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Premier Retired Staff
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Status Updates posted by Noxryn

  1. D= You no orange no more.

  2. Magically Outstanding? =P

  3. TT is growing fast and is awesome, but RotT is also awesome even though a tad bit slower. BOTH RPGS ARE WIN

    And because in these two RPGs I thought out my chracters moar


    *tries to make comment bigger*


  4. Which makes "Staff" plural, which is why you use "Are" and not "Is" since "Staff" isn't just one thing.

  5. lol, I just noticed XP

  6. lol, true XP

  7. What's funny? *is lost*

  8. You're welcome ^^

  9. You retired?! D=

  10. Aww, I'm not in the loop enough, or in the caring state to really think about those sorts of things, I only know of a set's existence when I see it on the shelves at the stores.

  11. *Pokes* *gasp* He Liiiiiiivvvvveeesss =P

  12. But I don't say something like: "The staff is smelly." I would say "The staff are smelly." or "The staff are ___, ___, ___,"

  13. You're in membah spotlight.

  14. lol, I'll probly watch a few episodes on Saturday and Sunday ^^;;

  15. Anavrin and Vex fall under problematic hot chicks. I rest my case.

    Even though RotT is awesome, TT is still kickawesome as well (I actually planned out my charrie for this one

  16. Get four stars and be a decent hotel dangit!

  17. lol, somehow news never reaches my ears, in any form XP

  18. Doesn't sit well in my mind saying "The staff is"

    And, I was aiming at Sisen =P

  19. I hate myself for not putting congrats in the new FM's profiles... well belated congratulations! ^^

  20. Just wanted to say hello so hello

  21. FOOM FOOM [/zoomzoomcommercial]

  22. It's lifetime =3

  23. I sent a message back on that, but I guess it got kicked off your comments page/not approved. Yes, I do play Call of Duty [4 & 5].

  24. Yai! Orange again! Premeirness too!

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