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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    It'll be a good day when I have my vocal chord surgery.
    It'll also be a good year when I remember to take my HRT medications on time properly, but a couple days off isn't as bad as forgetting for a month straight.
    Plus, got some nice skirts that I should wear out sometime.
  2. Noxryn
    Ah, well as we all know BZP was down for two days, for the first things I could do, as for the second, a storm swept by and hindered my ability to go places.
    Well on the first day earlier within the day itself I decided to go to the neighborhood pool and swim in the area which I am staying until I caan get settled in the new home.
    It was an interesting time there, and I met a girl there who voluntarily gave me her phone number, and during this time we have become rather good friends.
    So I finished that and came home. I went to see iff BZP was working, it wasn't and so I decided to try drawing things and reading until a baseball game was going on and I decided to go there with a few friends. Well at the time it seemed like a good idea, but now I feel a bit embarrassed by winning a T-Shirt from a "Who can do the best air guitar?"
    During the game (12-0) Tulsa stole a bunch of bases including home which surprised me, and on both teams the batter accidentally let the bat go flying. One went into the crowd and a lucky man got it, the other went into the outfield.
    After that interestng game I came home checked to see if BZP was working, it was not and fell asleep. Then came the next day of stormy weather. Augh that was horrible, it continued to today as well as I watched a tree get hit by lightning just outside the fence around the house I'm staying at. Another hit the mailbox in the front yard setting the fire alarm off and scaring me. BZP was back up though and I have something to do.
    I updated my Epic Angels Among Us which a critic reviewed and only found one thing wrong which was incredibly minor. Now I type this and I sent my form for the SSCC and I hope I get approved by them. *crosses fingers*
  3. Noxryn
    It's really annoying when you're working on a group project, write out your part and then hand it to someone else in the group who reads it. Then the person crumples it up, throws it out and says "It sucks." and then providing a worse example to be used. And now it's later, and that person is complaining that you didn't do any work and just sat around doing nothing.
    I nearly killed that person with a pencil.
  4. Noxryn
    I started typing up something that hit my mind, then lost interest in it too fast D=
    I want a longer attention span now.
  5. Noxryn
    So I completely forgot to work on any of my Biology stuff last night, and it was all due today. But then crazy weather happened.
    So I go to school, like normal, but right before my Biology class... school ends early and it's a mad rush to get a spot on one of the buses.
    I was like "wow... I really lucked out here..."
  6. Noxryn
    I madez a CoT SS called AFTERMATH and is based off of that book series with all the clones I was reading about...
    I needz moar thingz to think about ><
  7. Noxryn
    Apparently my uncle sent my dad Full Metal Panic: Fumoffu on DVD, and if you know my dad, he's the last person who would watch the show. So when I come over, he randomly... like, halfway through a conversation, pulls it out of the closet and is all like "You can have this."
    Just weird, but cool.
  8. Noxryn
    Sitting in a bus, for twenty extra minutes, having just been beaten the karz out of via playing a hockey goalie, then walking half a mile home in forty degree weather with a T-shirt, coming home just to have to put up with a little sister who started to throw things around and make a scene does not make for a happy Spink.
    I am cold. I am wet with sweat. I have assignments. And I feel miserable.
    This is why I hate Mondays.
    On another note, I've been recently informed that for Thanksgiving, it's just going to be me, my mother and my sister.
    And I was so excited to see the family again. T.T
  9. Noxryn
    So I bought Halo 4 at midnight, well more precisely, nine minutes after midnight. I just got the normal edition -- Limited was sold out, and I wasn't shelling out 350+ for the console (even if the design is cool, and the harddrive is massive).
    I was actually in the line around 8:30ish my time, ran into some friends and we just talked about Halo, he went on about The Walking Dead, boyfriends, and some career related things. Was fun, also ran into some other people I know and just talked about random stuff for the most part. It was my first midnight release thing, and they had some copies of Halo 4 going on a massive screen for some people to play, but otherwise it was mostly this massive line (I was near the beginning of it, as most people showed up around 9 and 10).
    So I got my copy (number 91) and then picked up a thing of mountain dew. Why I did this I don't know, but I ended up drinking the whole thing in that week and in conjunction with playing so much Halo... yeah, not healthy (going to the gym tomorrow...).
    But I:
    - Beat the whole campaign on Legendary solo the first day, found all the terminals too (still need to grab some other achievements).
