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Blog Entries posted by Daeruk

  1. Daeruk
    Well, today was going nice. Until Ultimate Dume fell off the top shelf... again... It was amazing, the other time he fell off the top shelf was just last week, quite a dramatic scene. Ultimate Duma falls, in his grip was Iruni. On the way down he grabs Nuurakh from the second highest shelf, throws him to the ground before the two hit. Dume's not quite done defacing my collection shelf yet, he decides on the way down that it is extremely important to knock Matoro's Zamor launcher down and spill all the zamor spheres (zamor spheres that only come with Matoro set).
    It was actually interesting cause after all of that, Ultimate Dume was laying on his face with him on his knees, Iruni's head was completely missing, along with two of the zamor spheres. Nuurakh was suprisingly intact.
    Now, a week later and Iruni's head has been found along with one zamor sphere. All that remains is the last blue sphere. Maybe I should take the biggest top-heavy sets off the top shelf?
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