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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    I see I lost a star, oh well! =)
    Alright I became part of the SSCC on the 20th at sometime and am happy to say "Ready for duty sir!" =P
    I have also written up a new SS on the 19th, I am too lazt to provide a link right now, but if curiousity is going to kill you over, link to library in sig, and link to story in library. (Loneliness is its name BTW)
    I changed me name from Last Stand's Teleporter to Spink. Yes Spink, I like the word Spink as I like saying it for some odd reason or other.
    Sooooo, today I have been reading around and about and noticed a slight increase in CoT of these "what is the ___est thing you have seen?" topics. At a first glance I deemed them as harmless when the first was made, but then there was a second and a third, and I believe a fourth possibly a fifth.
    I posted in some yes, because I found them interesting at the time, but I guess what I am trying to say is, if the "What is your ____ plan?" topics had all been shut down and a rule made against making them for the reason that they were choking up the forum and getting to be annoying and spammy at times, why go down the same path with these new ones?
    Perhaps it is because the first did so well and you wished to have another topic do just as well so you post practically the same question, but slightly modified. Like instead of saying "What is the cutest thing you have seen?" and then making practically the same topic twenty or so minutes after saying "What is the ugliest thing you have seen?"
    (note I am just using this particular topic as an example and is nothing more than that)
    I mean, perhaps one or two would be good for a while, but why make so many more when the others are still around? Even if you have slightly different topics? From what I see so far is that a few of the newer ones have become a tad bit spammy (not that much, but it is there) and then I began to wonder if there would be a new rule about these topics as well.
    (On a similiar note, more of a suggestion, if you have a topic that can be made into several thousand other topics like the two I have just mentioned, why not wait until the first one or two are dead before making a new one, as in my personall thinking you would get more replies that aren't spammy and stay on topic better.
    I just thought I should clear that long thought out of my head as it was daring me to post it and I don't like being challenge like that so I posted it.
    Feel free to post negative and/or positive feedback about my little statement.
    That is all that was on my mind.
  2. Noxryn
    Well for starters I saw the Batman Movie today, but I left the movie theatre too early as the news people came in filming around the very theatre I had been in a few hours prior. It was a very good movie and I reccomend it, as long as you are okay with psychotic clowns and gunfire.
    I had gone bowling, got crushed and played another round, still got crushed again. Bowling isn't my thing, but it is quite fun.
    What else, What else... I played Monopoly, lost ridiculously, but I can live with that. I came here to post my entry, and that's pretty much it for the day. (Tomorrow I am getting book Two in the Soldier son Trilogy titled "The Forest Mage", the series is very good so far and I reccomend it to any readers out there)
  3. Noxryn
    That be me aiming at your head from my window. That includes anyone not close to any buildings, or this country. Yes my aim is THAT GOOD.
    As is my special rifle. =3
  4. Noxryn
    Iwish I could think of something worthwhile to put here, so I shall put how I feel in the form of a picture...

  5. Noxryn
    Ah, well as we all know BZP was down for two days, for the first things I could do, as for the second, a storm swept by and hindered my ability to go places.
    Well on the first day earlier within the day itself I decided to go to the neighborhood pool and swim in the area which I am staying until I caan get settled in the new home.
    It was an interesting time there, and I met a girl there who voluntarily gave me her phone number, and during this time we have become rather good friends.
    So I finished that and came home. I went to see iff BZP was working, it wasn't and so I decided to try drawing things and reading until a baseball game was going on and I decided to go there with a few friends. Well at the time it seemed like a good idea, but now I feel a bit embarrassed by winning a T-Shirt from a "Who can do the best air guitar?"
    During the game (12-0) Tulsa stole a bunch of bases including home which surprised me, and on both teams the batter accidentally let the bat go flying. One went into the crowd and a lucky man got it, the other went into the outfield.
    After that interestng game I came home checked to see if BZP was working, it was not and fell asleep. Then came the next day of stormy weather. Augh that was horrible, it continued to today as well as I watched a tree get hit by lightning just outside the fence around the house I'm staying at. Another hit the mailbox in the front yard setting the fire alarm off and scaring me. BZP was back up though and I have something to do.
    I updated my Epic Angels Among Us which a critic reviewed and only found one thing wrong which was incredibly minor. Now I type this and I sent my form for the SSCC and I hope I get approved by them. *crosses fingers*
  6. Noxryn
    Recently I have had a bit of inspiration because of the new CoT contest more or less and I had begun to write up more Short Stories and I dared to do an epic.
    I will have links up to all the topics soon, but in the meantie my sig currently holds these magical links of prosperity. =)
  7. Noxryn
    I take that as a "This is a waste of my time to read" then.
