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Blog Entries posted by Munkiman

  1. Munkiman
    Decided to do this ancient fad thingy.
    You take an iPod/Windows Media Player/whatever playlist, right, and you shuffle it to answer the question. There. That would be it.
    What is my life's philosophy? Multiple Jacks - Hans Zimmer (I don't get it either. :\)
    What will my last words be? I See Dead People In Boats - Hans Zimmer ( )
    How am I feeling today? Fall At Your Feet - Crowded House (Yeah, I am pretty tired. Slept past noon.)
    What is my theme song? Two Hornpipes (Tortuga) - Hans Zimmer (WOOT. Awesome, cheery pirate music. My kinda theme song, I should hope. )
    What song will be played at my wedding? Jack Sparrow - Hans Zimmer (OK, either I will have a very piratey wedding, or Captain Jack will be my bride. )
    What song will be played at my funeral? Stronger - Kanye West (Probably because I outlasted all of you.)
    How will I be remembered? Dragostea Din Tei - O-ZONE (If only people could remember me in English. )
    What is some good advice for me? Dinner Is Served - Hans Zimmer (But I already ate...)
    What is my life's dream? At Wit's End - Hans Zimmer (My dream is to be at wit's end? )
    What's my kind of lady/man? Stronger - Kanye West (again?) (So, I want to be with someone who can lift heavier weights than I can? )
    How do people on BZPower see me? The Brethren Court - Hans Zimmer (I do often resemble an assembly of the finest pirates from across the seven seas. )
    How would I describe this blog? A Family Affair - Hans Zimmer (But I haven't been talking about my family that much... Maybe I should start?)
    How would I describe my best friend? Mirror In The Bathroom - The English Beat (Ha, yes, I am my own best friend. )
    What's in store for this week? He's A Pirate (Tiesto Remix) - Hans Zimmer, Geoff Zanelli, Klaus Badelt & Tiesto (IT'S ABOUT BLOODY TIME)
    How would I describe my parents? Dinner Is Served - Hans Zimmer (again) (They do serve me dinner, more often than not)
    If I had one wish, what would I wish for? Drink Up Me Hearties Yo Ho - Hans Zimmer (Apparently I would wish for a strong drink.)
    What do my friends think of me? You've Got A Friend In Me - Randy Newman (Makes sense to me.)
    What is said about me behind my back? Burning Down The House - Talking Heads (So, you're all conspiring to burn down my house, huh? I should have guessed when Mark (my crazy perverted Asian friend) started stashing his collection of matches in my backyard...)
    What do I think of this questionare? Kung Fu Fighting - Carl Douglas (I do. I really do.)
  2. Munkiman
    Current emotion: Blah.
    Well, summer's over, and that sucks. Started high school, and it basically felt like middle school in a new building - just more school. I've got some good teachers, but I don't have class with most of my friends. Which does kinda suck, though I'll probably make new friends and all that. And I'll see them at lunch and everything. Still blah.
    The only non-blah part of my day was Art. Even though I don't know most of the kids in my class (and some of them I really don't want to), I like my teacher and I love the subject.
    In conclusion:

  3. Munkiman
    I did my Chinese final this morning. Now I get my grades on Wednesday, graduation ceremony on Thursday, and I am OUT OF HERE!
    (I'm doing this in real life)
  4. Munkiman
    Ca'gerrin gets tons of comments in his blog, so I figured I'd try his method.
    Now bring forth the comments!

    (NOTE: This is not making fun of Ca'gerrin specifically. I'm just going to start parodying popular bloggers, and he happened to be the first)
  5. Munkiman
    Very good anime, just finished. Those first seven minutes were probably the most EPIC part, and definitely up there with some of the craziest anime scenes I've ever watched. I wish the series had been longer than just thirteen episodes.
    Voice acting wasn't that great, though, except for Lucy's voice actress (I watched the dub. Sue me. I read it wasn't any better in the subs, either).
    Lucy was the best character, by far. Bando was awesome too. Yuka sucked, rest of the characters were mostly okay.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Also, the ending was very ambiguous and strange. I wish they had at least shown Lucy at the end, if only briefly, instead of just the silhouette. The ending also felt a little rushed, with the soldiers just appearing out of nowhere for just a second. 
    I'm also sad that Kurama died. More than that, I feel like that could have been handled a little better. Just killing Mariko would have been fine by me, even if he had felt really badly about it. I mean, he just suddenly forgets about Nana all of a sudden. It's weird.
