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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Dorek

  1. Dorek
    Hah just kidding. But BS01 does have a new front page design so you should check that out.
    Still needs some fixes (like making links actually show up...)
  2. Dorek
    It's been interesting having to hold onto this secret for two months. I'm definitely sad that BIONICLE is over, but there are so many places the community can take this that I'm actually a little excited. I hope people respond well to our plans for the future.
  3. Dorek
    warning: probably NSFW because it's Kotaku and they drop f-bombs like it's going out of style. The article itself is actually clean, but there are comments and the main pic they use is somewhat disturbing.

    Kotaku - Why People Get So Worked Up About Canon

    Shock horror awe, BIONICLE isn't the only line with a convoluted and alienating past. The article makes a lot of good points about how the collective experience of a franchise can actually be corrosive to itself, and that sometimes the crazy things the people in charge do aren't necessarily bad all the time.
    Probably the most relevant passage:
  4. Dorek
    So. These blog things are confusing. What do YOU people want to talk about? I can ramble on and on for days about nonessential (or essential) topics but that doesn't mean any of it is interesting. What do people enjoy talking about on here (besides ponies) that makes for good discussion?
    Ask me something, ask each other something, just ask anything... interesting.
  5. Dorek
    A: I have an opinion
    B: I have a different opinion
    A: Your different opinion is wrong
    B: No yours is
    A: You suck
    B: No you suck
    A: Part of your definition is based on opinion
    B: So is yours
    A: You aren't going to convince me to change my mind
    B: Same
    A: Well that's that then
    B: You suck
  6. Dorek
    I must have missed the part where BIONICLE was about humans and thusly needed to have human proportions. Can anybody show me where it says this?
  7. Dorek
    Wait I'm premier again how long has it been sweet baby gukkos
    Thanks bfa! You're still bfabulous.
    So... how about that Korra finale?
    seriously it's been like four years since I've been premier that's nuts
  8. Dorek
    Hey kids (or not, since kids get the magazine). Want to read that BIONICLE magazine insert in a high quality PDF version? Me too! So did LEGO, apparently, since they put up a listing for the digital version.
    The catch? They uploaded the wrong file! Lovable scamps. Star Wars is great and all, but they also have a separate listing for that insert (and no, it doesn't have the BIONICLE file).
    However, this was also like two weeks ago and they haven't changed it since. I emailed them about it and got the standard "we'll forward your complaints to the right department" nonsense. So more people should email them about fixing the file, because I want that PDF. Go on. Do it.
  9. Dorek
    *I'm fairly certain this phrase is owned by Coca Cola, so all rights and usage thereof is derived from them.
    No but seriously, Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays, etc etc. Hopefully you all got what you wanted and then some (BIONICLE!).
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