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Blog Entries posted by Utopia

  1. Utopia
    *revives blog from the dead*
    Ok, so normally I wouldn't care about "My Friends", but when I tried to PM mumu, I realized that your friends list is your contact list! Thusly, my old contact list is no longer around, and so... now everyone gets to see my contacts
    So folks I've added: I'd like your approval for fast PM access
    Folks I haven't: Doesn't mean I'm not your friend, just that my contact list so far is basically BS01 staffers and the RK's
    EDITSIES: Aha! I can choose to hide my friends list Now it just becomes my private contact list and nothing more .
    EDITSIES2: Ok, so maybe you can only hide that side bar, but not the main tab on your profile page. Drat . Ah well. Still folks -- don't feel bad if I haven't added you (like Kex would totally be on there, but then I would to add another guy, and then another guy, and so forth, and I'm too apathetic to do all of that ) -- I simply don't have a need to PM you much
  2. Utopia
    Heyyyyyyy alllll....
    It's been a while since I've used this. Or made a post for that matter. Yes, I have been busy with real life -- lot's of things going on my junior year. But hopefully it'll bog down some so I can get in a little time each week on BZP. No promises though...
    I visited BZP a few times while I was gone, and I'm caught up on BStory.com and everything, but I still feel like I'm out of the loop with the story (especially with the books... darn it I need to be in a bigger city ). So anyone care to fill me on what has happened since I think... Bionicle Legends#7 (second book for 2007, right? )
  3. Utopia
    Wow, I haven't made an entry on here in a while. Well, I've actually had a lot to do -- unfortunately this doesn't include this blog
    The BS01 Wiki has been doing fine, but there's still much to expand on. In its present condition, it's still top-notch, but there are things I wish to discuss that no one is willing to talk about! I give the staff suggestions, and they seem to ignore it. I've seen this happen all too often with almost anything -- not cool.
    RKism is doing fine. Not losing as much weight as I thought I would. I finished the program pretty quickly, and then started another one, only to finish that one faster. ()
    Beyond that, I'm just sitting back, enjoying life. Spring break is nearing, so the homework is starting to dwindle down. I hope the mainsite goes up soon, but I hear from Swert that he wants to redo the mainsite and bring it up as a totally new site. I won't complain. That's one less duty I have to stress about.
    Also, one last random thing. The S&T has been sort of boring for me lately. Usually if there are question topics that aren't speculating question topics, I answer them. If there are good theories that are intriguing, I'll post. If there are some that are really loosely based, and mostly speculation, they don't really catch my fancy.
    So far, my fancy hasn't been caught yet...
    Anywhoo, ye old boring entry of ye old (but busy) life of Ut.
  4. Utopia
    Apr 17 2002 -- ~May 4, 2007
    Well, truthfully, I didn't know him all that well. However, that doesn't make the loss not mean as much. From what I gathered, fussy was a pretty cool guy -- fair and firm in his work, terribly devoted at that too. Whatever the reason, fussy made the best choice in his mind, and so the best we can do is respect that choice and give our farewells to 'im.
    You'll probably still come around every once in a while, but it's still sad to lose a good staffy here at BZP So long, and thanks for the good times man.
    P.S. - Yes, I know that if I say this technically I should be the one leaving, but I thought it'd be fitting (just go with me here ).
  5. Utopia
    Rise to the occasion, all Ko-Matoran lovers! 'One member, one vote' Vote for Kopeke as Chronicler now!

    If elected, Kopeke will promise to keep all chronicles up to date, and to spend his time in office working on making new records and archives 8D


    Heh, I'm just kidding... somewhat...

    But really, vote Kopeke

  6. Utopia
    P.S. And yes, that is the first emoticon I've used in a post since March 2004.
    I made mumu post with a smilie! My favorite of them all, no less.
    But bones is right...