  6. Munkiman
    Yesterday it snowed. Thus, I expected snow to be there when I got up this morning.
    But it had apparently undergone metamorphosis during the night, and become slush. I like snow. I don't like slush. And unfortunately, half of my path on the way to school was covered in an ocean of slush. My shoes got all soaked.
    Now, I asked myself, as I trudged through this vast plane of sogginess, what does this "slush" want? Perfectly good snow doesn't just go bad for no reason. Was it acting on its own, or had it been bought by the Mafia? Was it, perhaps, a conspiracy?
    But then it rained, and all the slush got washed away. The mystery remains unsolved.
    In other news...
    I forget.
  7. Munkiman
    Hancock was sold out, so I ended up seeing WALL-E for the second time. Still amazing.
    "Put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there..."
  8. Munkiman
    OK, sorry I wasn't here yesterday, especially since I've been getting more active in the RPG forum recently after a long lull in posting. I was over at a friend's house, played SSBB for the first time (have to get that game at some point), and came back pretty late. Plus I have a cold that is making the contents of my nose outweigh the rest of my body.
    So, today is Election Day in the United States of America. I won't bring politics into this innocent little site of ours, but I live in the state of New York, so you can probably guess who I'm supporting.
    And, to make up for absence, here's a quote from my favorite new Western cartoon of this year, Spectacular Spider-Man:
    Green Goblin: "You know the old saying - if you can't join 'em, beat 'em!" *throws pumpkin-boomerang thingies at Spidey*
    Spider-Man: *dodging* "Took the words right out my mouth. Is that a felony?"
    Green Goblin: "I certainly hope so. This goblin wouldn't be caught dead committing a misdemeanor!"
    Spider-Man: "Ooh, nice banter." *dodges bombs* "Aim still needs work."
    Green Goblin: "Practice makes perfect!" *throws more bombs*
    Spider-Man: *dodges again* "Keep telling yourself that!"
    The fact that I couldn't decide which of those six lines was better is a testament to the show's awesomeness.
  9. Munkiman
    I finally watched Serenity, the film sequel to the best TV series that ever ran for a single season, Firefly. After watching the entire series on DVD twice, once on my own and once with my dad, I couldn't put it off any longer.
    And it was so awesome, and so sad when some of the characters died, and I'm so happy that I watched it and loved it but now I'm all depressed that there's no more Firefly... *cries*
    If you haven't seen Firefly, go get the DVD from Netflix or something. Your life has no meaning until you have watched it.
    And in other news, City of Fear is sitting comfortably in second place in RPG Contest #10, which means on Monday (if not complications arise) I'll be able to open up my first RPG.
  10. Munkiman
    Once again, Setsuna demands that I advertise City of Fear, my totally rad RPG contest entry, here.
    I try to fight him, but he is too strong!
    -->> LINK! <<--
    And for those of you unwilling to click links, afraid that it's a cunning trap (spoiler: it is!), I've transplanted the entire entry to this very blog! Read on, folks!

    Metru Nui: City of Fear
    The darkest day in Metru Nui history began as one of the brightest.
    Takanuva dodged away from the Makuta’s swiping claw. The Master of Shadows thrust with his Shadow Spear, and the Toa of Light parried the blow with his staff. Sparks of light and dark energy appeared when the two blades connected.
    Takanuva was weary, but the fight was not gone from him yet. He knew he was close; their battle was at its climax. Makuta would die this day, and this bloody war would finally end. At last, the Matoran could rebuild their city and return to their lives.
    Makuta could not believe it had come to this. That he – he, the great Makuta of Metru Nui, had been reduced to sparring like a common soldier – it was pathetic. His Plan lay in ruins. His Brotherhood had failed him. The thought made him mad with rage, but even that could not help him now. He was losing this fight. Makuta knew his time had come. The seconds before his demise seemed to last hours.
    The battlefield was the Coliseum arena itself. In the stands sat the Warriors of Light, the proud heroes who had fought a war against darkness, and won. Toa in the dozens, Matoran in the hundreds; many from Metru Nui, and some from other lands. More Matoran labored out in the city, beginning repairs to their once-beautiful city.
    Down in the arena, the final fight went on, with no intervention by the spectators. It had been Takanuva’s wish that he fulfill his destiny alone, and it had been granted. Green puddles of antidermis flowed freely and mixed with red blood.
