
    To a brand new enterprize.
    But as each man runs the maze,
    He can't see through the haze--
    And thus calls himself a sage.


    I'm Stoned
    I'm stoned--
    I can't figure out what I have taught;
    I'm stoned--
    Can't see what I have brought;
    I'm stoned--
    Could not see how this was wrought;
    I'm stoned--
    Please help me: I am distraught
    I'm stoned--
    Please show me this is who I am not.
    I'm stoned--
    Lord help me, cuz this can't be all I've got!


    The Pathfinder
    ( Dedicated to what I call 'The Dream.' )
    I try to make a path,
    A path that has no sorrow;
    But as I blaze this trail
    I can't help but hate tomorrow.
    For tomorrow brings a sadness
    That dwells within the heart--
    A feeling so much stronger
    That it tears me apart.
    I swing this machete of might,
    Slashing every grudge,
    But soon I find myself completely
    Unable to budge.
    But! Alas-- Look upon the earthen swells!
    The peak of this mountain-- nearby it dwells!
    Perhaps if from that point I behold
    I will see what my future holds!
    But as I stood upon this peak,
    My eyes saw nothing but what refused to abate,
    And while the sun shone in the distance,
    All I saw for now--
    Was hate.


    The Chasm
    (Dedicated to who is known here as Zenith.)
    Man is always hanging
    Over a chasm of fate,
    Man relies on man
    And all they get is hate.
    Man is constantly dangling
    And consistently haggling
    As others are secretly gambling
    As each to his own mate.
    Some find nothing but anger,
    Others nothing but danger
    But they all are always longing
    For peace waiting at their gates.
    For as empires rule and crumble
    Our lives begin to tumble;
    For even the mighty sun sets,
    And all we can do is grumble
    About the lies that become our truths.

  4. EmperorWhenua
    I just wanted y'all to know that Coldplay is my one true musical love. <33
    I feel that their music can speak for me in oh-so-many ways, describing me in one way or another at any given time. For an example, for over the last year, In My Place was my flagship song.

    I felt lost, and that song was what could describe my very essence in trying to help but making too many mistakes.
    The song Talk also proved to be a fitting song:

    Politik is a piece of art, and the last three minutes, though almost nothing but melody and sorrowful voice, carry to my ears and almost make me cry in the beauty I feel in it. But currently the #1 song in my life would have to be The Scientist--