    Oh poor mumu. May we one day find a cure for your sickness...
  7. Utopia
    Well I didn't expect that coming
    Yesterday, around late night, I had went to check out BZPower before I'd go to sleep. When the page loaded, BZP said I had a new PM. So, like a normal person, I checked it out. Originally I thought Greg was replying to a PM of mine, but as it turns out, it was a PM for a proto boost! I read the PM, and I was given it for just doing what I normally do in the S&T and such, etc. etc.
    So yea, yesterday was a pretty good day. I mean, I don't care if I get a full bar, but as you all know, it's always nice Funny that I was joking with bones that I'd become an OBZPC before I was even at BZP for a year -- well I didn't acually expect that to happen
    Something that I didn't joke about with bones, was that if I did get a PE for something, I wanted it to be for helping out around the forums (specifically S&T, you know ) not for news blurbs (like the one I had just gotten from bones at the time for helping him find things here and there for his news article). So it was ironic and touching to receive my last proto from mumu for just helping out around the S&T
  8. Utopia
    So on AIM, I was talking with SPIRIT about a few things -- some I can't go into detail, others just random comments about everyday life and the like -- when suddenly Spi came to the horrifying realization that he's all alone
    He's the only regularly active S&T Moderator . WaWa and ccso are (unfortunately) more of the passer-by types with the S&T. Mumu is currently on a trip and won't be back for over a week. Bones is drowned in work from college/university/whatever... Spi? Well...
    And then there was one
  9. Utopia
    Man, it's been a while... well since my last update... let's see.... well I'll just say that I've come to fully appreciate the expression:
    "What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas."
    Beyond that, not much has gone on. Wiki activity has gotten up just like when it was first created (I'm guessing ). I'm taking on one RK project after another -- probably because I'm one of the few who can and do in the end... And real life just plays itself out.
    Oh, and I watched Blood Diamond today on DVD. Sadly enough, it's probably not as close to the truth as it really is -- the reality is much darker. A lot of what goes on in that movie makes me wonder...
    One of the biggest on my mind: Why?
  10. Utopia
    Many of you know of one of my famous trademarkish styles, which is to edit my posts with "EDITSIES". Most people use "EDIT" or "Edit", but I add "SIES" to the end of my "EDIT" (pronounced 'seas', like the water kind ).
    Well where did I get EDITSIES from anyway? The answer can be found in the Lord of the Rings. Or at least the movies...
    I must admit, I'm not a great fan of the books (didn't like the set up and everything), but the movie was brilliant and my family as a whole loves the movies. And if anyone can recall The Fellowship of the Ring, where the hobbits are getting ready for second breakfast, and Aragorn tells them that they already eat breakfast. Then Pippen comes in with "What about elevencies? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"
    The first one was my inspiration for EDITSIES. Although I use an 's' instead of a 'c' (found the line from somewhere online), I took the word 'elevencies' and created 'EDITSIES' from it. So now, I just use it...
  11. Utopia
    "Yeppers deppers peppers snappers."
    "I wonder who realized I've only been here a year."
    "What a good first year *reminisces*."
    "You know that's right."

    Many thoughts going through my head at this time. Mostly my BZP life flashing before my eyes (no, I'm not dying). I don't remember signing up exactly, but I remember that after I did I had to wait for a few weeks to be able to post and everything -- I think that as I was still waiting authorization, I was slightly turned down by it all, and went back over to the BS01 Wiki for a month or so. Then around March, I made my first post -- simple minded post; I could link to it now and I'd probably wonder what I was thinking about the time. But anyway, I made a few posts at the start -- mostly in the BS01 forums whenever wiki chaos ensued. Then around late May/early June, I started to get into the swing of things in posting -- moving on over to the S&T. It wasn't until July-ish, when BS01 went down (*sniff* ), that I really started to post like a mad-man (like the mad-man I am ). Things then just took their natural course I guess... Then in November, I became an OBZPC, but that didn't last long because in January of this year I was promoted to RKism. I also broke my small post rank of 2,000 posts in my first year.

    Yea... I'd say this was a good year guys. It's fun to reminisce about the past -- see how I've grown and whatnot. And I must say -- I really have To go from the guy who didn't want to have anything to do with posting, to the guy who now happily posts and happily serves the staff as a Reference Keeper, it's been a grand year.

    To another fine year on BZP! *Toasts*


  12. Utopia
    You know, I've sorta wondered about this. I mean, for active S&Ters, I can bet they probably have heard of me, if not know me. But for other forums, other folks, people less interested, (or maybe even those who are!), and whatnot -- what do they think of me here on BZPower, or even see me as?
    It's interesting to see all sides to this story. I mean, I know from a fellow S&T geek buddy bngi that he obviously sees me as one in the same. Many folks may know me from BS01. But on another note, I was once in a chatroom with BZP folks (and some who weren't), and at first, very few ever really knew me. Heard of me, a little more likely, but it wasn't some mass agreement fact or anything.

    P.S. - Man, haven't written in this blog since forever. I've been too busy with trying to work out BS01 things and schooling to really care, I suppose.
    EDITSIES: Just wanted to point this out, which I wrote in my comment here...

