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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Kaxix

  1. Kaxix
    In these days I am trying contact lenses for the first time. It has been two days since my first time.
    You don't need glasses.
    It makes you forget the problems of your eyes.
    If you are a beginner (just like me) it takes a lot to put them on and remove them.
    They don't hurt but you can feel that you have them on
    Still, even if I have them on, sometimes I look for my glasses where I don't need them at all.
    It an impulse of us glasses wearers! ^^
    I noticed that When the Wolven broke free publshed an blog entry where he/she (is not written on the profile ) is reviewing the City Advent Calendar too. He/She put a link of my review too so I thought I could do the same on my blog.
    Here it is.
  2. Kaxix
    Millenium has asked me to host this contest on my blog. It seems interesting so I have accepted.
    Now Millenium will explain you what it is about:
    "You or may not know about Rozak-Toa of Destiny epic about Exo-Force; in said epic, a new battle machine, currently dubbed Legendary Golden City Battle Machine (LGCBM for short), is going to show up, but we don't know how it is made: here you have the chance of designing it!
    1.Be creative!
    2.Don't cheat (i.e. putting an image of a MOC that isn't yours).
    3.Any color is allowed
    4.Maximum of a 3 colors color scheme.
    5.The LGCBM is something big, but don't make it too tall, too wide, or too long. It may be no wider than the Striking Venom, no taller than the Supernova and no longer than the Combat Crawler.
    6.You may use as many Technic and Bionicle pieces you want, but the may not be dominant.
    7.Here is a list of unallowed Bionicle pieces:
    Any kind of limb;
    Cordak Blasters;
    Nynrah GhostBlasters;
    Shadow Leeches;
    Midak Skyblasters;
    Bohrok Body;
    Vahki Head connector;
    Re-built Matoran\Rahkshi\Vahki torso;
    Hordika Body;
    Visorak Body;
    Piraka Body;
    Inika Body;
    Inika Armors;
    Vahki head;
    Visorak heads;
    Skakdi Skull;
    Piraka Spines;
    Inika Masks.
    8.Mata Body, Metru Body, and Rahkshi upper torso may be used as long as they're not used for bodies.
    Entry period is from now until 6th of September.
    Judging is from the 7th to the 9th of September.
    Judges are me Kaxix, Millennium, and Ackar-Master of Fire.
    When placing your entry, place it like this:
    Entry image:
    Topic link (optional):
    Description (optional)
    MoC on!"
  3. Kaxix
    Wow, it has been a long time since the last I posted something on my blog! D:
    I'm doing a review of the newest Lego City Advent Calendar!
    If you are curious visit the topic.
  4. Kaxix
    Hello, welcome to this blog.
    I became Premier just yesterday so I'm having fun with my new powers .
    The title of this blog is Silver shadow: why?
    Because it sounds cool.
    Because whenever someone asks me how I imagine myself as Bionicle I always think the main colour must be silver.
    I know it's weird.
    I know this blog won't be popular then it will be forgotten and none will take a look anymore.
    To avoid that please visit my blog whenever you want.
  5. Kaxix
    With the new music video (you can watch it on their site if you want) they are finally (not in a negative way at least for me) separated from Bionicle.
    In fact Bionicle isn't even shown.
    And in the video a fourth member of the band is shown. Does anyone know who he is?
  6. Kaxix
    Even if Bionicle won't have sets anymore we still have leaked pics posted on Bzpower (with the result of many closed topics and deleted pics).
    That's something that never changes.
  7. Kaxix
    Ok I was 16 but today a year has passed from my last B-day so....
    I'm 17 now!
    No wait, why should I be happy about it?
    I'm getting old.
  8. Kaxix
    I'll stay away from home till the next Saturday for a biology internship. So PMs or comments won't have replies till then.
    I already can't wait for coming back...:|
  9. Kaxix
    For the ones who don't know this game here's its wikipedia page.
    I suddenly wanted to start again this game that I've never finished.
    Even if, I'm playing a new version of it, the game is same and it is as hard as I remembered it.
    It has 111 levels and it becomes more difficult as you go foward in the game.
    Anyone has ever played this game?
  10. Kaxix
    I'll go to watch it next week but it seems well done.
    I've already read the book when it came out and I think the ending won't be appreciated by those who haven't read the last book.
    The actors are adult now so it seems weird for them to be 16 years old (as in the story).
    EDIT: I'll have to get a lot of popcorn. I've just seen how much it is long. <-- first time I use this emoticon!
  11. Kaxix
    My copy of Bleach: Heat the Soul 6 should arrive soon... Has anyone of you ever played with a game of this serie?
  12. Kaxix
    Yesterday my parents and I were coming back from a little trip and we were about at home (about ten PM) when we were passing (by car) in front of an ice-cream shop ( the closest to my home). I was thinking an ice cream wasn't a bad thing for that moment so I was about to ask my parents when we saw about twenty people inside of the shop waiting for their ice-cream.
    When we arrived at home I looked in the freezer but the ice-cream was finished. >_<
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