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Blog Entries posted by Munkiman

  1. Munkiman
    So I just watched all three acts of Captain Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. As a huge fan of Firefly, I couldn't resist anything with Joss and Nathan Fillion.
    I enjoyed it, and I recommend it to anyone who's interested.
    Now, be warned, for there are SPOILERS AHEAD!

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «So it was really nice. Acts 2 and 3 had more funny bits than number 1, but I can't pick a favorite. I loved the characters. The songs were pretty great, too. 
    One of the funniest lines was in Act 2, when Billy (Dr. Horrible) is trying to make an excuse to get away from the laundromat after Penny mentions that Captain Hammer is coming.
    "Oh, goodness, look at my wrist, I gotta go!"

    The ending was so sad though. I hope the DVD has an alternate ending that's full of wonderful happy goodness. That would be nice.
  2. Munkiman
    Munki demands that I advertise Ascension, my totally rad RPG contest entry, here.
    I try to fight him, but he is too strong!
    -->> LINK! <<--
    And for those of you unwilling to click links, afraid that it's a cunning trap (spoiler: it is!), I've transplanted the entire entry to this very blog! Read on, folks!


    Time has passed, cities have risen and fallen, ages have come and gone. But one thing endured all the hardships. Life survived when it shouldn't have.
    When Mata Nui died, the universe was doomed in three days. But Mata-Nui only took care of the matoran universe. What laid outside the Great Spirit's domain, did not depend on his survival. The people had one choice left. Stay in the domes and perish or leave and start a new life on the planet surface.
    Some left, some stayed. Only some survived.
    Those 3 days played out differently for each dome. Metru-nui may perhaps be one of the most unique cases.
    The Old Generation, a long forgotten organisation whose origins are unclear, is credited for the Great Rescue, the evacuation of most of the known universe. Little else is known about it, even the names of its members aren't found in any text or carving.
    The Old Generation felt that not only the matoran should survive the ascension. Metru-Nui itself, a city whose very foundation was laid by the Great Beings, should survive it as well. There was one problem: the island located right on top of them. But somehow they found a way. Metru-nui now lies where Mata-nui once was. Naturally, Metru-nui and Mata-nui cannot be in the same place at the same time. But Mata-nui is no longer the same. Through the combined efforts of the Old Generation, the city was raised to the surface and the island above was cut into six and moved out to sea.

