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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    Haven't been online in a while, but a lot of stuff was going on so I didn't really have the time!
    Anyway, a lot of it was making medical appointments and getting new prescriptions and that, along with adjusting to them. Was pretty excited about that, since one of them is estrogen c: (Other one just makes me drowsy/sleepy as a side effect so).
    But I'm now a ceramics student at a studio nearby, so that's neat. Just something fun and interesting to do before the next school year starts (which I'm unsure where I'll be, mostly been looking at online courses but depending on some factors I may just go to Boulder). Wasn't really able to finish out this year due to medical concerns, both physical health and mental health related, that and I needed to be home more often for some other problems that were coming up -- most of which seem to be wrapping up, so there's that.
    The biggest thing is that I'm now on estrogen and I'm incredibly excited about it -- also getting appointments in line for laser hair removal since there's some affordable rates through various discounts and stuff. Otherwise I'm seeing a new therapist at the Gender Identity Center who has been nothing but helpful, she got me the letter I needed incredibly fast and has been a wonderful source for information/self help practices (mostly to help with my anxiety and self confidence, plus she used to run a makeup and fashion workshop so she's teaching me some of that, too c: ).
    Everything else has just been late nights playing League of Legends with some close friends on Skype, or Guild Wars 2. @.@
  2. Noxryn
    My teacher thinks I'm awesome.
    Guess that's cuz I'm the only one to turn everything in, get the right grades and even go for the extra-credit without needing it. [Cuz I like seeing 100% versus 99%]
  3. Noxryn
    So I typed this up in some three minutes, did some minor editing to it, but I don't know what it is. Just kind of... whatever, I guess. Well, I sort of set it in a world I created.

    The sky, it is the color of ash. Snow twists and turns and tumbles and dances on its way towards the black and gray asphalt, the chilly air sending the magnificent flakes fluttering about whenever a breeze would pass. Standing just below the falling snow was a man, walking purposefully down the Æterian street, the gaslights lighting his way. The brim of his top-hat sagged with white, bits of snow falling and passing by his cold, green colored eyes.
    Clutched in a gloved hand was a cane, the silver top reflecting dimly in the light; the long, black shaft impaled the snow with each step the man took, his strides long and proud.
    Not too far in front of him there was a gathered crowd, not a single soul noticing the man as he approached, their eyes filled with terror as they regarded the scene unfolding before them. When the man began to fall into the crowd, his cold hand gripped the shoulders of those in his path, gently pushing them aside while he made his way to the front of the scene.
    The taste of fire met his lips, the heat of flame washing over his pale visage. Before him a building burned, crimson flames eating away at the delicate wooden structure. He grimaced, and then he started to approach the burning pile of wood, ignoring the heat, ignoring the danger and ignoring the shouts from those behind him.
    In the center of the unholy fire sat a creature, blackened robes wrapped tightly around its body in the fashion of a straight jacket. Over its face a metal mask had been nailed, no features present upon the its surface except for the tops of the nails that had been slammed in, that, and a blood red cross that reflected the fire’s fury.
    “Rise, beast.” The man commanded.
    Wings shot open, sending a blast of wind so powerful that it devoured the flames. Each feather the magnificent wings owned was made of metal, razor sharp to the touch, and as black as a starless night. Slowly, the creature pulled itself onto its lanky legs; long arms drifting slightly passed its knees, fingers elongated into fearsome claws.
    The black robe clung to its sickly body, draping the creature in what looked like shadow. Regardless, the masked abomination turned fully to face the man in the top-hat, standing a good head taller.
    “The Great High…” It said weakly, almost sadly, “… burns… burns with anger.” It muttered, bringing its hands up to its head, its claws digging into the flesh.
    “Regardless, it would be your time to leave this place, forsaken one. For you have been ordered to the pits of a most vile and insidious place. Archlial, I would suggest you leave now.” The man spoke firmly, a hand having disappeared into his long greatcoat.
    “Human… cannot understand the… the pain… suffering… there.” The Angel spoke, taking a step towards the man, hands open and out and speaking in a distant tone. “Take me… take me from… from here. Take. Take… Take me…” It begged, falling once more to its knees, its wings slowly wrapping around its pathetic form.
    “What do you mean?”
    “Gun… shoot me. KILL ME! KILL ME!” It cried, throwing its head back so the bloody cross faced the darkened sky, fingers gripping at the metal mask’s surface. “SHOOT!”
