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Status Updates posted by The_Shawn_Legend

  1. Been on Bz for a while...I saw what my interest use to be...and I chuckled. I have not changed that much :P

  2. I drink plenty of juice.

    1. AuRon the champion

      AuRon the champion

      "Now with 20% more juice!" -Old Kool Aid Commercial

    2. The_Shawn_Legend
  3. NBA season is around the corner, got my Fantasy team ready to go!

  4. You should never let your emotions get the better of you.

  5. Yay! got my yellow belt! now I gotta do more training! and advance to the next level!

  6. Life is tough man, and you should never rush growing up.

  7. Figure I enjoy these free moments while I have em, because life is about to pick up.

  8. Got some disappointing news today :-(

  9. Got some disappointing news today :-(

  10. did not think I would get back into RPing this much lol.

  11. Start working soon 6 days a week and 10 hours a day....

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