    Makuta lashed out wildly. He no longer cared whether he won or lost – too much of his substance had gone, his wounds were too severe. Makuta was a goner, but he was taking Takanuva with him.
    Takanuva took advantage of his opponent’s carelessness. He sidestepped the attack, and raised his Staff of Light. The blade glowed brightly, its light whiting out all visibility. The spectators had to look away; it was like a third sun had been born.
    When the light had dimmed and gone away, the Matoran looked down into the arena again, and their eyes were greeted with a wonderful sight. Makuta lay on the ground, struggling to move, his upper half disconnected from his lower. And Takanuva stood over him, triumphant.
    But the battle was not yet won. The final blow first had to be struck. Yet the outcome was obvious. Light had won over Shadow.
    Takanuva beamed proudly in the Matoran’s cheers. It was finally over, he told himself, and he could scarcely believe it. Ten years of war and suffering had come to an end. Now he would forge the new beginning.
    The Toa of Light looked up into the stands. He spotted the four Toa Mahri sitting in the front row. Takanuva flashed a painful grin at Jaller, and though it was hard to see from this distance, he was sure he saw his friend smile back.
    Makuta coughed, drawing Takanuva back to the present. The victory celebration would have to wait for the moment. He raised his spear.
    “Wait, Toa,” Makuta rasped. Green liquid trickled out of the corners of his mouth. “You may strike me down – I am doomed anyway. But first, heed my warning.”
    Takanuva raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about?”
    “Shadow does not end with me.” Makuta smiled sinisterly. “Darkness will haunt Metru Nui forever, every time the twin suns set.”
    “Don’t waste my time with riddles, Makuta,” Takanuva growled. “Speak plainly! What is your warning?”
    Makuta just laughed. His laugh was a cruel sound, an evil sound, deep, and harsh. Takanuva could not bear to listen to that laugh. He shut his eyes tightly, and jabbed the Staff through the Kanohi Kraahkan. And Makuta died.
    Takanuva opened his eyes again. Makuta had stopped moving, he was dead. He expected to feel happy, or relieved. But something was wrong.
    The air had changed. It felt thick, like smoke. Most noticeably, everything was red. It was like looking through a piece of blood-soaked glass.
    It lingered for a few seconds, and then, just as suddenly as it had appeared, the red mist dissipated. Yet the damage was already done.
    When Takanuva looked up into the stands again, he did not see what he had expected. He did not see happy, grateful Matoran. Instead, he saw an army of red-eyed monsters. They howled and roared and screamed, like savage animals. They did not stay confined to their seats. They stood, and in one huge cascading wave, they rushed down the stands. They ran down the aisles, clambered over seats. The Toa Mahri were engulfed in the wave, the Turaga were swallowed up. Takanuva shook his head. This couldn’t be happening. His mind refused to believe that this was happening.
    The crazed Matoran jumped down over the railings, and into the arena. They were running at Takanuva, but he could not move. He stood there dumbly as they charged at him, as they jumped and piled on top of him. He stared blankly into space as they bit him with their fangs, scratched him with their nails, tearing open his armor and flesh. The world was growing dim. Light was vanishing from Takanuva’s world. And then everything went black, and the Toa of Light was snuffed out like a candle.
    And thus, the Age of Vampires began.
    1. Story
    It has been five years now since the death of Makuta, and the release of his final curse, the Undeath - fifteen years after the Toa Nuva’s adventure in Karda Nui. Many of those who once fought for Light have been transformed into monstrous Vampires. The mysterious King is rallying the Shadows under one banner, but what is he really after? The remaining Matoran cling to life desperately, but they are isolated and weak, and hope seems to be a thing of the past. Metru Nui is no longer a City of Legends. Legends mean nothing in this new setting. This is a City of Fear.
    2. Regions
    2.1. Ta-Metru: The district of forges and foundries is now a molten wasteland. This was actually caused more by the surviving Matoran than the Vampires. The Vampires were weakened by the intense light and heat from the forges, so they mostly avoided Ta-Metru. Because of this, the Matoran did their best to wreck the place, using the rampant fires and the canals of molten protodermis as fortifications. Near the center of the Metru, not far from the ruins of the Great Furnace, lies Igni-Koro, the Village of Life.
