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Blog Entries posted by BARRAKI STRIKE

    Hey y'all thanks so much for my B-Day topic 55555 and all the memebers that wished me, I would be very glad if someone can post me a link to the birthday topic, well thanks guys, the topic might be dead, but my birthday will go on and on so everyone who wants to wish me more, you can wish me here
    Well, first of all, I'd like to thanks Karzahni for inspiring me to do this
    Thanks Karzahni
    This is my first blog
    Anyway, onto the subject,
    Okay first get to know me
    My name is.......well, just call me BARRAKI STRIKE
    The only BZPeer I know who goes to my school is Swinor who is also in my form group
    I've got a few best friends
    A few friends
    And loads of Bzpower friends
    I love bionicle
    I love Bzpower
    I 'm working on PBZP, PM me if you want help
    I joined, the 4th Feb 06 but I only started posting at 10th Feb 07 and I have this many posts so that's exeptionally good
    Well, what I do everyday is actually simple, eat, study and go on Bzpower but if you want more detail, feel free to look below
    Okay, yesterday, when I woke up, I was kinda late for getting dressed into my school uniform so I quickly hurried and got changed, then I rushed down the stairs and started doing my prayers, after I finished, one of mu=y best friends came to my house for us to go toghter with my mum, so I quickly ate my breakfast and got all my things ready to go to......school, I just passed my door and when I got in the car, I remembered that I forgot my basketball, oh well
    So I got to school and met Swinor and we were chatting about BZPower and our PMs, so there we go, we then had to do P.E and guess what we had to do in it....................Long Distance Running, we first had to race for 100 metres which I lost in and an 800 metre run which I lost in again.....wait a minute, you don't want to hear my life, you want the juicy bits
    Okay, basically, the most imporatant thing that happened today was that Swinor got in trouble for going on BZPower
    I came home and started playing with my PBZP, Mahkii Toa of Popcorn, I had him fight Piraka Fusion which I dubbed Revok
    Well, that's the important bits
    I'm currently working on PBZP, PM me if you want one
    This is the place where I would post all my news
    I'm watching Spiderman 3 today! Even I thought I'm going tommorow but we had a change of plan so hope for a review soon!
    I finished PBZP of *ACTOP* and Karzahni, I already finished Mahkii Toa Of Popcorn and I started to make Neokee Pridak lord
    I watched Spiderman 3 today, look below for the review
    I got the Spiderman 3 game today on PS2
    I finished the basic story of the game
    I finished my castle today
    I finished all of my requested PBZPs, PM me if you want one
    Me and the two people who worked with me won the contest of best effort for the castle
    About the Baby Fledgling Blue Tit, check out the blog entry for more info

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, well, we know all the Spiderman films start of with comic scenes and flashes from the previous movie(s) and him introducing himself to us and this film is no different, we find our hero afterwards as Peter Parker as he watches Mary Jane's play while he was in the front row 
    Then, after the play, he meets her in back stage and the sart talking and on the table, we see a small gift from Peter and a massive bunch of flowers from Harry to MJ, We find Peter and MJ riding his Moped to a forest where they lay on Spiderman's web (MJ knew that Peter was Spiderman) and while they were there, a meteorite crashed into the land without MJ and Peter knowing, out of the meteorite came out a black substance which 'crawlled' to Peter and MJ while they were on the Moped, the symbiote, clutched onto the number plate of the Moped
    Then, we see Flint Marko running away from the police, even though he is a small time criminal, the police are after him nonetheless, he then escapes them (for now)and gets in a house from the window (his own house) and he sees a small girl who is in medical care, the girl is his daughter
    He goes to the kitchen to help himself with food but meets his ex-wife who tells him to just stay away from this house as he is an escaped criminal for possibly killing a man (who is.............Uncle Ben), the sound of there argument grew loud enough to let their daugther hear them, she cam and said that she misses him and gives him a locket of her picture, he takes it and replies by saying thathe is going to get the money to save her but his ex-wife tells him to just go so he does (out of the window)
    Peter then goes to Aunt May's house with a troubled face, Aunt May asked what happened and then Peter grew a smile and cheerfully said that he is going to propose to MJ
    They were both very happy, Aunt May told him the story of how her and Uncle Ben married, she ends with saying that she refused the marrige even though she wanted it because she wan't ready (but ofcourse she was going to marry him later ) and also gave Peter her wedding ring to give to MJ, Peter was overwhelmed with happiness
    We then, see him on his Moped riding to somewhere where he gets picked of by Harry as the 'New Goblin' (as he is now superhuman because of that formula) and strikes Peter across the stomach with arm blades and throws him across a building and after he comes out, it shows him falling in slow motion and he sees his ring falling so he trys to catch it but he misses so he tries to get it with his web but it is thwarted by Harry as he smacks him to a rooftop
    They then issue a chase along the buildings, it looks like Harry has the upper edg but Peter swings throughtwo building which forces Harry to make his glider go sideways like a snowboard, they dogde pipes and things like that until Harry throws one of his Pumpkin Blade and then throws more, some of them hit Peter but he smacked them out of the way, one of them was coming to Peter but he threw it and it stabbed Harry in the shoulder but he took it out without struggle and somehow, Peter caused Harry to smack a pole by his head which cause him to plummet to the ground, then Peter, seeing what he has done, immediately goes down, and tries to make him breathe, he then takes him to the hospital
    Are you going to watch it
    I am, this Saturday Strike that, I'm going today!
    What do you think about it
    I'll try my best to put a review about it here
    Okay, this is a contest
    Answer them all right and you get a prize
    Ends the day after tommorow, same time
    1) What did I realise that I forgot when I got into my car
    2) Have I seen Spiderman 3
    3) What do I think will gross more, Spiderman 3 or Pirates of The Carribean: At World's End
    4) Who inspired me to do this topic
    5) In the two races, did I win
    6) Do I like paint
    7) What was my History project
    8) What exactly did I wright in the first news entry (what news did I right)
    9) What was my first prize
    10) Who did I give credit to for that prize
    Whoever answers them all correct first will get a prize
    All the answers are metioned in my blog
    Thanks Karzahni for the idea
    CONTEST WINNER: Karzahni
    Here I will post all my banners
    You can use any of them but give credit to the designer/fixer of the banner
    This one is from 55555 (and possibly Rojaz)