    (click for full map) 
    It has been over seventy thousand years since the tragic events of the ascension and the heroes of old have been forgotten, reduced to mere myths lost in history.
    Metru-nui itself has not changed much, safe for its location and size. Over the years the city has grown twice its original size. Each metru continues to perform their old duties albeit more efficiently then before.
    Ta-wahi is one of the largest islands that circle Metru-nui. In the northern region, the Tren Krom Break spans across the land. Despite the Mangai being lost to the sea during the ascension, magma still flows under the island. To prevent it from building up and forming a threat to the city, the Lava Canals, a series of wide lava rivers that carry the molten earth to the sea where it cools down, were created. The canals are used for lava farming and ignalu surfing by the matoran. A section of the western side of the island is shrouded by an eternal cloud of steam because of this and has claimed numerous ships that tried to sail through it.
    Ga-wahi suffered greatly under the ascension. As a result, the wahi is the smallest island of the six. From the coastline into the land, a small city has been built but if you go there expecting Ga-matoran, you'd have made your last mistake. The city was built and is inhabited by a pirate group that came to the island at the same time as the Hunters and has made the sea around Mata-nui unsafe for any ship that doesn't belong to their fleet.
    Le-wahi is the tropical forest as it was before the ascension. The jungle proved its strength as not even the separation of the islands affected the plants at all. In the absence of the matoran, the abandoned Le-koro became fully integrated into new large trees over the years that grew in lake Kanae but all that have gone near the trees were never seen again and the entire area around it is dead quiet for even the rahi do not dare go near it. It is because of this that the accursed village has been nicknamed the 'Silent Forest'.
    General consensus is that the disappearances are simply the work of the Dark Hunters who live on the island.
    Onu-wahi had potential for the city as a mining island but the process of turning the barren wasteland into a mine was a hard and long task. All the pre-existing tunnels were flooded during the ascension when Onu-wahi sank several meters below the sea surface. Even all the canyons filled up with seawater and the matoran had to create a system of new tunnels and drain all the old ones. But some of the tunnels couldn't be drained for unknown reasons. The Onu-matoran decided to leave it at that and concentrate on the Great Mine, which hadn't been drained since the gahlok flooded it. It is now an enormous excavation site with high-level security, the few entrances to the mine are sealed of by two enormous gates and crude watchtowers have been placed on the island to survey the surface.
    Po-wahi is a large, hostile desert filled with wildlife you'd rather avoid. For this reason, the only village is located inside Tiro canyon, sheltered from most rahi and the scorching sun. An entire temple is carved into the canyon walls, so grand and deep are its chambers, that the Onu-matoran had considered moving the entire Archives over to the temple. Then they were remembered of the island's inhabitants consisting solely of Skakdi and promptly resumed their work, keeping their crazy ideas to themselves from that moment on.
    Ko-wahi is the least changed by the ascension, simply because mountains don't easily change. The wahi remains a region of ice and mountains, protecting the eternal peace but the separation of the wahi caused it to become the most unstable region. Anything louder than the wind is enough to cause an avalanche. As a result, it is mostly devoid of any life form besides rahi. In the northern part lies Frost Bite, consisting of several glaciers which are slowly sliding into the sea as the years go by.
    Around the world, events are set in motion that cannot be undone. The four corners of the planet are starting to move.
    In the North, Metru-nui, for some reason, has become the target of several factions.
    The Metru-Guard is an organisation established a few years after the ascension. Its purpose is to protect the city and all its inhabitants. They are led by Xerus, a powerful Toa who has been in charge of the city for several decades. For years, they have kept the city of legends safe from all threats but none compare to the dangers that are forming at this time. Wild rahi and mere criminals are no longer all that makes the streets unsafe.
    As it has done before, the City of Legends has drawn the attention of the Dark Hunters.
    The Dark Hunters had undergone a radical change after the ascension. Their leader, the notorious Shadowed One was forced to forsake Odina, an unthinkable action with the forces of the Brotherhood breathing down their necks. But the makuta never took this chance to end the war and so the struggle for power picked up again a decade later in the West, where the Hunters had migrated to. The war between both factions ended abruptly when the Brotherhood vanished. Rumours state they fled to the South but no proof of this could be found. Without any major enemies, the Dark Hunters soon took over the Western Continent.
    A few centuries later, the Hunters underwent a change of leadership and amassed more wealth then ever before. Kaeden, the new head, turned out to be a more suitable leader than his predecessor, accomplishing what the Shadowed One couldn't and pushed the Hunters to a new level.
    A few months ago, Kaeden came to Metru-Nui, taking with him only his most trusted subordinates and new but promising recruits. Now, they will have to show their worth as they face off against the other forces in Metru-Nui.
    The Raiders are a gang of pirates that came from the West and made a base on Ga-wahi.
    They appear to have come from a larger group of pirates and travelled to the city for looting and the possible recruiting of new pirates. The Raiders and the Dark Hunters are at war with each other but only those two groups know why. Rumour has it that the conflict started when the pirates sank a Dark Hunter battleship just to test out a new type of cannonball. But unbeknownst to the Metruians, the Hunters were already at war with the Raiders back in the West.
    Many tribes didn't have the same luck as the matoran. They didn't have an island or city to turn to after the ascension while some didn't even have the means to survive the ascension to begin with. This led to the extinction of the Steltians who never made it out of their own Dome due to their disability to work together.
    The Vortixx disappeared to the West, hoping to make some profit of the Hunters and to find a suitable location for their new factories.
    The Skakdi stopped their civil war to survive by a temporary truce between every group with the intention of fighting out their battle on their new island but soon found the union more to their liking and the leaders of every faction formed the Zakaz Union (a tribute to their native island), made up of every clan leader. As one united tribe, the Skakdi claimed a large part of Po-wahi as their new home. No longer at war with themselves, the Skakdi directed their violent urges towards all other factions. They fight for the sole purpose of conquest and survival under the reign of Nadleeh, the king of the Skakdi.
    As a Guard, fight to protect your city and friends while pirates and mercenaries constantly disturb the peace.
    As a Raider, establish a name for yourself while looting every last treasure in the city and perform task handed out by the Captain and First Mate.
    As a Hunter, work your way up from a rookie to a fully pledged member of the organisation. Metru-Nui is your proving grounds and the place where you will gain the necessary experience for your future life as a Hunter.
    As a Skakdi, wreak havoc on the city or aim for a position as clan leader within the tribes and try to survive the battles yet to come.


