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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    So many of my school projects are done, which means that there's no chance of one of them becoming overdue (And I made hardcopies, cuz I don't trust my computer).
    All that's left now is to organize a few pictures, lots of typing (SS's, and some other things I like to do) and then I'll feel rather content.
    Also, I need to find a way to make $300.
  2. Noxryn
    I feel more prompted to post this as BZPower, as a whole, seems to fall into this pit fairly often with a variety of people.
    Religious discussion is not allowed. The rule goes further to nix religious statements, quotations and so forth. (Even though, these days, that does seem more lax although I am fairly certain no official alteration to that rule has occurred).
    It's not a rule designed to slight people who are religious. It exists because religion is one of those things everyone argues over to the point of near tearing out someone's throat, verbally. Absolutely no eye opening, wonderful, well developed discussion will occur over the subject on a forum dedicated to Lego. By and large, discussions about it belong where there's a large base with a vested interest in the topic who actually studied the subject (Even then, odds are most contributors never took a class on any religion anyway, so the value there is questionable at best). If someone really holds a burning desire for religious discussion, they can speak to a religious leader, other members of their community, or find a platform more suitable for it. Easy as that.
    A lot of people seem to think LGBT related talk is comparable to religion and should be banned because it offends some individuals of some religions. Straight up, it's not. Being a person is different than believing in something. If LGBT content was 100 percent banned, like it used to be, an entire section of this community wouldn't be able to open up about themselves or talk about important details of their life that other individuals can freely discuss with no consequence: that's not fair and it's not equal treatment of members. LGBT individuals can't post bible quotes, or statements, just as non-LGBT members cannot. But LGBT members can talk about significant others, post romantic stories, art, etc... just as any non-LGBT member can.
    The two situations aren't comparable and trying to force them to be just because you don't like some people is irritating at best. Hopefully people can understand that.
  3. Noxryn
    So, in order to get all of those viruses off of my computer, they're going to have to wipe off the hardrive. I have so much stored on there, and earlier someone had stepped on my flashdrive when I accidentally dropped it. That means that I'll be loosing pretty much everything, besides for half of my DB things which I have stored inside of old emails. I'm going to have to start from scratch when it comes to the actual story though, but I don't mind. I had a new idea for a prologue for sometime, and am actually quite glad that I can write it in, and redoing the chapters again won't be a bad thing either. It'll allow me to make them better, and perhaps just deeper in general. I may be able to extend the length of some things, and cut out some others along with editing some other stuff on top of that. So, it shouldn't be too bad.
    I am lucky that school is pretty much over though, as I will be losing pretty much every assignment from this year that was computer related due to this. At least they're all graded and have been entered into the school's computers, otherwise I would have a serious problem on my hands.
    Something like this sucks when it happens, as has my entire week for that matter. But, I just have to look at the positive side of things, put a smile on my face and continue on forth until the bad stuff ends, and the good stuff begins. That should be happening after next Thursday.
  4. Noxryn
    This week, at my High School, was "Spirit Week" so a lot of interesting things ended up happening through the course of the week. From people dressing in odd things, to the band playing all over the place;
    - Monday
    On Monday, there wasn't much new. People came to school normally, as we weren't really told what the dress-theme was for the day, besides for the teachers who all dressed up to fit the theme that I can't remember. Monday was a very uneventful day of the week, being the most normal.
    - Tuesday
    At school, Tuesday was Career Day, where people would dress up as what career they want when they grow up. Only the teachers really did anything, my English teacher having dressed up as a guy from Deadliest Catch, and with some of the Technology teachers wearing NASA get-ups for the day (AKA: Xbox 360 headset). However, that was really the only school-highlight. Other things that happened are more expounded upon in the entry before my last, though in a nutshell, I was allowed to apply a week early to the United States Civil Air Patrol (Colorado Wing), and am currently a "Semi-Official Cadet," Semi, mainly because I don't have all the things I need, but I am recognized in the Squadron as a cadet (Even though I have no way to prove that I am =P). Got a free T-Shirt, a free patch (Costs five bucks otherwise...) and will be making a visit to the Air Force Base Supply Store next week (After this Tuesday), as I should have all my official things by then. Though, while at that meeting, I learned the basic basics of map reading (Interesting class, actually), as well as some basic drills (Attention, Right/Left/About Face, Present Arms, Salute, etc -- the "Official" Cadets were learning how to march in formation and such).
