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The Tracer

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About The Tracer

  • Birthday 04/24/1993

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  • Location
    The Middle Forest, Other Earth
  • Interests
    Writing, Reading (Especially Ted Dekker Books,) Comic books, Mountain Dew, Vitamin Water, Playing Guitar, and most importantly Jesus.<br />That about sums up my life.<br />I'd like to have a really long, interesting interests section, but I don't, because that's about all there is to it. Of course I'm interested in other things, like The Office, and Switchfoot, and Blinside. And of course, I'm not interested in nothing, because by its own existence, nothing becomes something. Just like nowhere. If there was such a thing as nowhere, because it existed, nowhere would be somewhere. There's no such things as nothing and nowhere. There's always something. So I guess I could be interested in nothing, as long as it's clear that I'm only interested in the failed concept of nothing and not in nothingness itself. I'm interested in the idea of nothingness. I'm also interested in the time 11:11. I see that time alot. I'm keeping my eye out for November 11, 2011, at 11:11 and 11 seconds. It'll be an interesting time. Even more interesting than 6/6/06. The time 11:11 is the only time of day where every space of the digital clock is filled, and each space is the same digit. Except for military time, which includes 22:22, which in normal time is 10:22. So are 10:22 and 11:11 somehow connected? Or is it nothing? Well, I've already established that nothing doesn't exist, so 11:11 and 10:22 have to be something. This is just one of those few things I'm interested in.<br />So, I guess I can't be one of those people with a really long interests section...oh well.

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  1. Another Ted Dekker fan! Sweet! Say where did you find your Personal Photo?

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