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Blog Entries posted by EmperorWhenua

  1. EmperorWhenua
    Official Fog Fanclub

    Comment here if you want to be a member of the fanclub or discuss this miraculous state of suspended precipitation.


    -Toa Lhikevikk-
    Mysterious Minifig
    Emperor Kraggh

  2. EmperorWhenua
    Dec. 1 again - Finally completed everything I can think of, and resolved several issues brought up in reviews. As such, I'm posting this as the final feature, and unless there are any more problems, this is how I'll be submitting it... very shortly. I'm surpassing all my deadlines, actually, and this may just be submitted as soon as tomorrow.
    Also, the staff have been selected. One more Game Assistant slot is open, so if you're interested, this is your last chance.
    So yeah. Roast away!

    Star Wars RPG: Episode III: Coming of Shadows 
    "You seem confused. Here, let me set you upright. There, that's better.
    "Who am I? I think what I am is more important than who I am. I am a vigilante, a warrior, a law unto himself. They call me the Jedi Killer. I live up to my name.
    "Why do I kill Jedi? Is it hate? No. It is not that simple. I stand against the Jedi and their beliefs. Against their doctrines. And it is only inevitable for me to stand against the Jedi themselves. Am I a Sith? No, it is not so simple. I cannot even use the Force, nor do I even carry a lightsaber. I am what I am, a tool of fate, a herald of death. But I can't do this mission on my own.
    "Will you stand with me against this menace? Or let life die in the growing darkness?"
    If you were with us in the past two RPGs, you have a slight advantage here.
    Darth Maelos has been defeated. The Sith all but destroyed, the few remaining members of the dark order killed or converted to the light. The Republic in complete shambles after the wars, however, leaving the Galaxy in the hands of the Jedi Order. The tough but small Republican Navy, headed by the equally gruff and old Admiral Caral, was all that was left of the old government, and it was soon absorbed into the growing flaps of Jedi agencies. Nobody was strong or brave enough to challenge the rapid rise of power and authority of the Jedi banner.
    The great luminaries of the Order, former Grand Masters Tro-Gon and Twan Qwin, were already dead, leaving Jedi Master Teej to take command of the Order, and he did his job well for nearly twelve years, asserting Jedi dominance in all affairs of the Galaxy. It was not the wrong thing to do. The people willingly accepted the fact that militias were under supervision of mythical glowstick-wielding demigods, that trade was governed by peacekeepers and even their daily lives administered by Jedi. Why? They were desperate for an authority.
    They soon found out, however, that the Jedi were no different than those dynasties that ruled before them. They were not evil or corrupt, but they were disillusioned and distant. And with the sort of power the Jedi held, even the good Jedi, it was only natural for them to succumb to their own authority. Benevolent violence, pure order, divine rule; these were terms they used to justify their iron fist, and while they were trying to do what was best, they were simply not used to their positions.
    Master Teej ruled well for a long while, until one day in year 223, he was assassinated, his bodyguard and escorts too, on a peace mission on Naboo. Other high-ranking Jedi took the lead, but they all were killed, one after another.
    Finally, an influential young Jedi Master named Kai-Rei took command and had the accused assassin killed. He only made things harder, becoming more reclusive than the other Grand Masters before him and much more strong-handed. But he did keep the Galaxy together.
    The Jedi themselves became more liberal, frequently using dark side powers, however they were not Sith at any level. They were not cruel, simply misguided. They were not evil, only confused. They still had the age old ranking system of Padawan, Knight, Master, Senior Master and Grand Master of the Order, with various other subtitles and ranks such as Weapons Master and Consular General, all of which are bestowed only to the worthy.
    They received dominion over all governmental forms, even controlling commerce and trade, armies, and local provinces. They were spread thin, but maintained a rigorous stance in government. But with Kai-Rei in control, things went slightly more amiss. The Jedi seemed to have become more selfish and totalitarian than the civil and humane philosophies of Teej. Even their Grand Master has become Chief of State, something even Teej avoided for fears of becoming too powerful.
    In this time of muted light, the people of the Galaxy became just as confused as their rulers. Anti-Jediism lingered from the destruction of wars past, and some people even hated the new Jedi government, even fighting it. But these were a minority, as the vast populace of the Galaxy embraced this new law and order, feebly welcoming Jedi with open arms. Others were indifferent, seeing government as inconsequential, the result of themselves and the quick credit being their only masters.
    It is in this tumultuous time of twilight, or dawn, as varies, that you, the citizens of the Galaxy, much choose your path.
    The Galaxy has changed a little since we last saw it.
    This once-barren wasteland planet and former home of the Jedi is now a planet teeming with life of the jungle. Apes and birds fill the air with their calls, and the Jedi Praxeum there is still one of the finest Jedi enclaves built.