  13. Utopia
    Ever since BS01 has been back up, I've been busier than ever. Adding things here, checking the edits there, trying to finish up some projects way over there. Et cetera...
    And as some of you may have noticed, my appearence in the S&T has been....well...down the past couple of days. I'm getting busier as a high schooler, and checking the edits takes some time to. And after that, I have to hope over to add some things in to BS01.
    Take today for example. I apparently have to go to church in a few minutes, then after I get back, supposedly there's a band practice/jam. Then...a party I'm going to. Then once all that's done...I expect to find myself very busy doing paper rewrites, studying for tests, and other bits of school work.
    Gah... time is just too short for people with lives
  14. Utopia
    You know, as I sit here, waiting for various things to fall into their places, I take a look around at BZP -- at all the good and joy that circulates around. And of course this is thanks to the hard work and dedication of the staff, but there are also another group of folks who work hard and love BZP. Namely, the good folks like you all (you know who you are XD).
    And here on BZP, there's this system thing of proto, PE, what-have-you, etc. and once someone reaches a full bar, they became an OBZPC, which basically recognizes that that person is a good BZP citizen and is very helpful (now there may be a few who try to cheat the system, but let's put those aside for this'n). But of course, is every helpful person an OBZPC? Heck no. Otherwise that slim minority would be a bit bigger now
    So why am I writing this? Well I hope he won't mind if I use Toa Lhikan Hordika, my good buddy here on BZP, as an example here. Now, as you see a few entries down, I became an OBZPC, under a year no less... However, I now recall a time when I was talking to TLH, and he said that he was trying to become an OBZPC under two years, that it was like his mini-dream. Not a goal, because he's not trying to get it, but something that he hope just happens under two years. Unfortunately, the days dragged on and he still is one PE away from OBZPC. But does he deserve it less than I? Heck no! If anything, he and many others like him deserve it more than I do. He's been here for over two years, and has had around 3000 or so posts of helpfulness. I'm not even a year here, and somewhere around 1700 posts now?
    Anyway, the point of this entry is, is to give my toasts to those who ought to have such a gracious title, but for whatever reason, don't have it yet. However, that doesn't mean you don't deserve it or didn't earn it any less
    *Cheers *
  15. Utopia
    Well, I suppose this won't be as happy to make as my either entry, that I deleted (by the way).
    BS01 was up, for about a total of 5 minutes. What does this show? It shows that Binky is finally on the case, and was testing the site. After many months of not being able to do anything, Binky comes in to rescue the village of BS01, and destroy the Evil Spike that haunts the land.
    So things are going good. Not great, and not fast, but still: We're making progress.
    So here's a toast to you Binky, for finally getting on the case.
    *clicks mug and gulps*
  16. Utopia
    As a wiki, we need your help! We went down when Bionicle Legends#4 was just coming out, so we have a lot of updates to make! From Makuta to the Pit, BS01 needs to get back up to speed.
    Yea, neat little pep talk, isn't it?
  17. Utopia
    So who has heard of mumu? Not many I suppose. In reality, mumu is one cool character. I'm sure you all know 'em.
    Does this ring a bell?

    Or maybe this?

    Well if you can't realize it be now, then how about this friendly character?
    Yep, that's right. Munkeymunkey has been rightfully nicknamed mumu says me . Interesting story really (not). Swert and I were talking about... stuff... and I told him I was "PMing mm for something". He asked if this was munkey, or Makuta Master. I told him that "mm" was mumu, and "MM" is Makuta Master. But oh, some of you picked up how I said "mm" was mumu. Well that's because Swert then joked saying I should call munkeymunkey "mumu"
    So now I've decided to call him that, because it's a funny nickname. Reminds of those cute Chinchillas mumu loves

  18. Utopia
    Who thinks I should use this as my avatar for a few days or so?

    I mean, you can even see it now...


    Fluidic Master Nuva

    Member Group: Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
    Joined: 12-February 06

  19. Utopia
    Well, the wiki staff actually hoped to celebrate this ON the wiki, but obviously that won't happen
    Either way, I guess that the 4th isn't exactly the official day the wiki was created, but sure enough we can celebrate it on this day
    Now... I'd fill this entry with a boring story of how it grew, but I can't. I wasn't there until like half a year later
    But, I can say that the wiki has grown dramatically. I mean, it was created with literally nothing. And now, one year later, look at it. The wiki is the biggest source of Bionicle storyline information ever! It surpassed the main site some time ago, thanks to editors like you!
    So let's toast to the great collaborated site known as BS01 Wiki! (a.k.a. to others as Bionicle Wiki, BioWiki, etc.)
    And on that same note, let's hope that it will be up soon, along with the rest of BS01
    (Oh, they grow up so fast!)
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