    “Your wish… is my command, bearer of death.” The man spoke softly, bringing out a silver revolver that looked more magnificent than any other. Words in a most skillful handwriting carved in the side, the lengthy barrel able to take quite a pummeling. Slowly, the man pointed the weapon at the begging abomination. “May your death be one merciful.” He spoke, slowly pulling the trigger moments later.
    A flash ripped through the night, a bang tearing into everyone’s ears. The round slammed into the creature’s head, tearing through the mask and blowing the flesh beneath to pieces. Crimson splattered the ground, coating the snow behind the lifeless body that had fallen. Before the man, the sad remains of the once beautiful creature lay dead, blood seeping into the ground as the body quickly decomposed, eaten by the earth itself.
    “May you rest in peace.” He spoke gently, returning the weapon to its proper place. He made an about face, leaving the scene as if nothing of interest had occurred.
  4. Noxryn
    I finished chapter three of The Monarch and the Peddler, comments, critique, and anything else would be appreciated.
    As for other stuff, I still got four or so SSs to work on, but I'm doubting I'll be able to finish one of them today.
  5. Noxryn
    I'm getting the Dead Space movie cuz it looks cool and was five dollars. I'm also getting some CDs which contain those songs I couldn't get on itunes, as well as still waiting on my sniper rifle to get here, but probably won't be soon due to the snow that (Is finally) outside. I've also started watching the Halloween series, as well as just ding random stuff =P

  6. Noxryn
    I have my Halloween costume, need to staple/pin/tear something on it cuz it works extremely well for part of the "mask" thing I have.
    All I need now are black/really dark colored shoes. ^^
  7. Noxryn
    So I feel pretty bored right now, not bored enough to resort to this other blog entry idea (although I'll likely do that one tomorrow, or next week... I have Spring Break <<)
    Well, at the recommendation of someone (who I generally take recommendations from) I tried out this odd strange game known as Dungeons & Dragons. Before I only sorta had an idea of what it was, and by sorta I mean more like "I know that there are numbers involved..." and it took me a while to figure out what it actually is (because I'm dumb). There's a club for it at my school, but some of the people who I'm pretty sure go to it regularly kinda irk me so I didn't try it out earlier there (although now I might). What I did do, though, was go to a localish gaming store (also a coffee shop... quite a good one actually, even though I only had chai tea @_@) and I tried out the Encounters thingy ('cuz the person there mentioned that it was good for people who didn't have the most comprehensive grasp on how it worked).
    Apparently there were a lot of people there (I dunno how many people generally play these games, but their table caps were six and we had seven players), but they were all really nice to interact with. One person helped me out whenever I was all "okay, so, what do I do now..." and another person let me borrow some dice, and I think the game master was being nice to me 'cuz the first time I got hit by something I very nearly blew up ._.;;; (so he didn't play kill-the-magic-dude). Most of the people there were well over my age, like two were I'd say anywhere from 35 - 40 and one other person looked 50-60ish. There were two guys who looked more 20 - 24ish and the game master looked maybe 19 - 21ish. Either way, I'm pretty sure I was the youngest person there, even though I looked about as old as the latter two. (So they might've thought I was older as well, that happens to me a lot).
    (Also I thought the guy who sat across me was really cute, plus he had the most -amazing- hair /randominterjection <3)
    I came in on Chapter 2 (I think of 4... ?) with one of the pre-generated characters they had (which had fancy glossy cards that worked well with a dry erase marker), so I played Jarren the Mage who was represented with a bald dwarfy dude with a staff (although, some of the other miniatures looked really neat, some had a lot of detail especially considering how small the things are). I don't know what the title of the Encounter was, as I have horrid memory, but it basically consisted of doing some miscellaneous stuff and then a fight. (We chucked a corpse at a magic door that went boom).
    From the get-go I almost died in one hit (my luck sucks </3), but somehow survived and killed one thing and shot at a bunch of others. (I found the mage boring though, 'cuz I didn't really need to move anywhere... and I could hit anything anywhere on the map).
    It was a fun social experience though, and the game itself is fun. (I like the imagination needed to visualize everything, that and the creativity with doing things, plus it was a pretty good source of inspiration for drawings and writing a little). It was my first shot at a tabletop RPG and I had fun. (I bought two books the host recommended for new players, 'cuz I'll likely go again in the near future, and a set of dice so I don't have to mooch off people << [they're purpley with pink swirls... which was honestly why I bought them xP]).
