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Blog Entries posted by BARRAKI STRIKE

    Well, first of all, I'd like to thanks Karzahni for inspiring me to do this
    Thanks Karzahni
    This is my first blog
    Anyway, onto the subject,
    Okay first get to know me
    My name is.......well, just call me BARRAKI STRIKE
    The only BZPeer I know who goes to my school is Swinor who is also in my form group
    I've got a few best friends
    A few friends
    And loads of Bzpower friends
    I love bionicle
    I love Bzpower
    I 'm working on PBZP, PM me if you want help
    I joined, the 4th Feb 06 but I only started posting at 10th Feb 07 and I have this many posts so that's exeptionally good
    Well, what I do everyday is actually simple, eat, study and go on Bzpower but if you want more detail, feel free to look below
    Okay, yesterday, when I woke up, I was kinda late for getting dressed into my school uniform so I quickly hurried and got changed, then I rushed down the stairs and started doing my prayers, after I finished, one of mu=y best friends came to my house for us to go toghter with my mum, so I quickly ate my breakfast and got all my things ready to go to......school, I just passed my door and when I got in the car, I remembered that I forgot my basketball, oh well
    So I got to school and met Swinor and we were chatting about BZPower and our PMs, so there we go, we then had to do P.E and guess what we had to do in it....................Long Distance Running, we first had to race for 100 metres which I lost in and an 800 metre run which I lost in again.....wait a minute, you don't want to hear my life, you want the juicy bits
    Okay, basically, the most imporatant thing that happened today was that Swinor got in trouble for going on BZPower
    I came home and started playing with my PBZP, Mahkii Toa of Popcorn, I had him fight Piraka Fusion which I dubbed Revok
    Well, that's the important bits
    I'm currently working on PBZP, PM me if you want one
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