    Still the galactic seat of power, the cityscape planet has grown enormously in population. The skyscrapers reach even higher into the atmosphere, and the sky itself is filled with floating colonies, each ruled by its own magistrate. The Jedi Temple has sprouted new wings that stab into the city, its foundations have been expanded and its towers are ever higher. The Jedi Palace, an enormous and elegant building, has replaced of the senate halls, as if standing as a bouncer, calling out that the Jedi are here to stay.
    Naboo is, as it always has been, a watery paradise of soft sandy beaches and pristine vistas. Still ruled by an elected monarch, it is, however, now supervised by a Jedi Master who possesses final say. The queen is regarded as a figurehead administrator, not the absolute ruler. This is upsetting to many, though Naboo is still a peaceful world and they have not raised conflict with the Jedi about it.
    Nar Shadaa
    The old Smugglers' Moon was decimated by the Vong Wars, but it was rebuilt by the Hutts. Now a jungle-city, thick with the millions of beings who work their long shifts and live in the slums, it is filled with noisy beasts of the forest, and sometimes people wonder who are the owners of the planet: the people or the pests? Still, it is an ideal place to hide, teeming with life, if ever desperate.
    Once the Sith's ancient home, it is now a vortex of light-side energy, home to a multitude of small villages with peaceful inhabitants, several small Jedi temples dotting the surface in places.
    Yavin IV
    Many of the old Massassi Temples have been razed flat, and the few remaining ones are hidden half-buried in jungle. A Jedi Temple sits unused, reclaimed by nature, and the planet has become a mecca for the lonely and grieved.
    Onderon and Dxun
    The historic Core Worlds duo still remain. Modernized and industrialized, Iziz, the capitol city of Onderon, sprawls ever larger than it did in millenia prior, and is now ruled over by a totalitarian monarch. Dxun, its twin jungle moon, is home to many mutants and deformed creatures, many of which have also immigrated to Onderon, and landing here is a suicide wish, as anyone and anything is quickly devoured by the ravenous fauna. Onderon, however, is also a highlight for archeologists who delve into the deep subterranean levels for relics of civilizations past.
    A very scary place.
    Star Wars is an expansive universe. Many things are there, many unexplored reaches holding undiscovered creatures, and corporations exist providing new technology all the time. For these reasons, this RPG is in a controlled-freerange format, where what happens is totally up to your imagination. Feel free to develop your own storyline, your own settings, everything. However, you do have limitations.
    The RPG does have a synopsis, and it is highly encouraged for you to follow with the main plot, since it is the driving point of the whole thing. Also note that the main plot is in control of the staff. This is fo ensure stability in the RPG structure. However, that does not mean you, the players, can't have plot-building characters. I may or may not place certain members on the Jedi Council or in charge of certain gameplay aspects as a perk, but these will be exceptions and not the rule.
    There is a lot of technological advancement in the weaponry. Here is a small list of the most common things you might find, and what they are capable of doing:
    Still the primary weapon for the Jedi, this weapon creates a blade of energy that can cut through almost anything save a few rare metals. They are never found outside of the hands of a Jedi, and an untrained user will usually end up killing himself with the weapon.
    ARC-9965 blaster rifle
    This is the main weapon of the typical infantry classes. Very accurate and powerful, it is however heavy and expensive. Usually has about 40 shots per clip, and has a medium range.
    KX-80 Repeating Blaster Rifle
    A squad-level light blaster rifle, it eventually was manufactured on a large scale. More inexpensive than other rifles, it is typically held in the hands of the special infantry and naval forces. Medium range and power are made up by its simple amount of ammo, allowing up to 400 shots per clip.
    E-11 blaster rifle
    The primary weapon of Stormtroopers before the august infantry force was abolished, this rifle is now one of the most common guns in the galaxy, found as the main weapon of the denizens. Many fors of the weapon exist, from shotguns to sniper rifles to carbines, the result of its sheer volume and customization. Standard models have 500 shots, though this changes dramatically based on the changes made to the guns.
    Blaster Pistols
    These diminutive weapons come in a multitude of forms. Weaker and lighter than rifles, these are seen as the common sidearm. They change forms all over, and many times are modified to fit the uses of their owners. They usually hold a mere 50 shots or less.
    Thermal Detonators
    The grenade of the Galaxy. Powerful explosive handheld devices that can cause a concussive blast radius and wreak havoc on groups and machinery alike. Very rare because of its simple destructive properties.
    Many other weapons exist, too, some unique to their owners. Feel free to develop your own, though they must keep with the realism of the weaponry in the Star Wars universe.
    Immigration Forms
    To become a player, you must fill out a form, telling me details about your character. Now, you can change the form as you need, but this form works best for my purposes.
    A few things you should know before going around and making your character:
    1. If you are a Jedi, you start out as a Jedi Padawan or Knight. No Masters yet. Details later.
    2. No super-awesome characters. If you have this uber-powerful guy in mind, PM me and I can tell you whether he's okay or not. Keep in mind, however, there is a line to cross.
    3. No, your character cannot be a commander of a huge army. Neither can he be a wealthy connoisseur of a ginormous corporation. Details later.
    4. Be original! Don't be generic! Don't just say "Mandalorian armor" cuz you have no idea what Mandalorian armor looks like now! Don't model him entirely on Obi-Wan! Make him unique to you!
    5. No, you cannot be Sith. That's over with.
    Just copy-paste the following form in the pink.
    Username: (This is who you are on BZP.)
    Name: (This is who you will be in the game.)
    Species: (Is he a human? A semi-human? A Gungan? A Nemoidan?)
    Gender: (It'd be nice to know...)
    Faction: ("Faction" is very loose here. Basically, what side is your character on? Is he pro/anti-Jedi? A Republic fanatic who wants the old system back? A bounty hunter? Tell us!)
    Morality: (Basically, is he good, bad, neutral, good-chaotic, bad-chaotic, etc.)
    Features: What does your character look like? What clothes does he wear? What color is his skin and hair? Any distinguishing features, like a facial scar?)
    Weapons and Abilities: (Is your character a Jedi who uses a specific lightsaber form? Is he a martial artist? Is he something else? Does he use the Force? If not, does he have any special abilities?)
    Personality: (What is your character like inside?)
    Biography: (Tell us as much or as little as you want about your character here.)