    2.2. Ga-Metru: The center of water and learning is mostly unharmed. The water keeps away Vampires, so new canals have been constructed by the Igni-Koronans. Several smaller villages have been built here. But looming over this tranquil district is an ever-present reminder of the state Metru Nui is in. To keep their food supply from escaping, the Kingdom of Undeath has built dark, towering walls along the coast of the Metru, inhabited by Vampire guards who attack from the covered ramparts, protected from the sunlight. This has made travel to the Great Temple impossible, and what has happened to that sacred place remains unknown.
    2.3. Le-Metru: The transportation district was hit the worst, crippled by the Vampires to keep the Igni-Koronans trapped in Metru Nui. Chutes and airships lie mangled and broken in the streets; the Test Track and Moto-Hub lie in ruins. Le-Metru is a wasteland, inhabited by nothing more than wild Rahi and gangs of bloodthirsty Vampires. Much of the buildings are overgrown, and some of the plants are not what they seem. Only the foolish and suicidal go here.
    2.4. Po-Metru: The land of carvers and canyons is disputed territory. The tall canyons are ideal for the Vampires, but vast, desert plains with no shelter do not exactly suit them. The Canyon of Unending Whispers is a Kingdom stronghold, but the Sculpture Fields are under the protection of Toa Pohatu and Igni-Koro. It is known that an ancient Brotherhood lair is located within one of the many cliffs, but despite efforts on both sides, it has never been uncovered.
    2.5. Onu-Metru: The home of the Archives is somewhere only the bravest of the living dare to enter. The ancient museum has been ransacked and converted to a fortress, the main base of the Kingdom of Undeath, and the home of hundreds of Vampires, hiding from the sun underground. Some ancient artifacts are still hidden here, and dangerous Rahi roam unhindered, as extra security. More than a few Rahkshi have been seen prowling the upper levels. Several expeditions have been sent by the KoU to a mysterious room in Sub-Level 49; none have returned.
    2.6. Ko-Metru: The land of snow and scholars is not controlled by any particular faction. The Knowledge Towers have been scoured for anything of value by both sides, and much of the area is inhospitable snowfields. Still, it has more Kingdom leanings, mainly because the constant snowstorms and gray skies allow Vampires to roam around day and night. A mysterious Toa-sized cloaked figure has been seen near KoU strongholds in Ko-Metru on some of the most recent Igni-Koronan scouting missions, but only briefly and from a distance.
    2.7. Coliseum: The great landmark of Metru Nui and birthplace of the Vampires. The Vamps treat it as a sacred place, and it is totally deserted. It is perpetually covered by dark clouds (whether by some power of King or his subjects or through some ancient technology is unknown), so Vampires can walk in the great arena freely no matter what time it is. The only permanent resident is the mysterious King, who rules from Turaga Dume’s throne room. The Coliseum is guarded heavily from the outside by his subjects.
    3. Profiles
    Use this format when posting your character profiles:
    Name: (character’s name)
    Faction: (Igni-Koro, KoU, or Neutral)
    Native Area: (one of the six Metru, a different island, or unknown)
    Species: (what type of being your character is)
    Gender: (male, female, it or unknown)
    Appearance: (either a picture or detailed description of what your character looks like)
    Element: (if any)
    Kanohi: (if any)
    Weapons: (if any)
    Bio: (history, personality, extra powers, and any other information you would like to add)
    -You must play as your own Bionicle character. You cannot play as Roodaka, Krakua, Miserix, or any other official character.
    -The limit is three characters per player.
    -You may come from any area in the Bionicle world, including one you made up. Exceptions are Artahka and Daxia, the latter because OoMN members are way too powerful, and the former because that island is still hidden and isolated.
    -If you are an Igni-Koronan, most species are allowed, including made-up ones (though those must be approved). You can be a Matoran, Toa, Skakdi, or whatever. You may not be a Makuta, a Vampire of any kind, a Rahkshi, a Krahka, or a Toa Nuva. And you cannot be anything ridiculously overpowered, like a Zivon. Same goes for living neutrals.
    -If you are in the Kingdom of Undeath, you must be a Vampire. Toa Vampires, or VampToa, are too rare and overpowered, and are not allowed. Instead, you are allowed to be a Matoran Vampire, or a species of similar power level. Just because they’re short does not mean they are weak. Same goes for undead neutrals.
    -Most elements are allowed, including those you make up (within limits – no Toa of the Universe or anything like that). Light, Shadow, Time and Life are considered too overpowered, and are not allowed. Other examples of elements considered overpowered are Energy and Protodermis, or anything that makes no sense as an element, like Heat Vision.