    AFB's are interesting places, to me at least, 'cuz of all the craft that go in and out of the base, as well as the level of activity there is there. The people are also pretty interesting to talk to, and are willing to answer questions and stuff.
    - Wednesday
    At Lunch time on Wednesday (Recycle Day; Wear a green shirt or recycled products) the band was playing in the cafeteria, and everyone was singing along (You could say it was a... *puts on sunglasses* real High School Musical). My PE Coach wore a box, some of the students wore paper-crafted over-clothes on top of actual clothing, while one of the teachers wore half a milk carton on his head the entire day. We had an English sub that day, 'cuz my current English teacher is also the Golf Coach and had to run off to go do Golf stuff. My earlier English teacher is in the Marines now, though he got married first, so he's not officially commissioned until.... Probably after school ends, or a few weeks before.
    Oh, and apparently the school is acting as a PGA Tour hub, cuz they have all of these PGA Uniforms, hats, visors, shirts, pants, and they're mailing them all out from the school in specified stations and stuff. There were like, five hundred boxes in the Gym on Wednesday, and the number never seemed to fluctuate...
    - Thursday
    Not much on this day, but then again, we didn't do much in our classes either. In Ancient Civ, we just began to learn about Sparta and the last stand of the 300 against the Persian Empire. Interesting subject, but we only really spent two days on it, which kinda stunk, cuz the Greek City-State of Sparta is probably my favorite, and I'd have liked to spend some more learning time on that subject, than just up and leave. =/
    - Friday
    The schedule was a lot shorter (All classes were done by 1:40, so we could attend a Spirit Assembly for an hour). Teachers got pied in the face, events were held that were teacher vs. student, the four top nominees for their I Believe Essays spoke (Probably the part I liked the most, I didn't really try on the Essay... Kinda just rushed it a bit, more due to having mulled for ideas and having found a really bad one at the last possible second... and rushing to get it done in time. 'Cuz, if you don't hand in the essay, you don't advance.) I really wish things like scholarships, awards, and being published in things more resided in creative writing, or a "Pick a subject you want to write about" but oh well, I can sit and make essays on things that I really haven't a clue about (I mean, earlier in the year we had an essay on Math... my absolute worst subject, which meant that I really needed to do hours of research into something I really despise (Course, I do need to do a lot more work in the field to excel... but I just lack, really, a sense of motivation. I get that I have to learn it, but a lot of the subject matter is never explained as to "How it will help you, and why it's important" -- generally, when told that something is important and is a matter, by a teacher's words, I tend to feel more motivated to push harder in the class. Might just be me, but yeah.)
    Now it's a four day weekend, and I think I'm going to try and write two things;
    - A story on the last stand of the 300, more to get some more credit in my Ancient Civilization class (The previous teacher had me take the same test twice, and then never counted it, adopted a child and decided to vanish for a period of time to where the grade can't be updated because the passing time has passed... like a month ago.)
    - Another story-esque thing as to get more credit in English, even though my teacher said I really don't need any.
  5. Noxryn
    i havent made an entry since last year whoops
    but uh comparatively to last year this year's better (like, moving back to civilization) and i'm going back to college (kinda debatable if a week in one counts as being there in the first place haha) but at this college my old AP credits and stuff actually count so it's not wasted effort and money anymore (like i think i have half of my freshman year's worth of credits done on those alone? which is like i attended the full semester at the college here that i left due to anxiety, feeling unsafe/uncomfortable/isolated and without the resources they said they had, etc...)
    it's also downtown in denver which is a lot nicer than the last place (where it was in green bay, but it felt extremely... closed off and isolated from everything) and i'll be commuting from home since i don't do that well in dorms and because the dorms cost like twice the tuition (well more than twice since we get in-state still somehow).
    i'm completely uncertain about my major and will probably change it, probably to something in counseling or just English education or something (idk, lately i've been interested in teaching? like i really like and enjoy English, i just shied away from the degree since i kept getting told it's useless and i won't find a job etc... and that caused a lot more anxiety [i mean a lot more, like the "i'm having trouble breathing and need to hide somewhere" level] but it's what i'm really, actually interested in and thinking about it i wouldn't really be against being a high school teacher or something... like, i have social anxiety disorder, but i know i'm able to speak in front of classes most of the time and the biggest hurdle there would just be getting myself to... er, improve? in that respect). but i mean, teachers also get a lot of time off compared to some other jobs i was looking at, and that helps with the other thing i want to do and that's to write a fiction book (i actually have a lot of it planned out and i adore my characters and wrote the first line i'm gonna keep)
    and i mean if professors can write books upon books of stuff related to what they teach then surely, in a high school setting, it'd be easier to find the time to do that than if i like... worked in business, or finances, or law or something.