    [b]Username:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Faction:[/b] [b]Morality:[/b] [b]Features:[/b] [b]Weapons and Abilities:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]Biography:[/b]
    Fill that form out and PM it to me. I'll either approve you or not approve you, and depending on what I think/my mood/etc., then you can post in the RPG proper. And don't post questions about that here. That's bad. And it makes EW mad. Mad EW = Bad EW. Don't make EW mad. Capiche?
    Now, of course, people may need some sort of transportation. Thus, I have the Ship Registry Act. For this, a few extra guidelines:
    1. You can have either a yacht or a freighter.
    2. No, nothing else.
    3. Yes, it can have weapons and shields, but keep it simple, people.
    4. No, it can't be the fastest ship in the galaxy.
    5. No, you can't have a Star Destroyer, or any large ship. The goal here is to give you a mode of transportation, not a totally tooshie-kicking badposterior cruiser. Keep that in mind. I'm not going to approve a large ship for those reasons.
    Just like with the profiles, fill the form out and PM it to me.
    Ship Name: (Quite straightforward.)
    Ship model: (Yacht or freighter)
    License number: (A ten-digit code of your choice with letters and numbers)
    Weapons: (Pretty obvious. Don't go overboard.)
    Other Ship Stuff: (Navigation, hyperdrive, shielding, etc.)
    Ship Description: (What it looks like, etc.)
    History: (Some ships may have a story. Tell us!)