  8. Noxryn
    So school started today, although it started yesterday for every other grade. Anyway, my school's doing this weird thing where we have three classes (well I do, most people have four) per day, but whatever.
    So far I like my classes, although I may drop Criminal Justice this year -- I'm not really liking the new teacher (The old one was far more fun, engaging and interesting... and he treated us with some semblance of respect, this one treats us like a bunch of 1st graders) plus the school kinda screwed some of us over as, without telling anyone, they decided that this year it wouldn't be a concurrent enrollment with the college, so it's worth no college credits (last year it was worth three) [we learned of this in class].
    But, anyway, things went smoothly. Even if half my government class didn't show up because they mixed up their schedules.
    Tomorrow I get to experience college algebra. Woo.
    /bored so wrote an entry.
  9. Noxryn
    So I had some money and happened to be at Borders earlier, and so I bought a few books;
    - "Moron's" Guide to Psychology
    I'm interested in psychology and plan to take it as a class next year, so I figured that using a book that explained aspects of psychology in simple terms would be useful, and helpful for background knowledge. I read the first page or so, and so far, it's not dull and it's pretty interesting in my opinion -- this will hopefully give me a bit of an edge when designing, and writing, fictional characters. The book is by Joni E. Johnston, in case anyone wanted to go and search around for it. Odds are, I'll probably provide a full opinion of it after I've read it.
    - The Silmarillion
    I bought this in paperback, so it was fifteen bucks instead of twenty-eight. I like the writing style used in the book itself, and am more using it for research as far as writing out histories of fictional (and fantasy) universes go. It opens up explaining the celestial beings and their part in shaping the world in The Lord of the Rings, with some short stories that flesh out the universe a bit more. From what I've so far read, it's interesting, but I need to finish it before recommending it. (By J.R.R Tolkien, Edited By Christopher Tolkien)
    - The Complete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Meant to buy this quite a while ago, and was happy that Borders had it in stock~ (By Douglas Adams)
    - A Dictionary of Corporate terms and Office-Speak
    If I ever write a story using a corporation or office-setting, or such, then this'll probably be a nice reference to have. It was five bucks, which is why I bought it. (By Diane Law)
    - So You Want to Write?
    I figured that getting some print-resources for writing would prove useful, helpful and easy to get to even when a computer is not around. I read the first chapter, and it's pretty interesting -- so far, it mainly says that if there's a specific genre you wish to write, then read books of that genre (a bit of an obvious statement, to me at least) as that's the best way to really study how to apply words and story to the genre. (By Marge Piercy and Ira Wood)
    There's a bunch of other books I wanted, such as some Stephen King, some Lovecraft, Edgar Alan Poe's works, World War Z, and many other Horror/Dark Fantasy and some philosophical books (Borders lacked what I was hunting for, though).
  10. Noxryn
    Technically speaking, everyone of the class (over Fall Break) had been assigned to read a book written by Patricia Cornwell. Reason being, her novels are about law enforcement cases and by reading the novel we could come to an understanding of how these things, sometimes, go down -- the hours worked, the toll it takes on the investigators/forensic scientists, analysts, and medical examiners and so on and so forth. I, technically, chose to read Scarpetta.
    I never did.
    The synopsis of the novel I found was incredibly short, five lines or so, and I couldn't find much online information (I was using shortcuts because I procrastinated to the point where I wasn't going to read it, as I had found a more enticing novel to stick inside my brain). I wrote an 11 page report on this novel without so much as turning a page and working off what I gleaned from a very basic, short synopsis I found online.
    The end result?
    My rough draft (the one before we write the final draft) received a 400/400 and now I do not even have to do the final draft as, according to my instructor, there's very little to improve upon. To be fair, the basic idea behind the assignment was to be able to compare and contrast what is real and what is not, along with understanding how the characters behaved and why certain things happened. Personally, I have this record of receiving grades such as this for work I hardly put effort into, at least with essays, and I've even received an award from my school for one (I know, right?). Anyway, I'm not advocating this type of work ethic, but rather just gloating that my screw up turned into a success.
    Part of me wanted to read the novel for reading's sake, but I just can't get into that genre. I find it, largely, depressing and sometimes painful to read through, and it just doesn't entice me as much as other novels do. Problem was, I found a novel that fit my niche tastes and that overtook my reading time (until I had to read 104 pages of 1984 in one day...).
