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Element Lord of Milk

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Posts posted by Element Lord of Milk

  1. I don't know if you could really call it a project, but over the past few years I've been sporadically working on rebuilding all my old sets. Sadly I've pretty much done all I can with my existing complement of parts, and need replacements in order to finish the few sets I have left.


    I've also been working on finishing off my G1 set collection in tandem with rebuilding my existing sets. At the moment though I'm focusing my money on things other than Bricklink orders, so both endeavours are on standby for now.

  2. For favourite I'd probably say 2004. It was when I really started getting into the story with the comics and, up until 2015, the Toa Metru were the best fusion of gear functions and posability in the line. I also think that Legends of Metru Nui still holds up the best out of all the movies.


    For least favourite it's hard to decide, since I liked pretty much all the years, but if I had to choose I'd probably say 2008, although only based on the sets. I just wasn't really a fan of most of the designs, mainly because silver, black, and grey were primary colours across all the sets, and being right in the middle of the brittle sockets debacle didn't help matters. Although I did love the story for the year.

  3. It was either Maku Mctoran or Gali Mata. I can't remember which came first. I was only like 3 and a half years old when I got Maku at least, since I remember getting her from McDonald's, which means the promotion was still running. Gali was a present so she might have come later, but it's already a miracle that I can remember anything from when I was that young, so the time details are hazy.

  4. The shells (picture 2) are usually referred to by length in terms of studs, for example, the shell in the picture is four studs long.


    The bones (picture 1) I haven't really seen a unified way of referring to the different lengths, but I imagine that length in studs would work for those as well (The one in the picture would be about 5 studs long) .


    Picture 3 I've just seen referred to as "Bionicle shell add on" in most places.

  5. The actual cost in Canada is only about $225 CAD, (Not including tax or price varying from retailer to retailer) since they aren't priced as an accurate currency conversion. Protectors are $12.99 CAD, small Toa and LOSS $17.99 CAD, and big Toa are at $24.99 CAD


    I definitely think they're worth that price (Currently have all the Toa as well as POI, POS, and POW, and just ordered LOSS, POJ, and POE off of the Lego site)

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