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Blog Entries posted by duuuuude_:_y{}leader

  1. duuuuude_:_y{}leader
    not to much to say, but i was laying in bed being vary restless. and i thought. *FINE! i will make a few new MOC's* and so, i got building! and so it continued. working, on them, for days. and now... i'm done! i finaly finished them. one, took me two weeks!(the first that i worked, on.) and i shall be posting, them shortly.
  2. duuuuude_:_y{}leader
    well, i'm gonna get off, soon. i dont have much to talk, about. muahahahaha!!! but i have an IM, username: duuuuude_halo_masta
    ya, know this is kinda odd. is it ok,l that this is all that i'm saying?
  3. duuuuude_:_y{}leader
    well i've only been working, on this story, for a while. sort've like :wakeup2: a couple weeks', or so. i thought i'd have an entry, about it. hmmm, theres is'nt much, to say. but there'l be many more charictors, and MUCH more've a story. alright.... sooo here we go onto the story!
    the legends of vorcoz-nui: charictors
    belak toa of vorcoz-nui:kini-vor
    morkiz/morkiz master of wrath:po-vor
    turaga bakri:po-vor
    king varcanza:great castle of shadows
    jorang/liwet:great castle of shadows
    zivert/forict:the water's of despair
    low water drone:the water's of despair
    low/med/high earth drone:fortress of shadows
    king's body guard:great castle of shadows
    morkiz master of wrath/morkiz:cavern lahkri po-vor
    mordra clones scum of po-vor:cavern lahkri po-vor
    Belak was sitting on the porch, of the turaga's hut enjoying the cool fresh feel of new spring air. and watching the
    matoran scramble by every now and then with hua powered buggys. he could here a coulple matoran, bargining for
    a kohli stick, at the sports store nearbye. the turaga of po-vor was inside
    telling storys to some young matoran about
    his adventures as a toa. and about the time he was fighting, along side his
    felow turaga, (that were toa at the time)fighting
    off small hords of visorak. and after days of battle finaly drove them off, and
    made it safe for the matoran to rome the
    island freely once again. "i only wish we had freedom these days." belak said to himself.
    "as do i brother." said forict. as she walked up from behind the hut.
    "ah sister it is good to see you"
    "and you as well any news as of yet?"
    "not much that is not a story by the turaga" belak answered jokingly
    forict laughed and said "i'd be oftly suprized if that old turaga was'nt telling
    storys'" the two laughed together
    belak stood and said "we'd better be off to find the other toa we've urgent
    buisness, i'll explaine on the way"
    CHAPTER 1:
    "we've been having trouble with our shipment here in po-vor" said belak "the
    matoran involed cant remember what happend they somhow black out just as they
    see the earth drones coming!" "what?" asked forict "you mean they just blacked
    out and....nothing?" "yes! and when they woke the shipment his gone" belak answered
    "so when do we come in?" asked horen eagerly " easy my young friend" said belak
    "forict,horen,liwet and myself will go with the shipment and keep
    it safe while the rest of you follow far behind and try to slow down anything
    coming if needed retreat back the shipment train and we will be united" "but why do not just
    stay together the entire time?" asked callkin horen answered "becouse noray and
    you have the mask hau and morkiz is the strongest' of us you can hold them
    off longer!" "agreed?" asked belak everyone nodded in agrement "and so we go"
    so the seven toa set off. four went to the train, and left the other three, to guard, the area behind them.
    "well this is uneventful" complained callkin "patience callkin" said morkiz
    "wait what was that?" "what was wh-AAGGHH!!!" just then, four med and low
    earth drones all jumped, callkin, using their claw like arms to scratch his
    mask. morkiz used his mask komau, of mind control, to take them off but then he was jumped from
    behind, by three high earth drones, and held down but used his own claws, to get
    three off of himself. noray had his own problems'. callkin maneged to get his attackers off
    by using his swords'. "noray shieding!" he yelled. noray activated his mask hau
    for a tight fitted shield, around his body alone. then callkin sent an intense heat wave over
    him, and destroyed the drones on him. then they helped morkiz with his
    attackers, but there were too many of them, so they destroyed the drones' on morkiz and ran for the
    train "what are they shipping that could cause the drones' to attack like
    this!?"asked morkiz, as they ran. "i dont kno-ZZZZZ" callkin suddenly fell to the ground
    "callkin!" called noray just then an energy burst hit him, as well and he fell.
    "noray! morkiz yelled and saw another burst and called on the mask,
    hau of shielding and used it. the burst hit, the shield, and disapated. so he
    stopped and faced the oncoming field of drones'
    then liwet and forict came running, and ran past him heading toward the oncoming
    drones froict yeld "run!" "no!!" sreemed morkiz "just get back to the train!" as they
    ran closer and closer, to the drones. sud'nly they both fell, to the ground
    paralized. "nooo!!" screemed morkiz as the drones' kept firing. attacking. his fallen
    brother and sister. he looked upon the oncoming drones, with anger, with rage.
    he wanted to destory them. rip them to pieces'. and so...he did. he used the mask hau
    and sent the shield, in a wave and sent more and more, waves'. destorying them
    quickly. but soon there were to many of them. he was growing tired, so he ran. he dident
    know where he was going, he was just getting away. and soon he was lost in the
    deserts' of po-vor. he was tired, dehidrated, lost. he came upon a cavern there were
    insciptions' on it he read them aloud "cavern of lahkri beware" he said to
    himself "beware of what?" just then he heard, somthing. he dident know what it was,
    at first but then it hit, him. he dident know why, he haddent thought of it,
    before. but it was obviouse, what it was. it was the lahkri beast!
    CHAPTER 2:
    "forict! morkiz! noray!" yelled belak "were did they go now?" he thought
    "uuuuuhhhggg" he heard a moan "who's there?" he asked "belak?" asked noray "noray! you're
    alright thank the great spirit!" noray slowly got up and asked "were is callkin
    and morkiz?" "right here" answered callkin "though i do not know were morkiz is"
    " we'l have to search for them, soon"
    i hope you like what, you've seen so far! please comment.
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