    Welcome to the discussion topic for the rpg Ascension. Here you will discuss the rpg, post profiles, ask questions, post ooc-only posts and anything else that does not belong in the rpg topic.

    Current events: Below is a summary of ongoing events and the like.

    Important profiles: Below are the detailed and timely updated profiles of characters played by me or staff.
    Name: Xerus.
    Faction: Metru-guard.
    Species: Le-Toa.
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: Picture.
    Element: Air.
    Kanohi: Lagran. Mask of Energy, can drain and transfer a person's energy.
    Weapons: Morph-blade. Can shape-shift to different forms.
    Powers: ---
    Bio:Despite his age, Xerus kept his typical Le-attitude while retaining a serious side needed as a leader. His devotion to the city is great. He learned to not use chute-speak anymore to prevent misunderstandings. As the commander of the military forces, he keeps good relationships with the higher-ups and keeps tabs on the troublemakers in the metrus. Not one for bureaucracy, he used to spend almost all his time wandering about until the pirates and hunters showed up. Now he is forced to stay at the coliseum when not out in the field.
    He's adventurous and kind but often needs to be reminded of his duties by his subordinates. Fond of animals and uses a wide selection of rare rahi for transport.
    He has kept the city safe from harm for many a year from the Zakaz Union but with the sudden arrival of new factions, his capability as a leader is tested as he tries to defend Metru-Nui day in day out.
    Name: Cartis
    Faction: Raiders.
    Species: Onu-Toa.
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: Picture. Full dull grey body, ash white hair, green eyes and black mantle.
    Element: Iron.
    Kanohi: Sanok.
    Weapons: Variable amount of blades.
    Powers: ---
    Bio: As the captain of the Raiders, Cartis is the last person you want to pick a fight with. Back in the West, he was known as a demon, destroying fleet after fleet relentlessly conquering islands as he went along. He became one of the few great captains and came to Metru-nui after hearing rumours that Kaeden was setting sail towards it.
    He is a greedy, courageous warrior. He enjoys fighting but has no interest in the weak but neither does he have mercy on them.
    Name: Kaeden.
    Faction: Dark Hunters.
    Species: ---
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: A dominantly green and black creature resembling a rahkshi in many ways, from his reptillian head to the three spikes on his shell-like back, though looks much more organic.
    Element: ---
    Kanohi: ---
    Weapons: ---
    Powers: Shape-shifting.
    Bio: Kaeden has been the leader of the Dark Hunters for the last few centuries. Since he gained leadership, the Dark Hunters have become stronger and wealthier than before. During the reign of the Shadowed One, he mostly kept to himself. Kaeden was only sent out on specific missions that TSO selected himself, the majority being solo gigs. Yet he was never left in charge in his absence, despite his popularity with the men.
    Kaeden has no elemental powers or kanohi. His strength lies in his ability to shape-shift and his cunning mind. He prefers the strategies of non-violent negotiations and turning his enemies against each other. The reason is that although he is a skilled fighter, he finds combat to be a rather boring and trivial matter and sees no reason to battle with those he deems inferior. Kaeden does understand that sometimes one has to fight and isn't afraid to engage enemies but has a rather apathetic attitude towards the concept of fighting.
    Name: Nadleeh.
    Faction: Zakaz Union.
    Species: Skakdi.
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: Nadleeh is a large, muscular Skakdi with a spine slug lined with thorn-like spikes. Full black body wearing no armor at all besides the large chains wrapped around his fore-arms, one would have hard time spotting him in the dark.
    Element: Shadow.
    Vision power: Negation. When he casts his gaze on a being, he can short-circuit that being's powers if he knows what power it has. Some of the Skakdi however believe that enemies are just too scared to use their powers when confronted with Nadleeh's hulking frame. The less ignorant Skakdi know that it's his vision power at work.
    Special power: Can manipulate his muscle tissue.
    Weapons: A large axe but only used in situations where his brawn alone doesen't cut it.
    Bio: Nadleeh is the current King of the Zakaz. He is known for being calm and understanding but does not tolerate failure because of incompetence. He keeps the clan leaders under control and decides what's best for the Skakdi. Some Skakdi claimed that he merely became leader due to his vision power but the fact that he has kept his position and the prosperity of the tribes prove otherwise. Always accompanied by 2 bodyguards. Since the ascension, there have been numerous Kings but none of his predecessors have claimed the throne for as long as he has and none ever may. He has lead countless attacks at the city, gradually chipping away at its defences. Nadleeh praises Xerus for his leadership and has a strong sense of honour, a trait not often found in his species. But the clan leaders dare to use less honourable tactics from time to time, to great anger of Nadleeh.