    -Similarly, most Kanohi are allowed, including fan-made ones (within limits – no Mask of Death or anything like that). Legendary Masks, such as the Vahi and Avohkii, and unique masks like the Avohkii, Kraahkan, Olisi, and Mask of Creation, are not allowed.
    -Weapons may have powers, but nothing too god-moddy. Swords that can destroy a Metru with one swing or a nuclear missile launcher are not allowed. Protosteel will be considered on a case-by-case basis, but you are not allowed to have too much of it.
    -You can have a pretty extravagant backstory, but nothing that rewrites Bionicle history (for instance, saying that the Toa Mata fought your character disguised as Makuta on Mata Nui), or anything too unbelievable. You cannot be a descendant of Lhikan, the King of the Southern Continent, or Artahka’s college roommate.
    -If, for any number of reasons, you wish to kill off one of your characters, then you may do it one of two ways. Either PM me, and I will think of a creative way to kill him/her, or post it yourself in an IC post. If you choose the latter, you must PM me so that I know to remove your character from the list. If you kill a character, then one of your three character slots opens up, and you can create a new one.
    4. Vampires
    Transformed by the Undeath Virus, Vampires are evil, blood-craving, undead monsters who were once Matoran and other innocent beings. This is Makuta’s final gift to the universe, and it is tearing Metru Nui apart.
    Vampires are notoriously powerful. They have greatly enhanced physical strength, speed, endurance and agility. An average Matoran Vampire can win an arm-wrestling match with a Toa hands down. Their senses have been heightened to incredible levels, to the point where they can see perfectly in pitch darkness, hear individual conversations in a crowded street, and smell blood from kio around.
    All Vampires are marked by their red eyes, fangs, and faded body colors. Some have developed further physical changes as they continue to change. Vampires will turn to ash when exposed to sunlight for close to five minutes, though the heat and light are instantly unbearable. They also have an aversion to water as well – it will not kill them easily, but it can scald their bodies and is poisonous to drink. This helps to force Vampires to turn to drinking blood. To survive, they only need a few drops of blood every six days, and Rahi blood will do. Matoran blood, however, is a delicacy.
    Most Vampires are psychotic, mad with power, or just plain loony. Sometimes the craving for blood becomes uncontrollable, and they degenerate into crazed savages. There are a few, however, who retain sanity and even a conscience, but find themselves unable to live among the living.
    There are estimated to be around four hundred Matoran Vampires in existence, about two dozen VampToa, and less than ten of other species. One or two hundred are still wild, mostly residing in Le Metru or the underground tunnels, but the majority have joined the Kingdom of Undeath.
    5. Rahkshi-Va
    Another new race, currently nobody on Metru Nui has seen these creatures, or in fact heard of them (although King has his suspicions that the Brotherhood left something else behind... ah, but I've said too much). One of their powers is a vision-based ability: eyebeams that deactivate Kanohi mask powers for a brief period of time.
    6. Factions
    Igni-Koro: The Village of Life, home to the remaining Matoran who have not been killed or transformed in these last five years. It is a village much like those on Mata Nui, made up of small huts and buildings created from whatever the Matoran could scavenge. At the center is Tahu Hall, which serves as the center of government, Akui’s home, and the site of such monuments as Tahu Nuva’s tomb and the Wall of History. Besides Matoran, other beings from foreign lands inhabit this place, including a number of Toa. The three Toa Nuva are the protectors and unofficial leaders, while a Matoran of Lightning, Akui, was elected as the official Matoran leader. Their goal is to survive, and (depending on who you ask) to find a cure for the Undeath, or eradicate the Vampires completely.
    Kingdom of Undeath: A few years ago, the Igni-Koronans began to notice a change in Vampire behavior. The creatures that had once run wild in small packs, not trusting each other to share the blood equally and so avoiding large groups, had begun to form more organized strategies, almost like they were creating an army. It was only recently when the Kingdom began to really take control. Most Vampires are under their control, watched over by the mysterious King, a being with some commanding influence over the Vampires. Their overall purpose is largely unknown - those closest to King say he has bigger plans than slaughtering the living - but Vampires are always happy to have a drink of Matoran blood when they can get the chance. King has been sending more and more raids against Igni-Koro and its settlements, and it is unknown how long the Nuva’s defense will hold.
    7. My Characters (NPCs)
    These are important characters that I control. You are very likely to meet these fine fellows in your travels. Just remember, they're not too easy to beat.
