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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Posts posted by Bundalings

  1. While uploading my images to Flickr I noticed I hadn't built anything since November... of 2013. Yikes!


    I've been so busy and creatively drained lately it was only today I was able to sit down and build the Manas that's been rattling around my head for the past couple weeks. I tried to keep it simple and not use too many parts, use only modern parts (excepting the masks and faces they're attached to) and legal techniques, while still having some character and action features that should be expecting of a larger set. Squeeze the orange tabs to open the claws and twist the yellow gear to punch them.


    Hope you like it!

    • Upvote 1
  2. Oh geez, I sure haven't been here in a while.


    In the middle of a Sapphire Nostalgia run. I've nabbed a 10/21/21/30/27/7 Modest Kyogre. It's very handsome on the special side, so I'm inclined to keep it. What do you guys think?


    The poor health is too bad, but having a low speed is actually pretty good for weather. I'd say keep it if its nature isn't awful.


  3. Honestly I don't think it has much to do with his creative vision and ideas. The entire Clone Wars series was his idea and that show is fantastic. I think the problem was he isn't very good at directing. Unimaginative cinematography and flat performances from competent actors, not poor creative vision. Also pretty bad dialogue.


    More to the point the last two episodes were good in their own right but there is only so much Spike I can handle. Two episodes of Spike is more than that.

  4. I won't lie, I think the Kilo 5 trilogy is one of the most captivating Sci-Fi novels I've read in a while. Strong female characters, the complete lack of karmic balance. It's all so very, very good. The third one isn't Thursday War, but it didn't disappoint me.

    The Halo books in general are really great (with the exception of the Flood), but I agree, the Kilo Five books are pretty exceptional. Eric Nylund is a really good writer, especially when it comes to space battles, but his books are just overly violent in my opinion. The action crowds out everything else.


    I haven't read Silentium or Mortal Dictata yet. Too poor.

  5. I've consistently tested as INTJ as well. It's interesting how we seem to gather.


    •You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)

    •You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)

    •You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (38%)

    •You have distinctive preference of Judging over Perceiving (67%)


    The first time I took this I was alarmed by how accurately the description of the personality... well, described me. I read all the other ones to make sure they weren't vague and descriptive of everyone, and none of the other types really fit me at all.


    The internet is a amazing source of finding out who you are, here are a few charts that work here.


    I'm a Hyena, and proud :D


    Gimli....Not bad at all.


    How did they know I love Han Solo :D

    And for all of you INTJ's,


    Leia's always been my favorite, so, close enough I guess. Just one letter off. :P

  6. Heliolisk is probably the least useful of those. Or you could drop the HM slave and spread the HMs around. There are only six, I think, Cut is almost never used so you can leave that out and have someone in the PC with it, and the other HMs aren't terrible moves.


    edit: oops, forgot to turn the page.

  7. I would advise against Assault Vest Rhyperior. Think percentages. Rhyperior's SpD is so low the Assault Vest won't boost it much. As for a grass type... there are plenty that, well, prefer not to get burned but are Special based so it isn't as big a deal. Celebi doesn't care at all but you can't always use one. Roserade is another Special based Grass type with Natural Cure. I have no idea about Mega Ampharos, I have no experience with it.

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