    - Beat the current Spartan Ops episode on Legendary
    - And got up to SR - 34 (prolly to be 35, or even 40, by the end of Sunday)
    I'm having fun. :B
  10. Noxryn
    Haven't been as active on BZP more due to tests/studying [cuz, we all looove 107 question English tests... and 150 question tests on everything... and science tests... and World Geography projects...]. I'm still busy with those things, but so far, the science and the English is out of the way. Just got that 150 test tomorrow morning.
    And, cuz I got bored, I drew Ralts, cuz I felt like it, and I thought it'd be adorable if it held a scythe. It didn't turn out that bad, well... the first one did. But yeah.
    I returned this thingy to Gamestop, and they gave me a full refund too, which was nice of them, cuz I was supposed to end up with an identical product. ^^
  11. Noxryn
    This entry is an "Update" entry which I don't feel like explaining at the moment.
    Current updates in my life/internet life/writing world/imagination land are the following, all in a basic list form... kinda basic XP
    Real Life Stuff:
    -Was a part of the eighth grade class picture. The short man who took the picture wouldn't stop talking though, he'd probably be better as an entertainer on some show rather than a photographer to tell the truth. I got to sit through eight pictures... and I didn't even get a seat, I got to sit on the steps to the bleachers which really left me sore afterwords ;_;
    -Other things that day was our normal schedule. I like the Wednesday schedule, though I hate that P.E and French are a part of it. I'd rather have it; Advisement, Math, Science, and then Social Studies, oh and the end of the day Advisement. Advisement is a period of time before and after school where we all get to do some last minute work, make-up, or just read/draw. The last one is only about thirty minutes long, but the first is a full hour.
    -I loved the fact that our "Test" in Math class was easy, short and to the point. I think I completely aced it, since word problems in the current lesson have become one of my strong points. I'm no mathematician, nor will I ever be, so even the smallest achievements are big ones when it comes to me XP
    -I took the bus again, that was actually fun. Got into a long discussion about some of the most random stuff. It's also fun when your name is the same name as the person you're talking to. So the end of the convo was all liek "Bye Josh", "Bye Josh" and we did that repeatedly [Different contexts] just to annoy everyone around us. Quite fun, actually.
    Internet Life Stuff:
    -I talk to lots of people. Disky always... somehow gets me inspired to write something with our discussions which is a plus. Other people I talk to generally repeat the same thing "Hi." and when it gets to typing "Hai" five times after, things start to go fast.
    -No COT RPGs have been submitted. Less work for me... YAY
    -Was promoted to Forum Moderator on a site who shan't be named. My name looks funkeh in their weird color though.
    -Bothered some people.
    -Updated my offsite blog I just got a few days ago again. That was fun.
    -And nothing more!
    Writing World:
    -I came up with my favorite concept for something ever. The word is filtered and can lead to religious shtuff so I won't even hint to what the concept is. If you really wanna know, just IM me or something. Cuz at least there the whole thing would be understood than just "Wha?".
    -Still in the middle of the sixth draft to DB Ch 2
    -Reading some awesome books is awesome. Finishing awesome books sucks.
    Imagination Land:
    -Dreams are weird. Very. Weird.
  12. Noxryn
    My own week update, cuz stuff actually happened for once.
    Well, for starters, there was the Sunday - Wednesday era for me, which was rather standard. Had no forums to assist in at the time, so I was pretty free in terms of BZP responsibilities, which meant ME2 and completely forgetting that I was to be on RPG Radio Live on Friday (Which means I didn't prep for that). However, in terms of life related things, that's roughly it. Didn't have school on Thursday, but that was rather nice -- gave me a break to get everything done at once. Oh, and I finished my school registration, yay!
    For BZPower related events, well, there's a few things that probably won't be viewed as "Oh amazing super awesome," but hey, it's something to talk about. The first thing that happened was that I actually did end up with four forums to do stuff in (Fan Created Games, Collectibles, Completely Off Topic and Lego General Discussion) which is all pretty neat. However, what dwarfs that in comparison is the recent RPG Radio Live episode which occurred. I wasn't totally prepared for it, and was a bit hesitant to really speak at unannounced times just because I didn't want to clutter it all up with two voices at once.
    It was fun to do though, and we got a good number of people who called in -- even though our last caller (Rabid Janus Fangirl) didn't get a chance to speak, due to technical difficulties and time limits.
    But yeah, I'm listening through it now to see if I can spy anything that needs changing that no one posted on the site, but so far Sera hit the nail on the head with the issues (My cat, the pauses, and there was another thing... can't quite recall). Though, I'm astounded by the interest level in RPG Radio Live, I really didn't think it'd get as huge a response as it did.