    [b]Ship Name:[/b] [b]Ship model:[/b] [b]License number:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Other Ship Stuff:[/b] [b]Ship Description:[/b] [b]History:[/b]
    Note: If you misuse your ship, it can be taken away from you. I'm trusting you to use it properly, but if I decide you can't use it, it goes *poof*. Just like that! Got it? =D
    Now, onto the rules! Everyone loooves rules, right? Right!? RIGHT!!?
    1. NO God-modding. No super-awesome-wolf-squadron-team-dynamite moves, no auto-dodging, no auto-hitting, etc. If something is as such, I will wipe the crime off the face of my LCD screen.
    2. ALWAYS use Ic and Ooc (In character/Out of character).
    3. NO off-topic discussions with Ooc. Gotta conversation? Take it to PM.
    4. BE realistic. I cannot stress this enough. Unlike god-modding, this pertains to storyline and stuff. You can't go to Onderon and raise a rebellion by preaching on the streets. You can't dig your way out of a prison with a wooden trowel. You can't know where everyone is or what they know. You can't pop in randomly and say "Hi," to a character you never met before. The list goes on and on. I'm known for my realism, and I expect my RPG to run accordingly.
    5. DON'T kill other players without the other player's permission. If you do, bad boy.
    6. RESPECT other people's storylines. Many people have their own subplots going, lore to develop for their characters, etc. Don't interfere with them. By all means, interact, but don't mess them up. If you want to negotiate with them on something, PM them.
    7. OBEY the staff. Make them happy, and they'll keep you happy. Especially me.
    8. IF someone asks for a recap, DO IT. Help himher get back in the game right away. This keeps the game moving along briskly.
    9. All BZP rules apply in this game.
    10. I, and the staff, reserve the right to deny anyone playing privileges at ANY TIME.
    11. PLAY fair and bring cookies.
    Jedi ranks: As you saw, you start out as Padawan or Knight. If you prove yourself, I may make you a Master with some added benefits, like extra Force powers, more respect in-game, and political authority. Wanna be a Master? Show me ya got the stuff. Ask to be a Master and you'll be knocked off the promotion list. Got it?
    Ships: Indeed, a bigger, faster ship is always nice. Depending on how you play, Ic and Ooc, and how well you use your ship, I may upgrade your vessel's abilities. But if you want a much larger ship, like a Star destroyer, the answer is no. There will be times when you can be IN a Star Destroyer, but you likely will not be in charge of it.
    Other: And if you impress me and the staff, we may add some extra benefits for you, or reward you in some other ways. Don't ask for it, though.
    Game Master: - EmperorWhenua
    Game General Manager: - Crimson Jester
    Game Assistant: - Exo-Fat
    Game Assistant: - Multivac'sEntropicDilemma
    Game Historian: - oogy boogy
    [Temporary note by EW for the Judges: Most of the NPCs will be decided on by a joint staff decision, since the staff will be in charge of these administrative peeps. Other NPC profiles will be added as they are needed in the story, keeping relevance and use as the most important documentation tool when archiving NPCs.]
    Jedi Master Kai-Rei is the reclusive and powerful Grand Master of the Order. Not much is known about him, other than the fact that he apparently has Skywalker blood in him and is extremely powerful in all aspects of the Force. He usually remains on Coruscant, living behind the veils of power in the Jedi Palace.
    Username: EmperorWhenua
    Name: Ton Tanj, the Jedi Killer
    Species: Near-Human
    Gender: Male
    Faction: None/ Independent terrorist.
    Morality: Chaotic-good.
    Features: Ton Tanj is a near-Human. Genetically the same as other humans, though there are two differentiating things: one, his agility and speed, and two, his teal eyes. He stands at nearly six feet tall, not too tall but not short to the point that he can’t run fast. His hair is semi-long and unkempt, usually in a wavy mop when not in headgear. He bears a long, vertical scar down his right cheek, a close call with a lightsaber. He has a few tattoos, including a few swirly designs on his left fingers.