    -Wall of History- These are links to important posts in the rpg that involve Ascension NPC's and story-relevant posts from me and staff.

    -Character creation- After reading the first post of the rpg topic, you need to make a character to play in the rpg. For functionality and simplicity, a sign-up sheet needs to be filled in.
    Faction: ( Metru-Guard, Raiders, Dark Hunters or Zakaz Union)
    Appearance: (detailed description or visual reference)
    Element: (if applicable)
    Kanohi: (if applicable)
    -Only 3 characters.
    -No existing characters from the BIONICLE storyline.
    -Names need to sound Bionicle-ish. Fred or Jim are bad examples, Rahka and Zyrea are more like it.
    -Switching factions is allowed but has consequences, such as becoming less trustworthy. Passing on secrets is also frowned upon and needs to be run by me first. Switching requires a reason to do so as that is common sense. Players can be neutral should they choose so.
    -The majority of species and custom species are allowed but everyone retains an even level of power.
    Forbidden species: Makuta, rahi, Botar, TSO.
    -Matoran & Toa need to list which region they are from and if they have a basic element, they need to correspond with the metru. Toa of other elements can be from a region of choice. Ex: Le-Toa of air or Ga-Toa of sonics.
    -Males and females can hail from any region. Meaning males can be Ga and females are not Ga by default.
    -Only 1 element per character. Light, life, death, time, protodermis, antidermis, energy, blood and other god-like elements are not allowed.
    -Custom elements need to be approved such as crystal or lava.
    Some species don't have elements but have other powers.
    Below is a list of the most common ones.
    -Skakdi can be any allowed element. When in the presence of another Skakdi, they gain full acces to it. They also receive a vision power and a special power like the Piraka. Ex: A Stone Skakdi with vertigo vision power and the ability to grow an extra pair of arms.
    -Rahkshi have a kraata and a rahkshi staff with a Lv.3 kraata power of their own. Ex: A Chameleon Rahkshi with a Staff of Fragmentation.
    -Zyglak are immune to elemental attacks. Ex. Stone blasts don't hurt them but throwing plain rocks at them works. They carry a plague spreading venom that destroys organic protodermis and requires treatment afterwards.
    -Only 1 kanohi at a time unless one is rewarded to you by me or staff.
    - No nuva masks, Aki, Rua, Olmak, Olisi, Kraakhan, Avohkii, Ignika, Vahi, Jutlin, Mask of Creation or Mask of Possibilities.
    -Elda, Zatth, Tryna and Avsa are allowed but are limited in power to prevent abuse.
    -Custom kanohi require a name plus an explanation of the power.
    -Guns need to be approved and weapons that contain elemental powers are generally not allowed unless otherwise stated.
    -Additional abilities need to be listed here. Don't get carried away with them though.
    -Don't come up with a story that makes you character seem unbeatable or above other players.
    I trust you know what is appropriate and what is not.
    -All characters are from after the ascension. Only staff can create characters from before or during the ascension.