    But man, it feels like this year is going by so quickly. It's almost the second semester for my school, all of my notebooks are about to need replacing, I've already read two books for AP Lang and have done more than 10 case studies for AP Psychology, along with plenty of experiments. Maybe it feels like this because I joined a club? (Something I've never done before). Gives me something to look forwards to every week, and everyone there is really kind and fairly inclusive, plus my favorite art teacher (he let me experiment a lot when I was in his class, with ideas and stuff) lends us art supplies on occasion. I'm a bit saddened by how the posters are defaced and torn down, it's really disrespectful and incredibly rude towards those who spent their time to make the posters in the first place. (For reference, we've had five big posters -- one for each wing -- and only one remains, because I super-taped it to the wall after someone tore it down. We've had twenty fliers taped up as well, which were quite clearly torn down). I just wish there weren't people like that at my school, but there's nothing anyone can really do about it besides ignore and just fix things up.
    I suppose I just wish my fellow high schoolers were a bit more mature and grown up, rather than behaving like a gang of ten year olds.
    However, we (of the club) designed a new poster that will likely be laminated and hung up where a security camera can watch it, so if someone were to tear it down, we can figure out who it is and hand them over to the administration (this case falling under destruction of school property). It's a pretty poster though, an incredibly colorful puzzle put upon a white piece of cardboard, with all sorts of designs around it of every color they had in the art supply room. I just have a picture of the puzzle portion, but it's a pretty large file so I won't put it up in here.
  11. Noxryn
    Let us never forget that on this day of September 11 [8 years ago], thousands of lives were wiped off of this Earth through an act of destruction that shook a nation.

    A custom content block was set up for this day, so that it stays at the top of the page throughout the next 24 hours or so. Comments posted in this entry that are not suitable for the site, or are just unsuitable by my standards, will be deleted -- just be sure to act respectful [Of the date, and BZP rules along with the members].
  12. Noxryn
    I'll be gone from Saturday - at the earliest Tuesday. Sat - Mon will be a drive from here to Wisconsin, and the other days will be things like the funeral, and seeing some relatives... whom I haven't seen for years...
  13. Noxryn
    I decided that I'm going to enter the Core War Short Story Contest [No idea if they call it, but that's what I call it] and already I wrote out a brief outline. It's something like this that I've needed for a while; a fun and interesting project that I have never done before =P
    And all I must do now is look up some more stuff and wait for the questions I sent in to be answered XP
    The music I have on already gave me some fun ideas, though as far as violence; it'll be hard for me to keep it in check =P
  14. Noxryn
    Had lots of food, from;
    - Sweet potato casserole (Which is amazingly awesome)
    - Rolls (Made from a tin, but still tasty.)
    - Turkey (We had to hack it apart, cuz none of us know how to properly carve a turkey.)
    - Stuffing (Not the gizzards, cuz using the gizzards in stuffing is eww, rather we meshed stuff like bread, apple cider and the like together)
    - Apple Cider (<3)
    - There was soda, but I didn't drink any of it.
    - We had this broccoli stuff (Didn't care for it that much)
    - Normal mashed potatoes (Didn't eat any XP)
    - Pecan pie
    - Pumpkin pie
    - Pumpkin bread
    - Ice cream
    But now, what I am I thankful for? I'd say for being alive to experience everything that there is to be thankful for.
  15. Noxryn
    I wrote a Bionicle based SS... and like... put some effort in it. Might not be too good since I haven't had any sleep, but you never know.
    Here it is: Link.
  16. Noxryn
    It had been a cold night, snow on the ground and frost in the window. Instead of basking in the freezing embrace of the great outdoors, I instead chose to read things on the internet, in many cases, I found a bitter taste in my mouth. All too often I read as people complained about how unsuccessful they are in life, by comparing success to money, to fame, to glory and to all sorts of materialistic wishes and wants. People would harp on those who spent time to become successful in their own lives, such as Stephen King, Dean Koontz, James Cameron and a multitude of other individuals. So, quietly I pondered: what is success, how is it measured?
    I went to sleep with that puzzling question, wrapped under layers of warm blankets to assist my busy mind into a delicate slumber.