    Name: Pohatu Nuva
    Faction: Igni-Koro
    Native Area: Po-Metru
    Species: Toa Nuva
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: As he appeared in 2003.
    Element: Stone
    Kanohi: Kakama Nuva (Speed)
    Weapons: Climbing Claws
    Bio: Pohatu is still as strong, friendly and trustworthy as ever. He is saddened by the loss of his brothers and sister, and the state of Metru Nui, but he has not given up hope. Pohatu is determined to find a solution to this problem, and save the surviving Matoran. Pohatu is the Toa Nuva most favored by the Igni-Koronans.
    Name: Kopaka Nuva
    Faction: Igni-Koro
    Native Area: Ko-Metru
    Species: Toa Nuva
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: As he appeared in 2003.
    Element: Ice
    Kanohi: Akaku Nuva (X-Ray Vision)
    Weapons: Ice Blades, Ice Shield
    Bio: Kopaka has always been cold and distant. As the new leader of the Toa Nuva, and thus one of the most important figures in Igni-Koro, he is trying to be friendlier and more open with the Matoran, But he is still most often found alone in his study, pondering the “great thoughts”.
    Name: Lewa Nuva
    Faction: Igni-Koro
    Native Area: Le-Metru
    Species: Toa Nuva
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: As he appeared in 2003.
    Element: Air
    Kanohi: Miru Nuva (Levitation), Kaukau Nuva (Water Breathing)
    Weapons: Air Katana
    Bio: Of all the Toa Nuva, Lewa is the most affected by the changes to Metru Nui. The once cheerful and carefree Toa is now sullen and distant. He rarely speaks much anymore – Kopaka is more talkative! He blames himself for every failure, every living Matoran lost. He also especially blames himself for Tahu’s death, as he was with him just before the leader was killed. Lewa has taken to wearing Gali’s old mask, which was all they ever found of her.
    Name: Akui
    Faction: Igni-Koro
    Native Area: Karzahni
    Species: Matoran
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: A Matoran with a triangular golden body, hands, feet, and Great Rau, and black limbs. Her eyes are ocean blue.
    Element: Lightning
    Kanohi: Powerless Rau
    Weapons: Twin Aqua Swords - launch jets of water at enemies using a limited supply that must be refilled.
    Bio: A Matoran refugee from the destroyed land of Karzahni, where she lived as a servant of the mad tyrant, her spirit broken like all the others. Since she arrived on Metru Nui fifteen years ago, and her body was rebuilt, she has found her voice again. Akui is spunky, quick-thinking, and sometimes lets her temper get the better of her. Despite this, she was chosen to be the Matoran leader of Igni-Koro, as the Toa Nuva are constantly defending the village and do not have time to get too involved with the daily needs of the Matoran. Akui cares deeply for her village, and has a great hatred for the Vampires trying to destroy it.
    Name: Nuuron
    Faction: Igni-Koro
    Native Area: Southern Continent
    Species: Toa
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: A well-built Toa with a dark red torso, mask, hands and feet, and black limbs.
    Element: Fire
    Kanohi: Komau (Mind Control)
    Weapons: Nuuron relies on his body and mind in combat, requiring no weapons.
    Bio: One of the Toa sent (unknowingly) by the Order of Mata Nui to aid the Toa Nuva in their final struggle against the Brotherhood. Nuuron was just outside the Coliseum when the Undeath hit, and the flood of Vampires that he narrowly escaped from still haunt his nightmares. As the chief of Border Defense, Nuuron is in charge of protecting Igni-Koro, especially when the Toa Nuva are away. He almost never leaves the village, except to inspect the other settlements. Nuuron is somewhat arrogant, and might put too much faith in his “impenetrable” fortifications. Still, he is strong and loyal, and the Nuva trust him.
    Name: Torion, aka The Vampirologist
    Faction: Igni-Koro
    Native Area: Ta-Metru
    Species: Ta-Matoran
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: A 2003-style red and black Matoran, with a red Noble Mahiki and bright green eyes.
    Element: Fire
    Kanohi: Powerless Mahiki
    Weapons: Occasionally uses medical tools for defense, when necessary.
    Bio: A Matoran fascinated by Vampires and dedicated to studying them. He spends long hours in his private underground lab, doing all sorts of mysterious work. Rumors abound about Torion, better known as the Vampirologist. Some say he is a Vampire himself! Despite his secretive nature and queer practices, the Toa Nuva trust him (Akui, not so much), and appreciate his work on discovering the weaknesses of Vampires. For instance, it was Torion who discovered that water is poison to them. Many see the Vampirologist as the greatest hope for finding a cure for vampirism.
