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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    Been a while since I've MoCed. I haven't really improved. But I still had fun! Might as well use this space for assorted musings that I didn't want to clutter the topic with:
    *Placed a few Bricklink orders, but most surprisingly was just stuff from my collection.
    *Crown was I guess vaguely inspired by Game of Thrones? Wanted something ornate but not too over the top. Taller than I expected, given that, but I still like it.
    *Weapon was meant to be either A. way more complex, or B. a reference to his original 2003 staff, but neither ended up happening. Laziness! There was also a shield, but didn't like the final product, so I ditched it.
    *Also super happy with the waist, in particular; it's got the spin, and the hip pads were a fun choice.
    *Piston legs are completely unnecessary, I just wanted that as an homage to 2006-2009 titans, and it was interesting getting them to work with the Unity piece (that I just covered up, ugh).
    *The butt area is unfinished. Conveniently, cape!
  2. Dorek
    It's been interesting having to hold onto this secret for two months. I'm definitely sad that BIONICLE is over, but there are so many places the community can take this that I'm actually a little excited. I hope people respond well to our plans for the future.
  3. Dorek
    warning: probably NSFW because it's Kotaku and they drop f-bombs like it's going out of style. The article itself is actually clean, but there are comments and the main pic they use is somewhat disturbing.

    Kotaku - Why People Get So Worked Up About Canon

    Shock horror awe, BIONICLE isn't the only line with a convoluted and alienating past. The article makes a lot of good points about how the collective experience of a franchise can actually be corrosive to itself, and that sometimes the crazy things the people in charge do aren't necessarily bad all the time.
    Probably the most relevant passage:
  4. Dorek
    Hah just kidding. But BS01 does have a new front page design so you should check that out.
    Still needs some fixes (like making links actually show up...)
  5. Dorek
    Hey kids (or not, since kids get the magazine). Want to read that BIONICLE magazine insert in a high quality PDF version? Me too! So did LEGO, apparently, since they put up a listing for the digital version.
    The catch? They uploaded the wrong file! Lovable scamps. Star Wars is great and all, but they also have a separate listing for that insert (and no, it doesn't have the BIONICLE file).
    However, this was also like two weeks ago and they haven't changed it since. I emailed them about it and got the standard "we'll forward your complaints to the right department" nonsense. So more people should email them about fixing the file, because I want that PDF. Go on. Do it.
  6. Dorek
    Pseudo-traditional gift posting:
    *DualShock 4 - Magma Red (imported at the same price as a normal one, if you can believe it; there's a scam in there somewhere)
    *DS4 Charging station (because I'm lazy and they have terrible battery life)
    *Books! Too many to list, but a Robert Ludlum novel and Amy Poheler's newest book spring to mind
    *iPhone charging cables (yes, plural; these tend not to last...)
    *Oh and a new computer
    **Also Microsoft Office which I was unreasonably excited about because it's been forever since I've used a proper word processing system
    Wasn't expecting the new computer, but I definitely needed one. Still haven't set it up yet, though; too busy setting up my dad's new soundbar, which is half for me anyway
  7. Dorek
    *I'm fairly certain this phrase is owned by Coca Cola, so all rights and usage thereof is derived from them.
    No but seriously, Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc etc. Hopefully you all got what you wanted and then some (BIONICLE!).
  8. Dorek
    Wait I'm premier again how long has it been sweet baby gukkos
    Thanks bfa! You're still bfabulous.
    So... how about that Korra finale?
    seriously it's been like four years since I've been premier that's nuts
  9. Dorek
    So they restocked a few Kingdom Hearts 3d: Mark of Mastery editions in Amazon, so I decided that I should snag one. Free shipping and the like, and if worst comes to worst, they are pretty generous with their return policy. Regardless, it is something I'd like to have, even if that case doesn't work for the XL =P.
  10. Dorek
    So. These blog things are confusing. What do YOU people want to talk about? I can ramble on and on for days about nonessential (or essential) topics but that doesn't mean any of it is interesting. What do people enjoy talking about on here (besides ponies) that makes for good discussion?
    Ask me something, ask each other something, just ask anything... interesting.
  11. Dorek
    Well then. I can has blog. How very interesting... Much like Christmas, I'll probably forget or not feel the energy to blog, but ah well.
    So I've been playing Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep lately. That's probably the most fascinating thing in my life. Going to buy KH 3D (though I keep wavering on the MoM edition, since I just realized that the case that comes with it won't fit the 3DS XL which I also hope to buy soon >: ).
    Aside from that, I'm in France. So I won't get to see TDKR for another few weeks. Which means the internet isn't really a safe place. Sucks.
  12. Dorek
    Traditional posting of Christmas loot.
    Assassin's Creed: Revelations (eeeeeeeeee)
    Transformers: Dark of the Moon (I thought it was a good movie, sue me)
    The Book Thief*
    Garmin GPS (thank god; the one I had before tried to kill me )
    Scarf (I feel like a hipster, but my neighbor made it, and it's a darn fine scarf)
    Nanobricks (like LEGO, only on a smaller scale; random gift from an old family friend, but actually really cool)
    Believe it or not, no LEGO. However, I did already order Surge and Splitface from S@H. Consumerism, or divine providence? The latter makes me sound less awful.
    *Soooooo many books to read already; I'm still working my way through the rest of the Ender's Game series (I have like, three books to go, in addition to some short story stuff I think I'm missing) not to mention a few other nonfiction books I've been meaning to get through.
  13. Dorek
    Or Merry, or whatever unfathomable adjective synonym can be used appropriately without slaughtering the meaning.
    I just like the way Happy sounds. Not to mention everybody in my family goes "HAPPY CHRISTMAS HARRY" to which I respond: "I'VE GOT PRESENTS".

  14. Dorek
    In west Philadelphia born and raised
    On the playground was where I spent most of my days
    Chillin out, maxin', relaxing all cool,
    And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
    When a couple of guys who were up to no good
    Started making trouble in my neighborhood
    I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
    And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air."
    I whistled for a cab and when it came near
    The license plate said FRESH and it had dice in the mirror
    If anything I could say that this cab was rare
    But I thought "Nah forget it. Yo homes, to Bel-Air!"
    I pulled up to the house about seven or eight
    And I yelled to the cabbie: "Yo homes, smell ya later."
    Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there
    To sit on my throne as the Prince of Bel Air.
  15. Dorek
    I am surprised BZP actually came back up, but hey, I'm sure there were plenty of people who really wanted it, so, it works. Not much has changed with me. Really digging the show "Terra Nova", it's a lot more fun than it looked from the previews. And just being boss with various Hero Factory things.
    Sup with the rest of y'all.
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