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Blog Entries posted by Munkiman

  1. Munkiman
    Finally finished that one, after days of non-stop reading, occasionally and reluctantly broken by much less pressing concerns, like school and bathing.
    No spoilers today, but I will say it was a very good book and I recommend the Twilight Saga to anyone who thinks they might be interested.
    OK, one little thing:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I don't see the problem some people have with the name Renesmee. It has the exact same amount of letters as Victoria, and if you still can't spell or pronounce Renesmee by the end of the book, what are you doing reading? Shouldn't you be off somewhere playing video games all day or watching Fox News? 
    Oh, I'm sorry, were you guys expecting a gigantic review? Nah, I'm not in the mood.
  2. Munkiman
    We were supposed to get on a plane to go back home last night, but there's a huge snowstorm up north (where we live), and the flight was cancelled. So now we're here until Monday night.
    We haven't had a snow day since December. And now, when there's no school, we get like eight inches of snow. And I'm not even there!
    Luckily, because of the flight schedule, I'll miss a day of school anyway. But I hope there's still some snow when we get back.
  3. Munkiman
    I did get Watchmen, three Terry Pratchett books, Iron Man, the Dark Knight and a box set of all Pixar movies up to Ratatouille (and I already had WALL-E from my birthday!) on DVD. AND, I got a Hiro Nakamura bobblehead. Pretty good haul.
  4. Munkiman
    Very good anime, just finished. Those first seven minutes were probably the most EPIC part, and definitely up there with some of the craziest anime scenes I've ever watched. I wish the series had been longer than just thirteen episodes.
    Voice acting wasn't that great, though, except for Lucy's voice actress (I watched the dub. Sue me. I read it wasn't any better in the subs, either).
    Lucy was the best character, by far. Bando was awesome too. Yuka sucked, rest of the characters were mostly okay.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Also, the ending was very ambiguous and strange. I wish they had at least shown Lucy at the end, if only briefly, instead of just the silhouette. The ending also felt a little rushed, with the soldiers just appearing out of nowhere for just a second. 
    I'm also sad that Kurama died. More than that, I feel like that could have been handled a little better. Just killing Mariko would have been fine by me, even if he had felt really badly about it. I mean, he just suddenly forgets about Nana all of a sudden. It's weird.
  5. Munkiman
    OK, sorry I wasn't here yesterday, especially since I've been getting more active in the RPG forum recently after a long lull in posting. I was over at a friend's house, played SSBB for the first time (have to get that game at some point), and came back pretty late. Plus I have a cold that is making the contents of my nose outweigh the rest of my body.
    So, today is Election Day in the United States of America. I won't bring politics into this innocent little site of ours, but I live in the state of New York, so you can probably guess who I'm supporting.
    And, to make up for absence, here's a quote from my favorite new Western cartoon of this year, Spectacular Spider-Man:
    Green Goblin: "You know the old saying - if you can't join 'em, beat 'em!" *throws pumpkin-boomerang thingies at Spidey*
    Spider-Man: *dodging* "Took the words right out my mouth. Is that a felony?"
    Green Goblin: "I certainly hope so. This goblin wouldn't be caught dead committing a misdemeanor!"
    Spider-Man: "Ooh, nice banter." *dodges bombs* "Aim still needs work."
    Green Goblin: "Practice makes perfect!" *throws more bombs*
    Spider-Man: *dodges again* "Keep telling yourself that!"
    The fact that I couldn't decide which of those six lines was better is a testament to the show's awesomeness.
  6. Munkiman
    I decided to blog about Firefly because I just re-watched Serenity and I am filled with equal portions of love, sadness, enlightenment and hate.
    Also, that was the first time I've ever used the word "blog" as a verb in this blog. I think. Prove me wrong, if ye dare.
    "...there's no place I can be / since I found Serenity . / But you can't take the sky from me..."
  7. Munkiman
    I did my Chinese final this morning. Now I get my grades on Wednesday, graduation ceremony on Thursday, and I am OUT OF HERE!
    (I'm doing this in real life)
  8. Munkiman
    Let's play a game, children.
    *generic cheering of small children*
    "A CLUE, A CLUE!"
    Shut up, all of you!
    (note: this series of ellipses is a patented copyright of the Albino Panda Nihhz Corporation, Inc. Luckily, I own enough stock in the corporation that I am ABOVE THE LAW!!!)
    Now, here is the game. People will make comments in my blog. Then I will edit their comments into something I like better.
    yay for censorship! =D
  9. Munkiman
    Still got an English essay to finish, and two science paragraphs. Doing nothing has never seemed more appealing, despite (or perhaps because of) the fact that I've spent the last two weeks doing little but that.
  10. Munkiman
    So I just watched all three acts of Captain Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. As a huge fan of Firefly, I couldn't resist anything with Joss and Nathan Fillion.
    I enjoyed it, and I recommend it to anyone who's interested.
    Now, be warned, for there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «So it was really nice. Acts 2 and 3 had more funny bits than number 1, but I can't pick a favorite. I loved the characters. The songs were pretty great, too. 
    One of the funniest lines was in Act 2, when Billy (Dr. Horrible) is trying to make an excuse to get away from the laundromat after Penny mentions that Captain Hammer is coming.
    "Oh, goodness, look at my wrist, I gotta go!"

    The ending was so sad though. I hope the DVD has an alternate ending that's full of wonderful happy goodness. That would be nice.
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