    He wears a pair of durable trousers, dark brown and very resilient. He wears a shirt of the same fabric, though lighter in colour, which sports a removable hood. A leather utility belt with cinch buckles for gear, as well as a few slots, goes around his waist. He usually is seen with his coat, a gray robe with black trimmings and gold embroidery on the trimmings. It is not as loose as a Jedi robe, but not restrictive at all, thanks to being made of a stretchy material that flows well with movement. It also has limited blaster dampening and camouflage abilities.
    Weapons and Abilities: Tanj carries many weapons. On his belt, he packs a blaster pistol, a set of minor grenades, and pair of gemstone-pointed spiked knuckles. On his boot, he hefts a pair of butterfly knives. On his sleeves, he carries several pairs of stilettos which he can throw. His main weapon, however, is the cortosis weave sword he carries in a scabbard behind his back, though he can clinch it to his belt.
    As for abilities, Ton Tanj has many skills:
    • He is dead to the Force. This means he can’t be detected through the Force, and neither can direct Force attacks do anything to him. Of course, this means he can’t use the Force, either.
    • But that is made up by his skill in martial arts. Ton Tanj is a Teras Kasi master, as well as very skilled in many other sorts of hand-to-hand combat, being a match for any enemy.
    • These skills are only doubled by his skill with weapons, especially bladed personal weapons. He only carries one gun, and uses it only very sparingly. His skill with his sword is to the extent that he can rival even the best Jedi in sword combat. Whether this is due in part to past Jedi training or pure skill is unknown.
    • Despite his lack of Force sensitivity, he can harness, at least to some degree, telekinesis. How this works is unknown, however he has demonstrated the ability to move things mentally, if with great stress.
    • He also knows how to use the area to his advantage, finding loopholes to traps and even using the environment to destroy his enemies.
    • He is skilled in espionage and assassination, as well as technical things and piloting.
    Biography: Not much is known about Ton Taj’s past. The only thing that is known about him is his present self: the infamous Jedi Killer. It is unknown how he learned his skills, or even why he felt the urge to kill Jedi with a passion.
    As the Jedi Killer, he has both an underground cult following and a vicious criticism base. Some claim he is the bringer of light, saving many from the evil clutches of the Jedi; others say he is a terrible and heartless killer of law and order. But both sides agree on one thing: he has a very specific mission and he knows exactly how
    These positions have very good perks.
    Game Master is me, of course. I lord over all, just from behind the scenes. The Jedi Grand Master is mine, but he doesn't do too much unless I want him to do so for story-changing.
    The General Manager oversees the stuff, makes sure things are going as planned, and takes command in my absence. He is one of the co-leaders of the Jedi Order, with an NPC in the High Council.
    Game Assistant is the next tier down. More detailed, like how a Forum Assistant is to a Leader. He can't take command should neither of the above are available, but he still has a resistance NPC in charge of anti-Jedi Order actions.
    The Historian has a couple duties. He posts updates on the story, helps new players, and keeps up-to-date on what's happening. As a perk, he is the propaganda boss. He is in complete control of the Holonet, meaning he can broadcast the news to everyone, everywhere, however he wants to.
    We can also have more than one Game Assistant, since there are minimal duties and always more room for more.
    The reason why the staff are in charge of these things is so that the story is well held and concrete, acting as one. If I appointed members to these positions, it would be lose and biased, some people even pursuing their own goals. Like this, the staff are in control and things don't go all over the place.
    So yeah; interested? Lemme know. Have ideas to change things? Lemme know. I'm still a bit rusty and creaky on GMing and RPG-making, so C&C much appreciated.
  3. EmperorWhenua
    I dunno what took me so long.
    I absolutely LOVE IT.
    And the Old Man Fight scene... So many Star Wars allusions, it was so awesome.
  4. EmperorWhenua
    We did a ten-mile trail hike in three hours today. Knees were sore and my thighs were tired. Goodness, that showed me just how out of shape I really am. >.<
  5. EmperorWhenua
    Firstly, I would like to make an Imperial decree stating that the word "Nukayawesomeness" be an official word in every language known to humanity.