    plus like,i could make a meaningful impact on people, i'd hope, and hopefully be a positive and supportive person (since gods know i needed that). like, thinking about it makes me feel happier and like i'd be more fulfilled, rather than thinking about a future in marketing which just makes my stomach turn in knots since i'm not really the most creative person in the world and it feels like there'd be too much pressure behind it.
    whoops i rambled a lot there, but idk, never wrote it out before or talked about it so i guess it just sorta wrote itself
    but um yeah, right now a lot of goals are basically just to get all moved back, think of what i want to do with the rest of my life, and probably go back to full fledged therapy for social anxiety (and prolly go back on medication for it since i'm pretty sure it got worse, granted i went a week without any real meals back in college because i was too scared to talk to the cashiers... like i made two apples last 9 days, which wasn't really good on the health side since i feel like part of that contributed to my near breakdown in the art building which just unnerved me for existing).
    (oh and as for the whole "Bionicle's coming back" thing i keep hearing about: cool if it does an' all, i just hope the company would take some of the criticisms of the original series to heart and create a much more balanced cast of interesting characters. but idk if it is or what, but yeah, i just tacked this on 'cuz it's the hot buzz of junk)
  6. Noxryn
    When there's a cat growing horns sitting on my left, and there's a void of blackness doing nothing off to the right.
    Interpret as you will.

  7. Noxryn
    The ones that flow with that soft air of tragedy about them, the instruments and tone being the aspects that make the song feel bittersweet, even if it's in a different language. And reading through the lyrics, realization of "I wasn't too far from the truth" comes forth and as the song plays again; a series of the most tragic, yet sweet scenes play through the mind.
    Some scenes are painted in that faded, off color fashion that tend to signify memories, other scenes look more present, the present scenes working with the more negative tones, with the memories working with the most uplifting.
    All of these scenes in the mind are fictional, and in some cases, the viewer might not even know who the characters depicted are. Sometimes it takes a while to figure it out, other times, the puzzle remains unfinished or is simply impossible to piece together. And even before any sort of realization, or thought comes into things... the characters are already given a name, given a description, a personality and a life. Their backstories work with the memories, with the present scenes as the song plays.
    And as the song plays for the fifth time, perhaps in a row, perhaps in a lifetime, the same listener may start to see himself/herself in the characters depicted in his or her mind.
    Sometimes, one doesn't like what they see and choose to shun it.
    But eventually, that person may come to grips with it...
    And when that song plays for that sixth time,
    It strikes such a well of emotion, that the person may forget all else for those five, more or less, minutes.
    As it ends, the person can't help but hit the "replay" button, if only to see those scenes again, if only to feel those emotions one more time, if only to feel the untouched heartstrings plucked once more.
  8. Noxryn
    Memories of which I had never thought about for eight years now come popping back up at the worst of times. And, as a young kid of five years back then, they aren't very good memories to begin with.
    The thing I hate the most is when it feels like the memory was an event that had only occurred a minute ago. Sometimes, I wish I was older back then as to act more appropriately in those situations, not having grasped how serious they were at the time.
  9. Noxryn
    I only got four hours of sleep last night cuz of the roofers banging things into our roof, and it went on... so far, 5: 30 PM, and they parked their vehicle right in the driveway, and tarp'd the deck, so we can't leave, and our dog can't leave.
    Oh, and I traded in like 14 games into Gamestop, and they gave me like... $46 worth of store credit or so, and then I bought a game with that credit. I ended up getting Pokemon Platinum, due to all the reviews and all the things some BZP members said about it.
    The worse part is...
    I can't stop playing it.
  10. Noxryn
    I just cleaned out my sister's old room, which was literally filled with toys, garbage, and all sort of whatnot. Twenty four bags I filled up, two for garbage, ten to give away, and the rest is what she wanted to keep [Took forever to get done].
    Oh, and we might get a cat [Depending on how our dog acts around the cat, and vice-versa]. I forgot what the name was going to be though... I dunno if we decided on one, when I think about it. I was originally pushing for Gizmo, or Jinx =P
    -- Didn't update epic due to being busy with homework, house work stuff, and some other stuff.
    I feel bad about the time I've put into Platinum... even though, it's mostly cuz I'm trying to level my Gardevoir up to 100... fooouuur more to go.
