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Blog Entries posted by Noxryn

  1. Noxryn
    omg yesssss FFXV finally sounds like it's going somehwere ;u;
    (and and and Kingdom Hearts III <3)
    and and microsoft kinda destroyed themselves in so many ways it's just sad (thus, ps4, already preordered thankyouverymuch)
    but also the FFXIV videos looked awesome, and while i believe separate from the event, the PS3 UI Vid was really informative (i pretty much have my character nailed down now -- saw the hair i wanted :3 -- and now i know how it'll look on the PS3 system and how smooth the overally controller is for the game; might still try a PC version just to see how well my PC can handle it, but eh)
    and new super smash bros for 3DS <3 (i can't afford a Wii U after my ps4 preorder lol... and i don't have the space for two systems and a pc in my dorm... prolly gonna be laptop/ps4 there)
    (wii-fit trainer totes awesome)
    but now i'm all excited for Destiny too, and still in need of getting the HD Remixes of FFX and KH1
    (the mandatory pay online for PSN doesn't bug me too much, like it is 50 bucks and possibly 40 with a Best Buy Game Club membership -- still need to look into that -- which... i -believe- is cheaper than LIVE, or at least the same price i imagine; but i'll hopefully have an on-campus job and can throw money to that)
  2. Noxryn
    I take that as a "This is a waste of my time to read" then.
    Boring day no problems... except that I am trying to start an Epic, but I first need to make sure that I will finish it. If anyone is interested in helping me out you can PM me questions and an example of your writings.
  3. Noxryn
    Iwish I could think of something worthwhile to put here, so I shall put how I feel in the form of a picture...

  4. Noxryn
    And I must;
    -Finish Lye Street
    -Study and take a Language Final.
    -Study and take a Math Final [i'm soooo screwed on this one ><]
    -Take a History Test [Not a Final ^^]
    -Complete final Computer Project.
    -Complete Science Project
    -Complete two more Math worksheets.
    And, that is it ^^
  5. Noxryn
    We got to write four short stories. I had a lot of fun with this, the first one was themed and was more like "How would you react if there were no adults in the world? Like, they suddenly vanished." it wasn't expected of me to make it a story, but I made it a first person small story thing that was a lot of fun to write. I had ten minutes, so it wasn't any longer than half a page [Though, with my handwriting, it counts as a page].
    The second story was themed... forget what the theme was though, but it was fun to write out nonetheless, and it got my creativity moving forwards. The third was the same.
    Then, we had absolute free reign with the fourth, and I made a full page detailing a story thing I made up in two minutes and wrote out in ten ^^
    Then we all turned them in. Easy grades. ^^
  6. Noxryn
    My teacher thinks I'm awesome.
    Guess that's cuz I'm the only one to turn everything in, get the right grades and even go for the extra-credit without needing it. [Cuz I like seeing 100% versus 99%]
  7. Noxryn
    *Gets shot*
    Alright with that out of the way I would like to begin this entry by saying that AAU, may be getting a slow update due to me writing up the full first chapter to the DBSR1 project I've been thinking out and writing about for years. Along with the fact that I wrote up Twisted Sorrow, and am in the middle of another which is still unfinished
    My SSs don't get that many replies now do they? =P *hinthint* *gets shot again*
    Besides for that I ran to Barnes 'n Noble, didn't have the book I was looking for and another I wanted was incredibly overpriced. *I'm not spending seventeen dollars on an eight dollar paperback book *
    I also just noticed that the windows are open... no wonder why I'm so dang cold...
    I haven't been doing anything much 'cept for go to a pool and do nothing there for three hours...
    The RPGs today seem to be moving at an extremely slow pace for some odd reason....and I got bored and needed to kill time so I typed up this entry thinking that someone may read the SS which is in my blog and leave a comment on it. *GG left a comment, but his dun count*
    All of a sudden I have the impulse to run around outside in circles for no apparent reason...that's a first.
    Oh! I forgot to mention that the school in Denver, well exact location I shtill dunno, but I'll say "Denver" as that's as specific as I feel like getting =P
    This school is going to be open for its first year and so *hopefully* I'm not going to be viewed as an "Outsider" like I was viewed in my last school, although two years of being around those people you get to be part of the loop within the first six months. ^^
    Just because I feel like saying it I will, I didn't eat breakfast or lunch, nor had I had any snacks today... I haven't been eating much recently, I find that odd...