    This one is from Vezon the Piraka (but bigger than needed size)

    This one is also from Vezon The Piraka (but bigger than needed size)

    By me

    Also by me

    And again by me

    By Spirit of Air!

    Original Spirit of Air! master piece
    <<< Warning, not a banner
    By Vezon The Piraka

    By Spirit of Air!

    By Vezon The Piraka


    Well, I was at my friend's house yesterday and we were playing PS2 when his dad called as and said a bird (he thought it was a canary) just flew by and then while we were talking, I saw something popping up and down in the grass but I didn't want to go near it because I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, but I couldn't resist so I asked out loud, "what's that thing over there"
    We ran there and guess what, it was a baby Fledgling Blue Tit (but we didn't know the species at the time),his dad grabbed it and we brought it inside, we were so happy, we thought my friend was going to keep it but it couldn't eat or do anything like that, and to add to that, we didn't know what it eats so we made a plan to get to my house (because I have internet and have experience with birds-I own 2 Budgies) and when we saw a bird on the Ariel so we grabbed Bionoculars and saw it, my friend claimed that it must be the baby's mother, but I wasn't so sure so we went tomy house went on the internet and we found out that it was this bird:

    We also found out what it eats: insects (especially meal worms) and we couldn't get those because the pet shops/centers are closed at this time (the time was around 8:00) so we called the RSPCA but it went into those recorded messages and told us to see there website for more help so we did and it said that the bird must be left alone, where you found it so we rushed back to my friend's house and put it there where we found it but the sad thing was that before we knew we had to leave it there, we were so happy that my friend gave it the name Minty but then we knew we had to let it go, we should have put a tag on it though, when we were about to leave it there, a thought came to our minds, if we left it there, Foxes/Cats/Crows/Bigger Birds (scince the next door's garden is like a jungle with lots of stray animals) might eat it so we went to the other next door's house (where the baby probably flew out of) and put it in the nest there in the garden in the treeand we saw their cool cat and very cute kittens so now, I hope it's having a happy life and meets it's mother
    I just won the Castle Contest for Best Effort, it was cool, I worked with two of my friends on it so I guess they could share the victory too I guess
    His B-Day is over but I feel guilty because I was the one who had to make his B-Day topic and at that time on wasn't on BZPower so let's all wish him here
    Happy Birthday Spirit of Air! and hope you get lots of presents
    Who plays it?
    If you do, tell me please, like this:
    Gamertag (Xbox 360)/ Username (PS3) : ________
    Console : ________
    Prestige level : ________
    Rank : ________
    Clan Tag : ________
    Perk 1 : ________
    Perk 2 : ________
    Perk 3 : ________
    Gamertag (Xbox 360)/ Username (PS3) : ShadowVulcan
    Console : Xbox 360
    Prestige level : 1
    Rank : 17
    Clan Tag : BHS
    Perk 1 : Claymore x2
    Perk 2 : Stopping Power
    Perk 3 : Martyrdom
    Well, tommorow, I have to give in my History project which is...........a castle!
    We made it out of cardboard but we still had to paper mache it and then paint it so we did, it turned out okay but then when we painted it, it went, lets see, a bit wrong and I got paint all over my shirt (school shirt)
    So that concludes why I don't like paint....a bit
    Kinda discuss it here
    I'n this format (if you're a member)'
    Name: Telsa
    Server: Lawolf
    Job: Mercenary
    Level: 42
    Strength: 58
    Stamina: 50
    Dexterity: 18
    Intelligence: 15
    And more stuff if you can
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