    Dreams have puzzled humans through the ages, some claimed them to be prophetic in nature, others believed that they were the wishes and wants of the subconscious, still others believed that dreams existed to help us think over problems in new ways, and others still believed dreams to be simulations as to prepare the human for life. I subscribe to no particular belief of what a dream is, for such a thing is too subjective and malleable to be categorized as such, but part of me leans to the idea that they can assist with problems, or perhaps simply show us what we may not have noticed before.
    And so before me, within this dream, a great hallway extended forth. A grand structure of gothic design, torches attached to the walls lighting the way, with the occasional stained glass window darkened with the nighttime sky. The faint smell of roses filled my nostrils as I steadily walked, feet falling softly upon a crimson carpet with gilded gold edges. The aroma was intoxicating, and I felt myself drawn towards the stately wooden door that rested at the end of the impossibly long hallway, beckoning.
    I place a hand upon the cold wood and push, the creaky door opening merely a crack before my senses were lambasted with more of that intoxicating scent. As I regain my composure I notice a young man who stood at the center of the circular room, leaning over a pensive. Wings as black as the moonless sky graced his lithe, yet powerful back and his flesh appeared a light purple. The clothing he wore appeared strange, something an Egyptian Pharoh may appear in, though upon this man it was made of leather, the covering around his waist reaching to the floor, and a single leather pauldron lashed to his shoulder, adorned with gold. Quietly he just turned his head to look at me, his eyes a deep emerald hue, and hair charmingly messy and as black as his wings. As a smile graced his lips, I could see the inklings of fangs, pearly white, as they were.
    Slowly he pulled himself to his full height, likely around six foot five, and stepped over to me. Lightly he placed his hands on my shoulders, fingers tipped with sharp ebony nails, and quietly spoke,
    "The most successful person, is he who dies with a genuine smile upon his lips."
  17. Noxryn
    Kinda bored so I'm choosing to write an entry (though none of you read it anyway so this is purely for my pleasure, ;D)
    SO, okay, here's a short list of some online games I'm taking part in along with some info on characters and junk within them... mostly for my own reference and organization, but hey, if you play one of these games and want to friend me or something, feel free! I don't bite. I promise.

    Guild Wars 2:

    I play... too many characters and have used too much money on gems (okay, maybe sixty dollars over my year+ish of playing, so not too bad)... but, I have:
    - Leliel Thorgeirkin (Norn female warrior, I seriously can't play norn males... those shoulders... man, those shoulders. Although, people have made some amazing ones... I just... don't identify with hyper-masculine men, lol). She's also basically my like, super-independent-I-can-take-down-giants-on-my-own lady person because, like, it's fun to punch sexist characters in the face and break their jaws (with permission, but hey, it feels good).
    - Kitvael (Might name change him, since he's my sylvari mesmer and could possibly go Nightmare Court RPly... because, they're cool even if they're somewhat like angsty teens... but I mean, who could deny the name Kit the Dreamflayer?). He is the pinkest sylvari alive. With a glowing purple focus. With a rapier. With faerie wings. And a dress. Because... he's amazing and beautiful and butterflies everywhere.
    - Cein Ravenhart (Male sylvari, green and a necromancer who I use in WvW usually... namely in zerg fights because I use staff and three wells [Yes, all my utility skills are ground targeted large AoE's that I use to help and slowly kill people who stand in the fire]). I haven't really RPed with him, so his personality is up in the air.
    - Kastis Nightrose (Male sylvari guardian, super purple, was supposed to be Nightmare originally... but who knows anymore).
    - Vincent Escalier ( Elementalist: He's basically the best human I made, looks-wise, and like... he so pretty, omg)
    I have other characters, but these ones are the highest levels (all 80, aside from Leliel who is at 68... though I've been cheating and using the Tomes of Knowledge you can get in structured PvP games for her... because, let's face it, as a mesmer or a warrior... PvP is so easy and deliciously fun).

    League of Legends

    Total and utter newbie. But I've been playing with Morgana (Solo-Mid generally, but like, I do suck so... yeah, eh, whatevs). I've also been using Ashe a lot as she's free (same with Morgana this week), and I've been using Master Yi a little bit because slashing things. Like I said, I'm terrible and my friends totally carry me in this game (but they get to watch me die, so they ultimately win <3). Never solo-queued for anything because... well, hesitant since I hear so many things about the community at large and I know very little of the game itself (I play for fun, not really to win... honestly).