    THAT song makes tears form in my eyes every time I hear it, and for those who know me, you'd know I am rarely the kind to cry even in the face of distress. And for that someone special out there, you'd know why this song means so much to me.
    But what makes Coldplay such a great band is not just the music alone, it's the heart that inspired the music. The quartet consisting of Chris Martin (lead vocals), Jon Buckland (lead guitar), Will Champion (drums) and Guy Berryman (bass player) are more than for guys who decided to make a record, they are friends who started a little project in college and got good at it, and together they put all their effort into their works to create a soulful sound that comes from a team and a community that dwells on a peaceful goal to create the best that group can do. That is something few bands these days can do, but Coldplay does it. And they do it well.
    I rarely show it, but my emotions deep inside of me are always working, and because of the fact that the last thing I wanna be is some pumping metallista who jumps up and down bangin' on the walls (which I almost became, lol), decided to go for the serene and peaceful sound of Coldplay, to direct my emotions positively and weed them out without tearing my bunk bed down. Rather than beat the table with a stick, I cry, and that is the power of music.
    The power of Coldplay.
  5. EmperorWhenua
    I have copywritten my sig line. It is MY siggy line and shall remain in MY sig forEVERmore.
    Violation of this will cause me to stalk you down and give you a fee bill personally.
  6. EmperorWhenua
    Upon sight of the new cunfuzzeling Smeagella4, Janice, among others, I decided to grab my old set of pink dresses and join the bandwagon. As such, you're comments blocks will be plauges by pink for the next 45 days.
    Comments, critisism, joining, ridiculing, etc, goes here.
  7. EmperorWhenua
    Today was exceptionaly warm, sunny and everything seemed fine. Dad was still as stubborn and confused as always, and he was "searching for him house" as he almost always does when confused, not realizing he -is- home. Now we all knew he was not able to drive anymore (we knew that a while ago) and even thye docs and medics all shunned his driving, but when he wanted to do something, he'll go to extremes to do it. He walked out of the property and down the road in the direction of town, and Mom caught up with him in the family classic car (that happenes to be his car, an '84 Jaguar XJ6 Vandem Plas) and picked him up, intent of bringing him back home. However, he insisted to go into town to find his house. A short while later, Mom turned around and started back home, but Dad raised a fit and almost jumped out of the car twice. Finaly, Mom was forcible removed from the car by the far superior muscles of my old man and soon Dad was the driver and the sole person in the car. Mom started walking home (it's only a mile or less from the place where the control standoff occured) and soon came back up. Dad, however, was nowhere to be seen. After calling a friend of his, Mom was startled by the cell phone going off. I answered and it was none other than a police officer. After handing the phone to Mom, I turned away expecting nothing less than a note of my dad speeding. When I heard "where was the accident?" though, I was instantly interested. A moment later, I heard the news: Dad had a bad wreck and he was en-route to the hospital.
    A while later I was on my way to the hospital and saw what USED to be a beautiful golden car that used to turn heads. Well, it still does, but not the same way anymore. The engine was utterly destroyed, the dash was crumpled and the steeringwheel almost torn off. The entire front of the car was little more than jumbled gass shards and destroyed regal amenities. There was a very obvious pool of dried blood, too.
    Turns out he had a head-on collision with a tree. This would have been fine had it not been for the fact that it was at 40-50-60 miles an hour and he did -not- have his seatbelt on. At the hospital I found out that he was in severe condition, on life support and the true extent of his injuries. His entire ribcage was broke, his left lung was destroyed and his right lung almost gone, his face broken and his neck possibly broken, too. His entire face was drenched in red, and the fact was he was stable, but he could still die any moment.
    As I looked at his unconcious body, I saw could only help but ask myself if he had learned his lesson yet. But then, a bad accident never has shaken a chronic desease from anyone. All I could see was a pitiful man who had gone far too far. No feelings other than hope that the ordeals of life were over yet.
    I did not cry. I don't even think I flinched. A little faint because of the pure blood, but I got over that.
    He has since been flown north to Portland for better systems with my mom there in the plane to make the thumbs-up/down in case it comes down to it, if you know what I mean. I'm at home on the toilet tapping this eagerly to shake it off me, half constipated and too full of hamburger to move any faster than an ox, but I'm alright. Mom's up at the Portland hospital, and I will follow tomorrow. The car --if you even want to call it that; I call it a trash heap-- has since been placed here on our estate and will eventualy be scrapped for spare Jag parts.
    I'm not sad, shocked or have any emotions whatsoever. I'm just angry, for the lack of a better word. Angry that this happened, of course, and angry that I sould do nothing about it. But most of all because if he dies within the next twelve hours, I would have never gotten an apology from him, nor me to give him an apology that I know he deserves.
    I'll update later if there in any news on the issue, and any support is greatly appreciated.
    April 10, '08.
    Dad survived, it seems, with nothing but head trauma and a smashed face that has since been fixed. Two days ago, we brought him back home, an action which I detested but had no chioce but to allow. The trauma, however, seemingly advanced his Parkinson's by almost a year, and if I thought it was bad before, it's ever more worse now. Currently, we are trying to find a mental facility to care for him indefinitely, but are having problems with that due to an already tight budget and a debate with the healthcare system.
    Just wanted to let ya'll know he's alive and "well" sort of...
  8. EmperorWhenua
    I am finally doing my blog revamp! Yay and such.
    Most notable is the main block to the right (--->>) has category banners (credit to Adventurer for them) and thequotes have been removed, pending a designated block for those and other quotes. The Dark Side block will be replaced with a more general gallery and the munkie and octapus have been grouped together.
    I hope to liven this blog up and make it emerge from dull utilarianism eventually, but this is all I'm doing tonight. Any ideas will be regarded with thought, too.
  9. EmperorWhenua
    I'm finally watching the LOST season 4 on the web, so that means I am getting up-to-date, lol. And one observation of mine is this:
    The more I see of Benjamin Linus, the more I like him, even though I'll always hate him.
  10. EmperorWhenua
    I has two-thousand posts now. *nods*
    About 1,999 of it is spam, too.
    *forgets all about it and just keeps posting*
    On the other hand, it's almost 3:30 AM and I feel a little sleepy. *yawn* Screw the 3K for now, then.
  11. EmperorWhenua
    So, yesterday when Mom and I were in Portland, we stopped by at Powell's Books, the greatest bookstore west of the Rockies. I did not have a certain book in my mind, but I decided to browse the philosophy section for good measure, then the Geography area. When we came out, she had some dumb Spanish phrasebook and I had, uhm...
    The Blue Nile, a docubook about the exploration and exploitation of the Blue Nile, the other volume of the Nile books by Alan Moorhead (I have The White Nile, so I was surprised to see this book, which I instantly snatched up).
    The Social Contract and Discourses by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, obviously up my alley.
    and Fundamentals of Logic by James Carney / Rick Scheer, because I simply need to exersize logic more often.
    And I was already reading Sacred Stone by Clive Cussler to fill my adventurous self. So I think I'll be reading alot for a little.
    On another note, I've been dating fellow Jedi Council member Atris, and we are currently engaged.
  12. EmperorWhenua
    My PM inbox is almost full. I think it would be best that the threshhold of Premier Member's inboxes be expanded to 1500 so that I do not have to go through the most ardous task of deleting the messages I have there.
  13. EmperorWhenua
    Recently I have looked through my room and found my old case of pencils, pads and erasers, all still proffesionaly packed in their slots and places.
    Truth is, I am an artist. I may be a little rusty, seeing as it has been a while since I picked up my conte' or B2, but I can warm up a few times and start working again.
    I draw pencil and pen nature scenes, sometimes with a splash of color, and use the more orthodox things of art rather than the newfangled things. As such, sadly, the only ways you can see my work would be if you came to Oregon and saw it yourself, seeng as I do not trust scanners to make proper renditions (with good reason, mind you My scanner does *blip*work). But for those who are dear enough to me, I might send you a nice, frameable, lovable river scene.
    This just in: EW is also a writer, but just does not publish any of his work.
  14. EmperorWhenua
    I guess my last entry was depressing. <sigh> But, good news! Yesterday and today I feel alot better, due in no part to an e-mail I sent last night that made me feel more fulfilled.
    The sun has been shining here, litelarly and metaphoricaly. Sure, still is as boring as hick (it is Oregon, after all ) and the tests are still here on my desk, but I still feel soo much better.
    Bloggy news: essay on the way, by, like, tomorrow. The theme is different, about what I call the "State of Honesty." However, it has meaning to me, and thus it will be posted.
  15. EmperorWhenua
    The State of Honesty