    So yeah, that's basically what I've been doing; Homework, Housework, going on errands with family, and playing Pokemon Platinum. Oh, and we watched Trick 'r Treat, as well as the first Nightmare on Elm Street [saw the rest, though =P]
  11. Noxryn
    It's weird actually becoming busy with life and stuff.
    But yeah, I've been a Barista for about... three months now? Almost? Still working on some other side projects, some just for me, some are a collaboration with my housemate who moved in with us.
    Kinda getting sucked into things like Destiny and FFXIV, but eh, it's a bit more fun since my friend's been really into Destiny and currently dropped League of Legends in favor of it. But of course she looks up everything, every stat, every build and video and outknowledged me pretty quickly, lol.
    But yeah, happy birthday to BZPower and all! It's pretty cool to see the site celebrating its fourteenth year, even though I'm not terribly active in this community anymore, haha.
  12. Noxryn
    I bought a Planar Chaos Unraveling mind theme deck and I got $10 dollars. I had opened up a Trade topic In the B/S/T forum so go check it out! I found the official MGTG topic to find out that no one posts in it anymore.
    Oh well life goes on.
  13. Noxryn
    The pool was open today and so I had fun from 1-4.
    I have recieved a new game from the mail for my 360 (Rainbowsix Vegas 2) It's pretty good, but I got kinda bored through the second mission. Of course I'm going to beat it though.
    I also bought two Mistika, they didn't have the two I wanted (Gali and Gorast), but they had Onua and Bitil and so I bought them instead. Perhaps one day I'll make a detailed text review as my camera broke recently and is a piece of junk that needs to be replaced.
  14. Noxryn
    I had done a lot of things to prepare for today, and now that it is over I feel so much more relieved. Tomarrow I am headed off to a friends party and probably to Wal-mart to see if they carry the things I am looking for.
    PS: I lost the game.
    PSS: I also still can't remember what I wa sgoing to type in that one entry, I think it had something to do with today, but I can't think of what.
  15. Noxryn
    What was odd in the middle of History today was when we're in our little tiny group going over one of the historical characters in the Civil War era. We read this thingy on Fredrick Douglass in class, and then we're to take notes on it. Once we decide "Okay, let's take some notes." riiiight after that someone in our group responded with "Let's start with the psychotic killer angels."
    The reaction was a "O____o" from everyone, but that phrase sounded neat and fit one of the characters I made up for Demonic Beginnings forever ago. Of course I use different terms now and then, but it sounded fun enough. Well, with that aside some other stuff happened.
    I missed practically no work I have to make up... and somehow I figured out how to properly run a program on the school computer when I couldn't the last time I sat there ><. I forgot my earbuds so I couldn't finish my project fully yet, since I need to do voice recordings still and need to make sure that the music is working... cuz last time... well, the music sounded really... weird. And that's ducking for ya.
    Oh, as a side note: My sister's earbuds made of the exact same type and brand mine are work better... mine act funny and you have to fiddle with it alot, and since she doesn't use hers and I'm too lazy to go get mine I now have pink colored earbuds in my ears while I listen to random songs. They're soooo much less stressful, but I know someone is going to chop off my head when she gets home ._.
    The bad part was the night and the morning. I thought I was going to suffocate on my own hacking and coughing... and when I read the cough drop stuff it seems that I am supposed to ask a doctor before use if I have frequent coughing with excess phlegm. I think they should make these things more noticeable <__<
    I calmed down around four in the morning and was able to sleep. I woke up an hour later for school. That sucked.
    I also missed breakfast, and was very irritable in the morning which I do regret, I fell asleep in the library at school, got yelled at by the librarian for sleeping, then fell asleep in History and got woken up by a sharp kick to the desk which hurt my ears ;_;.
    TOMORROW on the other hand, I have to put up with allll my classes. I hate Math, PE, and French cuz they all make me work hard and I hate working hard on something I have no skill in, but I have to do it anyway which sucks. Future stuff for me are;
    -3 make up tests
    -an astronomy project [To be assigned]
    -The stupid voicethread project <____<
    -Two computer projects [Almost done with one ><]
    and that's it for academic shmizzle.
    When I get home, I have about... four or three BZP hours to do stuff, well I don't only go on BZP when you see me online. I am also working on: My Language project, Demonic Beginnings [Novel], looking up my grades, answering questions [on other sites] and juggling four other active forums. I only do so much on the comp cuz School says so [i have a science book downloaded on this thing] and cuz I feel like I should help the people who request it, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd I... seriously don't have anything better to do.