    Final Fantasy XIV

    I love this game, even if it has a number of flaws. I currently play:
    R'yndae Tia (Sun seeker miqo'te male, right now he's been leveling PLD because I wanted to try tanking and, so far, I find it pretty fun... much more fun and engaging than being a damage dealer).
    Kit Azrael (Essentially my main character, also miqo'te male [moon keeper] and I heal, generally, on him and... like with tanking, I find healing a more engaging and fun aspect of the game... currently I haven't been leveling with him so much since I level him with a friend).
    I'm not in a FC in FFXIV as of now, due to some disagreements with the leadership (Like, the overall community leadership of the FC, all of whom are focused in a different game for the most part). I'll likely end up part of a LGBTQA+ Friendly guild, and possibly some RPing LS's pending how well and comfortable I feel to do so.


  18. Noxryn
    Been missing for some reasons, some more reasonable than others.
    First few reasons: I was on vacation for a while after my school ended (I'll be a senior next year), and at the same time have been trying to find a job around here (none to be had, apparently), and trying to get my community service hours officially in and documented (more waiting for Pridefest to roll around, as their hours count double). Plus I've been chatting with a pretty close friend of mine off and on the last few weeks, and when he's on I generally devote all my time to him, which means no BZP and no games and so on and so forth.
    Second few reasons: I've been needing to get my hands on some books (Paradise Lost, Oliver Twist, Poisonwood Bible, etc...) for classes next year (except the first one, I simply want to read that). Otherwise, I've been nose deep in a MMORPG known as TERA Online, which I find incredibly fun despite all the things people complain about it for (namely the RNG, the lag with some things, the lack of content at the end of the game, and whatever "grind" they all yap about). Popped myself onto the RP Server as I was curious about it and so far that's been the nicest server the game has (PvP servers have the maturity level of spoiled toddlers). Haven't run into anyone my age really, save for two people, but I never noticed how many fathers/mothers play these games lol. (Also my avatar/sig are screenshots of the character I made, a high elf lancer~)
    Watched my guild leader die a bunch in one of the instances, was funny~
  19. Noxryn
    ever since the new lightning returns trailer just <3 (idc if he's a bit of a blockhead at least in the first game since i never beat 13-2)
    *this voice actor has also acted a good chunk of characters i had crushes on what's up with this (like seriously)
  20. Noxryn
    I has for Halo figure dudez
    -Brute Chieftan Weapons Master (Da gold armored one ^^)
    -Master Chief with a Lazah
    -Some red Hayabusa dude
    -Some Olive green Rogue dude
    - And a Blue Combat Elite.
    Me like.
    If I had a camera there'd be pics. Annnnd I has fifty Halo points or whatever the heck that is. =D
  21. Noxryn
    So, as of yesterday, I'm a Semi-Official USCAP Cadet. The "Semi" part is more due to the fact that I don't have;
    - An identification card
    - The proper uniform sets (Planning to get them cheaply at the AFB Supply store, rather than ordering through the "official supplier" given how long it takes the supplier to ship things, as well as prices...)
    - The "Starter" Kit of sorts, basically, a zip-up binder that contains a notebook, some texts, (the I.D card) and other basic essentials.
    - I lack my grade cutouts, more because I have yet to get a uniform. They're just cutouts, cuz C/AB's don't get a stripe(s).
    But, I do have my application in a "processing" state, which is another reason for the "Semi," but I did get a free T-Shirt with the logo of the squadron, and a patch that'll go on the BDU whenever I obtain them (Probably the weekend after this weekend, depending on Supply Store hours).
    Though, the Map Reading Class that was held yesterday was pretty interesting, even if it was only the Basic Basics of Map Reading.
    My Tuesday, basically consisted of;
    - School (No assigned Homework)
    - Exercise (About an hour to get through everything)
    - Trip to the AFB for the CAP meeting, the second I attended.
    -- Map Reading Class, learning Drill, going through the final steps of the application process
    - Getting home at around 9:30 PM
    - Doing some School studying, for about an hour; 10:30 PM
    - Doing some BZP stuff for a bit, until going to bed at 11:00 PM.
    That'll be pretty much every Tuesday, only to get a bit more filled up when Fencing is entered into the mix (on May 1st).
    So yeah, that's basically what I've been busy with for the past two or three weeks -- looking up information, reading many PDF files, reading some of the text-studies early, and reading through requirements and the like.
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