    - - - - - - - - - -

    Can you imagine a community where nobody can be trusted, everyone keeps an eye on everybody, and nothing is what it seems? Though easy to depict it, one cannot truly grasp the problems that would persist in such a case. Not even I, for that matter, but then, I don't have to in order to talk about it.

    The problem with such a community would be the fact that there is no honesty, a factor that would inevitably wreak havoc on the entire society as a whole. How?

    Politics would be little more than a bunch of lying and bickering figureheads that would not help the community because of mistrust back and forth. Elections would be reduced to little more than races for higher distrust, and votes would be very, very low.

    Games ranging from chess to golf to baseball would be rendered unplayable due to rampant cheating and infighting among players, disrupting the peace of a chess match and the politesse in the gentleman's game alike with wicked efficiency.

    Business would starve because stealing and lying to cover the crime would be decimating the industries. Wages would be terrible because of an imbalance of the system, and higher ranking officials who control the monetary system in a company would be the richest, while middlemen get almost nothing. Costumers who are semi-trusting or simply dependant would be taken advantage of like sheep following a murderous shepherd.

    Crime rates would be at an inconceivable high due to corrupt law enforcement and untrustable neighbors. Anyone could be a mad axeman.

    ... Get enough? While this may have seemed extreme, it is happening around all the time. There are so many cases of lying and mistrust that I cannot bother counting them. But you now can see how important honesty and truth is to a society.

    Now, I was taking a town as my example. You may ask what this would have to do with someplace like BZP, or something as grand as a huge nation. However, it all fits together nicely. I should say that I am a believer of Chaos Theory, and the linear dynamics, etc. While I am not entirely for the theory as a whole, I do agree with the system and the way it ties everything together, big and small.

    ((Let me give you a quick rundown about Chaos Theory and the an idea I believe in. Look at a pebble under the microscope, and look at a mountain through binoculars. Both of them will have the same ruggedness and will be related, mo matter how much you strip either one down. I look at BZP and look at the USA, and they both look the same, have the same problems and are identical when it all boils down to it. That is how I relate them both, and thus believe that these essays have huge relevance to both societies.))

    In my past essays, complete and published and incomplete and, er, NOT published, I have established a variety of links between something like BZP and a nation of any size. Both of these rely on several principles: rules, enforcers, and people. These three things make a community, and without them there can be none. Show me one society that works that does not have at least these three things. As such, we can see how BZP and *fill in blank if this were blank* are related. More can be added, but they only add to the concept.

    How would a lack of honesty hurt a place like BZP? While lying here may seem more difficult, it is actually not that hard. I have seen many people (myself included) blame everything on the server busyness, and that is one of the primary ways to get by with a spam post. (("OH! This is spam! uhhh, I double posted! It was the server! I swear!")) As such, the lesson is never taught by the enforcers, and the citizen learns nothing other than maybe another perfect alibi.

    That was just one idea of a lack of honesty in a community like this.

    But then, when looking at something like, oh, say, a debate, and you are sticking to your belief even though it is wrong, who are you kidding? By rejecting an idea that is obviously superior in logic and wisdom to your own, you are lieing to yourself. Now, who wants to lie to themselves? I don't and you should not, either. ((However, I have done it before, and I hated doing it. But now I have already come to terms with the issue.)) Not only are you being dishonest to yourself, but also you are mocking truth, and if the opponent is correct, him, too. So you can see how this would be very bad in a debate searching for greater knowledge.

    And yet I see it every day, happening all around me and in me. I have done it so many times I feel terrible. Yes, I am confessing to it, and that is one of the reasons why I made this essay, so that you do not make the same mistakes I did in the past.

    Communication is, as I established in a previous essay, a very important --if not THE most important-- part of a community, and if it is blemished by a lie, false thought or malicious concept, it ruins communion and the community as a whole. Just think: would you have others lie to you? I thought not.

    Please, remember to remain honest. And as the line goes, "a honest person has nothing to worry about."

    ((I think this is the first Respectism essay I have made that does not contain the word 'respect.' Hm. Wait... I just said that word. Awwww, dang.))

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