    Now, why is Nukaya awesome, you say? Let us sample but a few of the many aromas of Nukaya's awesomeness:
    She is from Oregon, the most awesome state in the Union. She is from Portland, the most awesome city in the most awesome state in the Union. She is eclectic. I love anyone who can love anything. She constantly directs me to geeky websites with more-than-geeky merchandise, which my inner geek loves. She is very fun to talk with. She is the first BZPower member I have met in real life (in Portland, BTW). She is an Art major in college. Art = awesome. She is athletic, doing track, pole-vaulting and prooobably more. She likes drinking Tazo tea. She does soap-box derbies and went to nationals. She has been to BrickFest '09. She doesn't... Feel free to contribute and/or make a blog entry about Nukayawesomeness! 
    Also, please look at ChocoFrog's blog entry also pertaining to Queen Nukaya. =D
  6. EmperorWhenua
    How many of you want me to go ahead and make that Star Wars RPG already?
    ... Anybody?
    ... Okay, fine, I won-- *is interrupted by protesting crowd*
    Oh, fine, I'll do it.
    Working on the rough draft to the RPG right now. Will have it submitted for approval by mid-December. Give support and/or monetary donations here.
  7. EmperorWhenua
    Really should be 'bored meetings.'
    My dad was an executive guy. He worked in offices and sat at discussion tables all the time. I always wanted to be a part of this of world of business, be on the real decision-making team, do that kind of stuff. And now that I'm in a few of them, I realize just how totally droll and stressing they can be.
    So yeah.
  8. EmperorWhenua
    Monday had a very fun evening. 8D The Macadamian blog fad was surely one of the most fun times I've had on this site. I remember I opened up B6's blog entry and read where he called it a fad, and I was like "Waaht?" Then I looked at the blog homepage and saw entry after entry titled "Macadamia Nuts" or similarly-themed, and I suddenly realized what I'd done. One of the best moments evar. xP
    Tuesday was uneventful.
    Wednesday was, of course, Veteran's Day here in the USA, and as a Boy Scout, I was at the parade for the event here in my local metropolis (hah!). The parade itself was fine, and we did not get rained on until afterward. We had a chilidog lunch before doing the Annual Scouting for Food drive. I am thankful I brought my waterproof Philmont had, or else I'd have gotten really, really wet. However, my feet got soaked anyway. Apparently, my Sketchers are not waterproof in the slightest. Makes me sad.
    Thursday was my Boy Scout meeting, of which I am in charge of now (SPL!). It was about flag ceremonies and a sudden thing about uniforms. Personally, we could have done without the uniform part, since the lady who did it is an ex-military lieutenant and all and wants everybody proper and tossed out such random facts that even I, who am usually very much in the know, had my head spinning. She wants everybody to wear everything possible on the uniform, too, and I find that ridiculous. I was also pulled over on my way back home. No, I wasn't speeding, but my right-side headlight suddenly gave out inexplicably, and, well, they caught me.
    And that brings us to today. A normal Friday. I'm doing laundry right now and we have a banquet to go to at 6:30, but otherwise meh. Though my dad had a sudden drop in blood pressure and is going to see the doc in an hour. (Oh, and it's International To Write Love On Her Arms Day (TWLOHA) and Friday the 13th, so you can butcher people with loving passion. <3 And yes, I wrote 'love' on my arm. =P )
    So yeah.
  9. EmperorWhenua
    I joined it.
    Caedast is taken by the Cruoris Iurandi, but Nakaii has yet to have even an introductory post, maisnly because I dunno what to exactly do with him. Is anyone interested in having a good not-so-old toa in their ranks?
  10. EmperorWhenua
    Introducing the EW's Lists segment of this 'ere blog. EW thinks of lists to make, makes them, and you get to read them! Price? Absolutely NOTHING! That's right folks, it's FREE! And who can say no to free stuff, eh?
    Let's start with three basic lists:

    The outdoors Music FRIENDS FREEEEEEEDOOOOMMMMM~ TEA Winning Good food Traveling Storms Oregon Dislikes:

    Overconcerned adults Depression Rich snobs Listening to the same CD over and over and over and over and over~~ Cleaning Avocados and beans Failing at life in general Responsibility Driving Not fitting in Goals:

    Become successful Live up to my family name Make new friends Find new music Hike the Appalachian, Alaska, Pacific Crest and Andean trails and the entire length of the Great Wall of China (phew) Perfect my knowledge on the Romance languages and German Find my lost relatives Bake more cookies and breads Find the love of my life Find new goals  
    Want me to add more lists? Or even make lists for you? Comment and tell m what kind of lists ya wanna see and I'll make 'em.
  11. EmperorWhenua
    Coconut -- Harry Nilsson

    Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
    His sister had another one, she paid it for the lime

    She put the lime in the coconut, she drank 'em both up (3x)
    Put the lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up, and said

    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Doctor, to relieve this bellyache, I said
    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Doctor, to relieve this bellyache

    Now let me get this straight
    Put the lime in the coconut, you drank 'em both up (3x)
    Put the lime in the coconut, you called your doctor, woke him up, and said

    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Doctor, to relieve this bellyache, I said
    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Doctor, to relieve this bellyache

    You put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both together
    Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better
    Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both up
    Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning

    Brother bought a coconut, he bought it for a dime
    His sister had another one, she paid it for the lime
    She put the lime in the coconut, she drank 'em both up
    Put the lime in the coconut, she called the doctor, woke him up, and said

    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Doctor, to relieve this bellyache, I said
    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Now let me get this straight

    You put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both up (3x)
    Put the lime in the coconut, you're such a silly woman

    Put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both together
    Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better
    Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both down
    Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the morning

    Woo-oo, ain't there nothin' you can take, I said
    Woo-oo, to relieve your bellyache, you said
    Woo-oo, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said
    Woo-oo, to relieve your bellyache, you say

    Yeah-ah, ain't there nothing I can take, I say
    Wow-ow, to relieve this bellyache, I said
    Doctor, ain't there nothin' I can take, I said (3x)
    Doctor, you're such a silly woman

    Put the lime in the coconut, you drink 'em both together
    Put the lime in the coconut, then you feel better
    Put the lime in the coconut, drink 'em both up
    Put the lime in the coconut, and call me in the mo-o-ornin'

    Yes, you call me in the morning
    If you call me in the morning I'll tell you what to do...

  12. EmperorWhenua
    I'm surprised a blog entry about nothing got more comments than most of my entries about something. o.O
    Anyways, I use Gmail, and I have those little popups that come up when I get new messages. And well, this thing is so awesome. It's like... it knows when to tell me I have a new message. I never get those popups when I'm AFK, but as soon as I sit down, it'll tell me I got mail. It's amazing and smart.
    Also this blogger now accepting submissions for new blog title.
    And finally, I only just listened to Own City's Fireflies. I swear, this is the first song I like in a long time that is not some lovesick melody. *closes eyes and sways to song*
  13. EmperorWhenua
    To all those I've hurt, offended, or just plain troubled: I'm sorry, I'm such an ignorant, arrogant fool. I am sometimes assertive and domineering cuz that's how I mask my real sense of insecurity and nervousness.
    This issue actually goes much deeper than that, but I won't go in detail about that here in my blog. If you really want to know more, then contact me and I might just talk about it.
    On another note...

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