    Well dinner we were finishing up all of the leftover foods *Since I don't eat much there was a LOT of food leftover, my sister ate half of it....*
    I ate three hotdogs as it was the smallest and least filling thing there with, yes, baked beans...that tasted good, but I felt overfull afterwards and I HATE that feeling ugh.....
    Well now you know my basic diet, nothing, nothing, nothing inbetween, and then dinner. Yup that's about it for food and shtuff of that sort.
    This is most likely the end of this entry unless I can think of something to say
    Nope 'nuffin 'cept a nice breeze just came through the window and promptly hit me in the face ^^
  8. Noxryn
    I hate it when the instructions for something go all "Slide this piece in place here." and when I try, it ends up being impossible cuz the part to slide over is too narrow. And so I got frustrated and decided to stop for a bit.
    I wish Bionicle sets were like this.
  9. Noxryn
    Go and congratulate Gato/Desu/Insert other name you recognize, and do so here.
    All who do are awesome in my book.
    Oh and since there's really no point to allow comments for this entry, I'm gonna lock this entry.
  10. Noxryn
    I am amazingly excited for BFair (Last year was a blast, and I didn't even do that much), I just hope I can get everything I need to get done before the event. Lot of it is physical paperwork and notifying some people (Need to notify the head of the School Newspaper Staff Administrator that I can't make the staff meeting on the Seventh...). Some of the paperwork is just me needing to finish my school reading projects (Need to get some things drawn out and the blasted printer working ><), while some of it is more BZP related (Though, in electronic form) and some is stories I have laying around I want to finish before BFair (Right after BFair is school).
    I also reaaaallly want to get my driving stuff done before the event, so that next year, I'll have an actual license and can utilize my rental car discount (A benefit my mother will be using this year, probably, which I get through CAP). If not, oh well.
    Some other things involve packing and making some MOC's. One of the MOC's I made was... well, it collapsed and kinda... dissolved. (Yes, I am a terrible MOCist), Plus I need to make some crabs... probably one or two.
    I alllllllssssoooo need to pack up a gift for someone who will be attending~ (wrapping paper fun~)
    This'll be a busy week, busy, busy, busy. (And next week will be busy too... though, I have my 3-minute impromptu speech in mind, which will likely be about being prepared 'cuz I can go on forever about it... even though it'll become rambling)
    (I also need to stop by the ATM sometime... so I can pull out eighteen dollars for some awesome things)
  11. Noxryn
    BF3? In the future.
    MW3? Nah.
    GoW3? Nah.
    UC3? Nah.
    Arkham? In the future, probably.
    So excited for this game~
  12. Noxryn
    I've been writing a thing because of the new Bionicle 2015 stuff, though since there's not a ton of information and junk out I messed up here and there by giving Pohatu a mask power (I think I more or less edited it out, I don't think it's implied the character has it, either). Also being fairly liberal with personalities and stuff, for now.
    Anyway, I like what I have so far. It's not a grand story, just sort of a little practice thing, but it's fun writing a female Kopaka and a nonbinary Pohatu. Guess it's just easier for me to relate to them as characters? But the main cast could probably use some more diversity anyway, plus it's a little fun to write a tall, broad shouldered female character since there aren't a ton of them (and I do relate a bit more to the character).
    Still feel like Kopaka/Pohatu should be a thing. Always.
  13. Noxryn
    I've absolutely fallen in love with this song, despite how sad it is.
    (Just an excerpt)

    "I'm trying to earn a set of feathery wings I wish I could protect you here
    Oh, please don't cry
    Now smile as you're standing
    At the edge of your life
    Your troubles are over
    Mine are just beginning
    I'm trying to earn a set of feathery wings
    To take me away from here
    Its me you leave behind
    If only I could have been there
    I’d be a hand for the sinking
    If only I could have been there
    I’d be a prayer for the dying
    See the pain etched in my face
    I’m so sick and tired of
    The taste of tears
    The sting of pain
    The smell of fear
    The sounds of crying
    As you're standing at the edge of your life
    What do you remember was it all you wanted"

  14. Noxryn
    For the longest time, the blog tab would redirect me to the Blog Dashboard for reasons of which I could not fathom. Then, just a few seconds ago, as I scroll through the blogs in a bored frenzy, I notice at the top there's an option to "keep all blogs as start page" (or something akin to that) and so I click it. Now, no more am I redirected to the Dashboard, no more must I face that horrid mess of disorganized thoughts and rambles against my own will!