    Name: “King”
    Faction: KoU
    Native Area: Unknown
    Species: Unknown, presumably some form of Vampire
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: Rarely seen. Pohatu Nuva has got a glimpse of him once before, and describes him as a confident, regal-looking being with a flowing cape. He appears to be shrouded in darkness.
    Element: Unknown
    Kanohi: Unknown
    Weapons: Unknown
    Bio: The mysterious ruler of the Kingdom of Undeath, the being known as King has been gathering more and more followers over the last two years. He seems to exert some form of command influence over the wild Vampires, for even the most solitary follow him unquestioningly. His goals, like his true name, are unknown at this time, but he has been sending constant raids against the Igni-Koronan settlements.
    Name: Lyciak
    Faction: KoU
    Native Area: Le-Metru
    Species: Matoran Vampire
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: A hunched Matoran, faded dark green with dirt-brown limbs. He has large claws on his hands and feet, and huge fangs, even for a Vampire. His mouth is always gaping open, with his tongue often hanging out, giving him the drooling, vacant expression of a wolf or dog.
    Element: Air
    Kanohi: Noble Kuzan (Berserker Rage - sends the wearer into a temporary frenzy of anger and madness, ignoring all pain and attacking everything in sight), in the shape of a Miru.
    Weapons: Claws and Fangs (NOTE: do not take his natural weapons lightly. Lyciak’s bite can crush the toughest armor.)
    Bio: One of King’s most trusted Generals, largely because he is very stupid and easy to manipulate. He is often seen on the front lines, leading hordes of Vampires into battle. Lyciak prefers to use brute force and overwhelming numbers over strategy, because he prefers the simple approach. But he is not to be underestimated, for when the need arises he can be deviously cunning. He is also incredibly insane and bloodthirsty, known for devouring the entire body of his enemies, not just drinking their blood.
    Name: Azran
    Faction: KoU
    Native Area: Onu-Metru
    Species: VampToa
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: A brawny, dark grey Toa with the signature Vampire red eyes, and burnished silver armor on the shoulders, thighs and chest.
    Element: Earth
    Kanohi: Kualsi (Quick Travel)
    Weapons: Shock-Batons
    Bio: A commander in the Kingdom of Undeath military, Azran's hobby is meaningless destruction and violence of all kinds. He looks down on the lesser forms of Vampire, seeing that as he is a VampToa, he deserves special treatment. The fact that he's right (though for different reasons than he thinks) has only made him even more overconfident and lazy.
    8. Rulez
    1. All BZP rules apply. That means no swearing, flaming, spamming, sexually explicit content, way-too-graphic violence, or other no-nos.
    2. Play fair, children. Do not do anything overpowered or unfair, such as inexplicably gaining extra powers, never getting hit, or killing/seriously injuring an opponent. In the TBRPG business, we call that “god-modding”, and it’s not a good thing to do.
    3. Use IC (In Character) and OOC (Out Of Character) when posting in the main topic. Example:
    IC: Pohatu narrowly avoided having his head lopped off by the hulking Vampire’s axe, even with the aid of his Kakama Nuva. “Is this how you treat all your guests?” he muttered.
    OOC: Any Igni-Koronans in the area want to help him out?
    4. The battle system in this RPG is simple. There are no levels or experience. Instead, combat is resolved by the players. If a fight goes on for a long time, and neither player is willing to accept defeat, I may have to step in.
    5. Humor is allowed, but don’t overdo it. If you want your character to slip on a banana peel for other’s entertainment, that’s fine. But doing random, ridiculous, and/or god-moddy things for the sake of comedy is not allowed. Even if you do it while wearing a silly hat.
    6. Don’t control someone else’s character unless they give you permission. This especially goes for making a character do something they wouldn’t normally do (for instance, having a bloodthirsty Vampire extend the hand of friendship), or using that character as a punching bag to demonstrate your character’s awesomeness. There’s nothing awesome about cheating.
    7. If you’re planning to do something that will drastically change the course of the RPG, then tell me in advance. The story is meant to be flexible – you guys aren’t just here to follow orders from your faction leaders, and going your own way is encouraged. But if you’re going to sink all of Ga-Metru Atlantis-style, then I’d like you to PM me first, and we can negotiate.