    Now I have something better to do and the schedule is like this;
    -Wolverine Orgins with the family [Just my little sister and my mother]
    -Out to eat.
    -Ice cream place.
    -Book store.
    -Browsing around on Mainstreet.
    After that I might go on BZP and stuff, but might not. Depends on my mood.

  16. Noxryn
    Well Wrack turned me into a loli as you may, or may not see. That happened today btw.
    Well within the past few days I have seen two very good movies, one being Wanted the other being Wall-E.
    Wanted was a very great movie, I liked ho wit was more of an unexpected sort and with all the bullet curving, exploding mice, and peanut butter, yum!
    Wall-E was a very cute little pixar movie. I liked it how Eve had fun with her gun on Earth for the first part of the movie. It showed that ne day technology will make us all fat and be stuck on floating chairs. Fun.
    I also was off to see some fireworks with the family. My little sister kept complaining about it, but we pretty much just ignored her and watched the show. I got back about an hour ago and watched Finding Nemo with the family.
    My dad got me interested to watch the Chronicles of Riddick as he said that they were very good movies. Well that's all from the peanut gallery! Have a nice day!
  17. Noxryn
    The main bad things that happened is that my back hurts, but it always hurts, then again today it's been in the most intense form of pain. The dog left me a six hour old present in my room, I was really ticked after that as I happened to retch when I walked in, lucky me that I was carrying a bucket at the time (Don't ask, long story).
    Now I'm on the junkeh comp which has missing keys and stuff as the other two more "optimal" Comps are downstairs and I really gag halfway down the steps.
  18. Noxryn
    The plumber came around and stopped that dreadful leak, but it turns out when need to replace an ejector pump and that means; Bye-bye new stove <<
    I came up with a short little poem thing for the history project, I thought it was dreadfully rushed and horrible (Again, I absolutely suck at poems and songwriting in generay ><) turns out other people liked it o.O
    Oh, and I didn't nearly miss the bus today
  19. Noxryn
    Art ends tomorrow for the rest of the year, I'll miss that class.
    PE ends tomorrow for the next quarter, I won't be missing it.
    School ends to give way to Winter Vacation tomorrow.
  20. Noxryn
    Been missing for some reasons, some more reasonable than others.
    First few reasons: I was on vacation for a while after my school ended (I'll be a senior next year), and at the same time have been trying to find a job around here (none to be had, apparently), and trying to get my community service hours officially in and documented (more waiting for Pridefest to roll around, as their hours count double). Plus I've been chatting with a pretty close friend of mine off and on the last few weeks, and when he's on I generally devote all my time to him, which means no BZP and no games and so on and so forth.
    Second few reasons: I've been needing to get my hands on some books (Paradise Lost, Oliver Twist, Poisonwood Bible, etc...) for classes next year (except the first one, I simply want to read that). Otherwise, I've been nose deep in a MMORPG known as TERA Online, which I find incredibly fun despite all the things people complain about it for (namely the RNG, the lag with some things, the lack of content at the end of the game, and whatever "grind" they all yap about). Popped myself onto the RP Server as I was curious about it and so far that's been the nicest server the game has (PvP servers have the maturity level of spoiled toddlers). Haven't run into anyone my age really, save for two people, but I never noticed how many fathers/mothers play these games lol. (Also my avatar/sig are screenshots of the character I made, a high elf lancer~)
    Watched my guild leader die a bunch in one of the instances, was funny~
  21. Noxryn
    Tornado Warning at school kicked the hour long aptitude test to Monday.
    Aptitude test is for gauging whether you're good to go for a class that has College credit tied to it, which surprised me, cuz this class is Photoshop.
    Oh, and my English teacher was commenting on how awesome the stuff I turned in was =3 (Got perfect marks on the five pages of summaries I turned in, on the GIP Vocab Test I took, and some extra credit I did to pass the time).
  22. Noxryn
    It was a great movie =)
    Also -- Final Fantasy XIII, I bought it and it's sooo much fun. (I spent Gamestop store credit on it, not real cash... and got five bucks in real cash back, oddly enough... even though the store here was twenty bucks more expensive than what Blockbuster was selling it for).
    I also just figured out what this trailer I watched back in 2007 was about... and the game's not even out yet, funnily enough. (FFXIII Versus is what the trailer was of, I thought it was just a Kingdom Hearts trailer when I saw it, though)
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