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Posts posted by thokworship

  1. I definitely loved making fight scenes. Especially from about 2006 on because of the range of articulation in the sets. Regardless, I loved reenacting those Onua-Lewa battles, the Toa Nuva vs the Rahkshi, and I even tried to figure out how the Nuva could take on the Piraka. Sometimes I like to imagine that Kopaka and Pohatu had a bit of a brawl when they first met.

  2. what was your favorite bionicle from the toa and turaga of 2001 - Toa Pohatu, Turaga Matau

    who was your favorite mctoran (including hafu, and nuparu) - Kongu

    what was your favorite rahi set, and which rahi was your favorite from the 10023 master builder set - Muaka and Kane-Ra, Ussal Crab

    what was your favorite bohrok, bohrok va, and bohrok kal - Tahnok, Pahrok Va, Kohrok-Kal

    which was your favorite, the exo toa, exo raptor, boxor, standing boxor, red bahrag, or blue bahrag - Boxor

    who was your favorite toa nuva (not including takanuva) - Tahu Nuva

    who was your favorite, Takanuva and ussanui, makuta, gukko, pewku, or one of the combiners from 2003? - Makuta

    which was your favorite 2003 matoran (including jaller, and takua) - Takua

    who was your favorite rahkshi - Vorahk

    who was your favorite toa metru, vahki, '04 matoran (including dume), hordika, visorak, rahaga - Onewa, Rorzakh, Tehutti, Nuju Hordika, Oohnorak, Pouks

    and lastly, who was your favorite, nidhiki, krekka, nivawk, sidorak, roodaka, keetongu, toa iruini and norik..... - Roodaka or Krekka

  3. And two quick questions could we also add Toa from the Hagah team? Since we did get their personalities shown in the serials.

    And would Takanuva be considered as part of the Nuva and Phantoka/Mistika Teams? Just wondering :)

    I was just keeping it to the listed teams. This is actually a sort of survey that I'm conducting for a few of my own reasons. The Hagah did have some great story, though!Takanuva is undoubtedly a very important character, but he was not exactly part of the team and wasn't sent on all of their missions.

  4. Bionicle released a new team of six Toa every year. On the whole, the teams were fairly balanced in powers, personality, and appearance. Still, taking those three attributes into consideration, each year there was a Toa or two in the group that stuck out to you more than the others. For you, who was your favorite Toa from each team? AND WHY?


    Since characters' appearances and even personalities change and evolve in every team, I am including them all. I know the Mata and the Nuva are the same teams, etc.


    The Teams:

    1. Toa Mata

    2. Toa Nuva

    3. Toa Metru

    4. Toa Hordika

    5. Toa Inika

    6. Toa Mahri

    7. Toa Phantoka/Mistika


    Please keep them within the bounds of these teams (I know, I know. That one Toa of Ice in Lhikan's team is my favorite, too).


    Here are mine:

    1. PohatuFor me, the Toa Mata are hard. I love them all equally and think they make a very balanced team. Regardless, Pohatu just seems to stick out to me. Maybe it's because he has no weapon, maybe it's because he saved my life in MNOG. Pohatu keeps it real.

    2. Tahu Nuva or Kopaka Nuva

    In my opinion, Tahu and Kopaka are the most intimidating of the Nuva, both visually and in their ever-clashing personalities.

    3. NujuAlso an intimidating build. He looks majestic, solid, and adventurous, which is complemented by his not-so-terribly-adventurous nature. Nuju looks like he could kick some butt, but he isn't reckless.

    4. Matau Hordika

    Altogether, I didn't see the Hordika as terribly impressive or attractive. However, I did find it hilarious how aghast and distraught Matau was in reaction to his beastly transformation.

    5. Nuparu

    He gets cool claws. He flies. He has a flippin' GUN ON HIS SHOULDER. IN ADDITION TO THE ONE IN HIS CLAWS. Though, I personally disagree with the decision to send basically the Steve Jobs of the Matoran into battle when you have all those other bulky Onu-Matoran.

    6. Hahli Mahri

    This is the year that restored my hope in Bionicle's ability to produce a female that looks CONCEIVABLY FEMALE. The Toa of Water had an obvious leg up given the setting of 2007's part of the story, and I love how this is communicated by the fact that she is the first Toa to have wings. I also have a love for Matoro and his unparalleled sacrifice, but Hahli Mahri is my favorite female set, so I thought I'd put her up.

    7. Pohatu

    And so it ends as it began. I love Pohatu's propellers and his mask reminds me of the Vahi, only with a cool space-dome over his head. Lewa was pretty cool, too, but everyone else was ugly as butts.


    Tahu was totally my favorite Toa Stars.

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