    -Profiles & factions- 

    -Rules, rewards and guidelines- Below are the rules of Ascension, rewards that may be given and guidelines to rp'ing itself.
    -If you have a plan that could drastically affect the storyline, you must get it approved by me.
    -Do not destroy major landmarks without my permission.
    -Do not kill or control another person's character without their consent. If a player decides to have their character terminated, they must pm me about it or state it in OOC.
    -Victory must be settled between the combatants. If no decision is made, myself or staff will make one based on the fight and/or importance to the storyline.
    -Nova blasts require notifying me. Nobody may perform or start one without permission from me. And they will only be for dire situations.
    -Do not think you are immortal or invulnerable. Otherwise I will hurt you and that is something you wish to avoid entirely.
    -Do not do random and immature things to harass or humiliate someone. I will notice it if you do so.
    -Do not spam, flame, troll or use this topic for unrelated subjects.
    -I work with a 3-warnings system. Every time you break a rule (without a good explanation), you will get a warning. After three warnings, your character in violation will be punished. Further disrespect for the rules will result in being banned from the rpg temporarily or permanent.
    -A god-modding player is not a valid reason to god-modder back. That's why we have staff, leave it to them.
    -God-modding is when your characters appear to be invincible. That's not good. Avoid this as it is frowned upon by your fellow players. Your character has as much chance of hurting someone as they have of getting hurt.
    -Use "Ic:" to indicate you're roleplaying and use "Ooc:" to say/ask something to another character as players of the game.
    Ic: Runis strolled through the loud and lively market, his eyes wandering from stand to stand, searching for something he could afford on his measly wages. He saw a matoran being harassed by some thug and walked over to speak up on the matter.
    Ooc: yep, that's you Randos.
    -Characters act depending on their personality and the information the characters know. What you know, your character might not know. Keep in mind that you are the character and he/she only knows what he/she can know.
    -A general rule is, if your ic-post is smaller than your ooc-post, the ooc-post should be posted inside the discussion topic or the size must be decreased by using a size-tag. Or your ic-post needs to be larger if possible.
    -If you have trouble with how to play, watch the others to learn or ask questions in the discussion topic.
    -Be logical and use your common sense.
    -If you have suggestions or questions, post them in the discussion topic or pm them to me.
    -Rewards are handed out when I deem something reward-able. Do not try to do something for a reward, I will notice attempts like that and your chances will be non-existant.
    I like to keep some variety and surprises so there is no standard reward nor will I always tell you of the reward. Instead I will have your character discover it. These rewards can range from steeds, objects, promotion to an extra character or whatever I can think of.
    Map 1 ~ by me
    Map 2 ~ by me
    Cartis ~ by Schizo-Kaita
    Xerus ~ by Tom Dracone

    So vote for me when the polls open or I will eat your face off!!!
  3. Munkiman
    We're leaving for Florida tomorrow morning. School's out for the next week (not sure why, but I'm not complaining), and I'm going to be taking advantage of that to escape the cold weather up here.
    There needs to be a shivering *brrr* smiley.
    So, yeah. I'll probably be on sparsely for the next week, but we're bringing a laptop, so as long as nobody forgets the charger I'll still be on BZP when I get the chance.
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