    Later I'll be watching Zombieland, so if I become unresponsive out of nowhere, that'd be why.
    But again, thank you to everyone who contributed to the first episode of RPG Radio Live;
    - Exo-Fat for hosting it cuz he can be the awesome host.
    - EW for just being there and providing all of his interesting input.
    - Robo for actually being there and saying stuff
    - SK, even though his phone died out, he still did a great job IMO.
    Thanks for those who called in;
    - Walter, hope the leg gets better.
    - Detranix with his input
    - Seraphim with what he had to say, it was great to hear from him.
    - And Gato, even if you didn't quite get your voice on, it was great that you put forth the time and effort.
    - To any who I missed, sorry! Just make a comment if I missed your name.
    And thanks to everyone on the show-mabobber who kept it clean, and nice for BZP. Highly appreciated.
  13. Noxryn
    My computer got filled with them cuz of a stupid email that said it was from someone I knew, and wasn't in junk ><
    My laptop is now at Best Buy getting fixed up... and I'm on a tiny ThinkPad...
    This week sucks.
  14. Noxryn
    I hate Writer's Block, with all the tests, all the pet-based drama, and all the mind-numbing hours stabbed into a videogame, I can't think of how to update my epic. I've been mentally stuck for like... three weeks, almost... ugh. The worst part is that I can't find my outline, which means I don't even get a mental boost in what I'm supposed to do ><
    -- However, I've made too much progress in Platinum ever since I got it... like... back in September, late September...
  15. Noxryn
    I saw it and it was awesome. Very violent, compared to other movies I've seen as well as a bit graphic in situations which can't be fully mentioned on BZP. I liked it though, and sat through all three hours of it XP
  16. Noxryn
    I tend to get in the mood to type up a SS... but then it turns out all messed up, and then I has to rethink it all over again. Ugh it's such a paaaaiiiiiiinnnn...
    Well on the bright side I actually did my history project. *OMGOMGSPINKDIDAHISTORYPROJECT?!?!*
    After not doing any of last years... which was a mistake I admit (Still passed with a 90% average), I finished this one... right on time.
  17. Noxryn
    -Found out I had 1056$ when I woke up
    -Went to the mall and got some Halloween stuff
    -Wen home
    -Became a CoT RPG Judge
    -Became a POBZPC
    -Ordered some Halo figs
    -Got a submoderator spot in Halo RPG
    -Hunter plan is initiated (Kinda )
    -Got out of several runs in PE via drink of water
    -Got My 360 and stuff back
    -Had a nice suppah
    -Stayed home from school (reason there was)
    -Got mai Halo figs ordered on Monday
    -Set them up and messed around with them for a while
    -Day before Halloween
    -Hooked my 360 up to XBL
    -Played Halo 3 with Les Claypool
    -Did my book report in five minutes
    -Did mai homework
    -Got an A on the Book report
    -Got an A on the homework
    -Selected to be in Math Honors
    -History class was a game where we got candeh
    -I won something in French
    -It's Halloween
    -I'm going to Blockbuster after bringing little sis around the neighborhood to rent some Horror movies
    -Eat candeh till I asplode.
  18. Noxryn
    -Wolverine Movie
    -Late night TV
    -Out to eat
    -Best Buy
    -Sister gets hooked on Final Fantasy
    -I rent Armored Core, and Gundam Crossfire [i hate the combat in Gundam ><]
    -Yardwork from 12:00 - 3:00 PM
    -BZP Time.
  19. Noxryn
    my girlfriend found a spongebob corset costume thing from party city and i said id wear it if she found it
    if someone told me ten years ago i'd one day put that on id have laughed at them
    yet here we are
  20. Noxryn
    That was fun, too bad I couldn't take pictures of any of the aircraft or anything, but I expected that.
    'Twas fun, and I'll be doing that again next Tuesday, and the Tuesday after.
    Oh, and the Wing Commander was there, which surprised me a bit 'cuz he's like, everybody's boss.
  21. Noxryn
    For P.E our class is playing softball, with three teams. The teams are on a rotating thing [batting team, when out, goes to dugout, dugout team switches to field and field switches to batting], but the team I was on got out [three times] after the third batter, so batting got boring. When we were in the dugout, all I felt like doing was to either sleep or writing and I had no laptop nor a pen and paper. And since I was outfield, there was absolutely nothing interesting happening to me... besides for the other Outfield people tackling a runner.
    So yeah, PE was boring.
    And that's the only thing I have to blog about.
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