    And yet, I feel like a dummy for not noticing that earlier.
    Much earlier.
  15. Noxryn
    So I took up fencing recently, first class was today, and it's quite interesting as well as fun. The instructor stated that so far, I'm her best student.
    Though, I won't be able to do it next week... 'cuz I got firearm training (class) Thursday for two hours and then the actual target-shooting on Saturday (four hours).
  16. Noxryn
    my computer can run it on max settings wooo (but only at an average of 46~FPS going by the benchmark test, so prolly a bit lower) but the game looks just rad on high and medium settings so there... which technically doesn't matter since the human eye can only see like 27 ~ 30 frames per second (if this is wrong punch my 3D animation instructor from two years ago).
    (but i plan to get the collector's edition for my PS3 since it's just a safer investment and get the standard version for PC so i can play it there too/see if it runs well... though i think i can do that in open beta so we'll see)
    but yay i wanna be a miqo'te white mage <3
    (i'll be so bad at white mage jsyk)
    if other people plan to get it and play they should totes say something (i have like one other friend who wants to play it too so we're gonna be miqo'te boys blowing things up randomly)
    but yay so excited (and release date is Aug 27th, but since i plan to preorder headstart is August 20th... and that's after the open beta which i think will be in mid-late July since Phase 3 testing is in June [and open beta is Phase 4])
    (oh oh oh and i graduated wooo so now onto college come Sept 4th)
  17. Noxryn
    Well I finally got out of my previous temporary area of living, and am now in a new temporary place of living which is an apartment in Denver. The apartment was bigger than I expected, and everyone has an actual room here including a bathroom, kitchen, and living room.
    It's quite nice, oh and here we get the treat of a flat screen TV... something I've never had in any place I lived before ^^
    Some downsides were that I couldn't haul my 360 here as it wouldn't fit in my luggage I brought on the plane, so rather I brought my lappy which is the only way I ever get on BZP...
    I hope to find those TFA figs I've looked for in two other states (Texas and Arkansas, who didn't have what I was looking for <<) and am now going to try one of the many Targets and/or Wal*Marts in the area.
    If I do not find what I am looking for, I'll probably be in the news for destroying a large section of the city =P
    -Back to school this Monday, of which I'm still a bit nervous for, but I'll get over it sooner or later... the fact that there's a bus doesn't really help -__-;;
    If the school itself has it, I intend on taking art classes, along with any classes I can to improve my art/writing skills, which need desperate improvement upon ><
    Not too much has happened... all I hope is that the people I end up having for classmates are fun, nice, and easy to work with... I may or may not get my wish, but hoping hasn't killed anybody (At least to my knowledge...)
    I am incredibly, incredibly excited for Brickcon... although I wish I was going to Brickfair cuz all the staffies and people here on BZP I would like to have a chance at meeting are going... and Makaru along with a whole bunch of others are going to have a party of awesomeness and epic fun... I hope one of them brings a camera and takes pictures of their awesome time...
    Although Brickcon is coming up as well, and while I'm in Seattle I may as well go visit some relatives who live in the area 'tis should be fun. *Is intending on wearing something with the name "SPINK" written on it in very big black bold letters*
  18. Noxryn
    I figured out how Microsoft Word 2007 works~
    Well, how it works to the point where I can meet all the schoolwork guidelines and not have to do it the painfully hard way.
    Only took me a few years...
    (I also stuck a pic of Alucard in this blog because he's cool)
  19. Noxryn
    Wooo, Cayne (my avatar) and Chrom reached support level S. They so cute together. (Even if I still wish we could do same-sex romancing...).
    I'm only on chapter six, too lol. (And keep trying to fight this champion-to-recruit who has level five Outrealm units who... are not... cannot be... level... 5...)
  20. Noxryn
    Omi is awesome.
    Well today as many of you could probably guess I hadn't gone to school. Parent says I'm sick, I said "Ok" and I shtay here bored out of my wits for some of the day (not really =P)
    What hit me as odd was that BZP was active enough to keep me busy even during school hours, when normally from past experiences it isn't so much. That struck me as weird and shtuff, but still.
    I learned that we ran out of normal lunch foodz so I had to make myself something... first time it caught fire, second time I did it right... I'm horrid with a Microwave, Oven, dishwasher, or washing machine....
    Omi is awesome.
    *walks away*
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