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Posts posted by Meraceire

  1. Hello, denizens of a once popular forum (almost no topics here?)I have been absent from this forum for almost three years, mainly due to the franchise dying out, and having a life. I came back just today to check up on things, having held a contempt for the place ever since I left.I took a look through BS01, and the BZPower Comics Wiki. When I looked at the BZPComicWiki's article on RZMIK, I felt sad, and a pang of nostalgia went through me. :( So I decided to take a look at the ultimate RZMIK sheet that was externally linked to. Then I looked at Rokroro's attempt to make a full 6 shaded version of RZMIK in double resolution. And as it stood, it was really good, but not complete; and so I made a double resolution version of the ultimate, but still in three shades. It's definitely not the same quality, and it was made chiefly using an algorithm, but it will be an easy fix for comic makers.First off, I take practically no credit for this; almost everything is down to the people listed in the sprite sheet. I only did the resizing. I might consider doing the six/more shades on everything, but that's for the future. Or maybe it isn't.So here's the sprite sheet, for this (dead husk of a?) forum.rzmik2_0_0.pngReally hope this isn't too big.If you want to save the transparent version, just Right Click --> Save As...The big name comic makers don't seem to be here any more (i.e many of the makers of GQ etc.) but I'm putting this out here because... Actually, I don't really have a reason. I just said "fudge" it.- Signing off

  2. Wow. It's... been a while.All I can say is... good job man. Your art style has really improved. Gripping story and great scene changes, it's a shame you couldn't get it into the contest...(also, sorry for being a #####)Oh cool, the extremely strict censorship is still around.

  3. Hello. It's been a while. Almost 3 years, actually.I guess all this stuff got deleted in the great "dataclysm". Oh well. It's not that I'm here for popularity or anything. I put my entire lego collection away in my basement a while back.Here's a brickshelf gallery of the stuff (god, this site still works?)http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=385340I don't expect anyone I know to come along and post, but that's just life. Thanks, everyone who still comes on this forum...! - Signing off

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