    8. No OOC stuff in IC. That includes integrating real-world concepts, such as computers, cell-phones, and the 2008 US election in November. Metru Nui is a pretty high-tech place, despite being ravaged by Vampires, but iPods are still yet to be discovered.
    9. I’m the sheriff ‘round these parts. If someone is breaking the rules, politely explain to them what they are doing wrong. If you try to take their punishment into your own hands, instead of alerting me, then problems may arise.
    10. Speaking of punishments, the punishment system of this RPG is pretty easy to remember. Like major-league baseball, I have a Three Strikes and You’re Out policy. If you are breaking the rules, you will receive a warning, telling you to stop what you’re doing. If you ignore the warning, you will receive a second one, administered whilst your head is placed on the chopping block. And if you are blind to my words and still do whatever it is you were not supposed to be doing, depending on the offense, you will receive a punishment ranging from imprisonment of the offending character to outright banishment from the RPG.
    11. On a more cheerful note, exceptional RPing will be rewarded. I am a fair and just king. For helping out around the RPG or just plain being an awesome storyteller, the following rewards may become available to your characters: Power Upgrades (because I know you all want heat vision), Equipment Upgrades (a shiny new mask or weapon), Promotions (would you perhaps like to be the ruler of some swampland?), Extra Character, and more. I won’t be giving out many of these, though, and only to those who have earned it. Don’t do something nice and beg me for a reward, because you will only be hurting your chances.
    12. Have fun. Or else.
    So vote for me when the polls open or I will eat your face off!!!
  11. Munkiman
    There once was a man,
    His name was Magellan.
    A Portuguese skipper,
    The girls found him cute.
    He sailed with five ships
    To find the East Indies,
    Then come back to Spain
    With a bounty of loot.

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    oh happy Magellan!
    Starting your journey
    with hardly a care!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    strong, brave Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    They crossed the Atlantic
    and spotted a country.
    Magellan said:
    "It's the East Indies, at last!"
    But then someone shouted,
    "Hey, that's Argentina!"
    Magellan got cranky
    And chopped down the mast.

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    settle down, Magellan!
    Put down that axe,
    There's no time to despair!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Keep trying, Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    A great storm arose
    In the might Pacific.
    The five little ships
    Were diminished to three.
    At last land was sighted,
    Magellan was happy.
    But then someone shouted:
    "Hey, that's Chile!"

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Cheer up, Magellan!
    Check out your map
    And don't tear out your hair!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Keep trying, Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    It took them five months,
    But they crossed the Pacific.
    They spotted a land
    That was dotted with palms.
    Magellan proclaimed:
    "Yes, that's the East Indies!"
    But then someone shouted:
    "Hey, I think that's Guam!"

    Oops, Magellan!
    Your fun little journey's
    Become a nightmare!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Keep trying, Magellan.
    You'll find the East Indies,
    You just don't know where.

    They sailed due west
    To the Phillipine Islands.
    Magellan was pleased
    As the natives drew near.
    But then someone shouted:
    "I think they're attacking!"
    Magellan said, "What?"
    And got his by a spear.

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Farewell, Magellan!
    You almost made it,
    It's really not fair!

    Whoopie ti-yi-yo,
    Oh, ghost of Magellan -
    The East Indies Islands
    Were right over there.
  12. Munkiman
    I just finished the anime now, gonna watch the movie sequels and then move on to Code Geass next. There doesn't seem to be a topic for this in COT that I can find, so I'll jot down my final thoughts on the finale here.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I've got to say, this was one of the most deep and complex animes (and episodes) that I've ever seen. The entire last two episodes were basically animated psychological profiles of the main characters. And the ending was just the perfect conclusion for that. I can really see how the show was sort of a metaphor for depression and that the very end was really getting over it and learning to value yourself and keep flyingliving. I loved the "normal" alt-universe near the end, and I also really liked how they used drawings as a visual metaphor for how the way others see us influences our self. 
    I clapped along at the end.
    End of Evangelion is supposed to be really sad, right? Anyone who's seen it think I should look at it, or should I not bother? Because I like this ending.
  13. Munkiman
    "After the Earth was used up, we found a new solar system and hundreds of new Earths were terraformed and colonized. The central planets formed the Alliance and decided all the planets had to join under their rule. There was some disagreement on that point. After the War, many of the Independents who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of the system, far from Alliance control. Out here, people struggled to get by with the most basic technologies; a ship would bring you work, a gun would help you keep it. A captain's goal was simple: find a crew, find a job, keep flying."
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