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Posts posted by Jithra

  1. Beautiful work! I did get a feeling of foreboding from the clouds, (which I'm glad, having just read that that was your intent) and they do make Takua look small and vulnerable. They are, however, distracting in the sense that my eye kept on wandering away from Takua's smallness and towards "Makuta." If you wanted us to focus on Makuta, than perfect! If we're suppose to focus on Takua, then something has to happen to bring the viewer's eye back down. What, I'm not exactly sure, because I absolutely love the textures you've created in the clouds and the almost-silhouette of Takua.Perhaps playing with the distance between cloud/Makuta and Takua? My thought being so that they're not as separated from each other and also so that the blue sky doesn't act quite as much as a severing of the two but as a bridge instead. (I'm not sure if that would help lead to Takua or not, but it's the only thing I can think of at the moment.)Again, beautiful work! I enjoyed it very much.

  2. Man, I was a bit worried when I first started reading these posts and was only seeing a week or two...I'm glad I'm not the only one who took a really long hiatus.For me, it's been about...*counts* ...Darn, about 8 months now. Initially it was because I was in the middle of a out-of-state move/college transfer/jobless and just under a lot of change and stress when the forums were made available again. After things settled down I kinda just...Forgot. (The long hiatus didn't help.) I'm hoping to be on here more frequently and participating again, but it depends on what life decides to throw at me next.

  3. I'd be all for that! I love looking at art books and seeing where a concept started and how it progressed to the final design and product. Like other's have mentioned, it would be neat to see how each year was planned and the work that went into it. Being an illustration/concept design major, I'd personally love to see tons of the earliest drafts for different characters and settings, and even "scrapped" ideas as well that never made the final cut. The one concern I'd have is the price-to-content ratio. I don't mind paying a bit more for an art book so long as there is an adequate amount of content to justify the price. (Which is saying a lot coming from me. I tend to buy my books second hand & used, but I'd buy this new if I felt the content was worth the price,)

  4. "Welcome to the MU massive robotic universe. Would you like me to run the tutorial program?"But seriously, even if Makuta had trained and thought this through, I'm sure it would be a terribly jarring experience. You go from controlling a small body to a massive robot that you used to live inside. "Look down, there's the sea way way below. Getting dizzy?""Yeah, a little.""Well don't fall down, cause the last time that happened the entire universe was thrown into a thousand-year dark age.""Oh, good advice.""And while your at it, keep in mind that you have to manage the lives of several million beings and natural processes inside you. Good luck!"I don't think any amount of training could prepare Makuta for that.-don't touch my pocket protector

    XD Man, now I want to see that in either a short story or comic...Anyway, I'm not going to repeat what everyone is saying, but another thing to keep in mind is that there's a difference between book-learning, and experience learning. I read how to drive a car, and studied, and even drove similar vehicles that worked roughly the same way. However, it was a whole other thing the first time I had to drive surrounded by strangers going 40+ MPH and had to put that book know-how to use instantly. I knew what to do, but I wasn't particularly graceful at it the first time and had a "learning curve" to conquer. And I didn't even have a riotous, rebelling group of passengers behind me doing everything they could to make me crash while I was driving for the first time. :P(Brief edit: To get back to the point, Makuta Teridax may have had the "book knowledge" to run the robot, but he still had to gain the experience and deal with factors he wasn't suppose to deal with before he could operate it efficiently) There's my thoughts on it.
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