    Boring day no problems... except that I am trying to start an Epic, but I first need to make sure that I will finish it. If anyone is interested in helping me out you can PM me questions and an example of your writings.
  8. Noxryn
    Well I went about my daily business, a three mile walk, eating three meals, going on BZP, reading, sleeping, going out to a Movie... and so forth.
    Well, once I find some interesting pictures perhaps I'll stick them in somewhere
    So, is reading this a time of day you do not enjoy?
  9. Noxryn
    Well Wrack turned me into a loli as you may, or may not see. That happened today btw.
    Well within the past few days I have seen two very good movies, one being Wanted the other being Wall-E.
    Wanted was a very great movie, I liked ho wit was more of an unexpected sort and with all the bullet curving, exploding mice, and peanut butter, yum!
    Wall-E was a very cute little pixar movie. I liked it how Eve had fun with her gun on Earth for the first part of the movie. It showed that ne day technology will make us all fat and be stuck on floating chairs. Fun.
    I also was off to see some fireworks with the family. My little sister kept complaining about it, but we pretty much just ignored her and watched the show. I got back about an hour ago and watched Finding Nemo with the family.
    My dad got me interested to watch the Chronicles of Riddick as he said that they were very good movies. Well that's all from the peanut gallery! Have a nice day!
  10. Noxryn
    I just spent ten hours of my day locked in a car!
    Well, I went from Houston Texas to Arkansas which is why it took a while. All together I currently have $320 as free to spend on anything money. That makes me happy.
    Well, that's all for tonight (or this morning however you want to look at it).
  11. Noxryn
    I had done a lot of things to prepare for today, and now that it is over I feel so much more relieved. Tomarrow I am headed off to a friends party and probably to Wal-mart to see if they carry the things I am looking for.
    PS: I lost the game.
    PSS: I also still can't remember what I wa sgoing to type in that one entry, I think it had something to do with today, but I can't think of what.
  12. Noxryn
    So when BZP went offline, I didn't notice until I tried to get on at 11:30 Pm, and instead I watched The Blair Witch Project (not that bad of a movie). Sometime the next day BZP came back online and I posted for a bit and then did other things for a little while.
    If I had more time this entry may have been longer, but time is short and I just got bored.
  13. Noxryn
    Well, I have failed in searching for several items, but oh well. Things are oing more smoothly and things have been a bit less hectic around where I live and so I can do stuff again.
    I will one day find something interesting to post an entry about.
  14. Noxryn
    I got around twelve places to go to and I am going to need a new suit soon... and nice shoes...along with those pants that people wear on occasion... and some socks wouldn't kill me...
    In other words, an older friend of mine is getting married next week and I got busy preparing for it. (not BM, but eh, helping out with foods and stuff wouldn't hurt)

  15. Noxryn
    There are a bunch of people talking very loudly outside my window, It's kinda creepy.
    So I watched a bunch of horror movies and now I will not be able to sleep tonight.
    A few more thingys to say, I won't be online tonight or tomarrow as I have a bunch of plans with a bunch of people. And since I will be unable to put in an entry tomarrow I put this one in to take it's place.
    Nothing really interesting has happened to me today though.
  16. Noxryn
    Well, today I got up at *gasp* a normal time!
    So I wen through with my original everyday routine. When later I checked the mail a letter was there for me, curiously I tore it open and read it. (It said to go the park) and so I did. When I got there a whole bunch of people popped out of nowhere screaming "SURPRISE!!!" It scared me so bad to the point I fell over. I was able to get back up of course and it seems that Member Nera was the one who organized the thing.
    So I got there at 6 and left at 9. Nera fell asleep and so was relieved of her modding duties in my RPG for the rest of today. Fun party, didn't last long though.
  17. Noxryn
    So today I have a; plumber, a buyer of homes, a seller of houses, and another buyer of homes coming to my humble abode sometime today. *I forgot the actual time* Seeing as I will be leaving my home around Six and these *with the plumber,is coming before then* while I wait for two people each with a seller of homes with them to finish up looking at my house and deciding if they should buy it or not. *dear god I hope they do!*
    I am probably going to go to a store and browse around until I get bored, then either pick up that TV I had saved up for, or something else.
    *Can't wait till tomarrow!*
  18. Noxryn
    I have had no sleep for the last 27 hours and yet I am still awake. My head does not have the intention to explode and my eyes are wide awake. Normally I fall asleep somewhere around 1:00 AM and wake up about 12:30 PM and continue through my day normally. If all curiousity ensues, does this happen with anyone else.
    side note: Megal XLR IS TOTAL WIN!
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