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Blog Entries posted by -IGNITION-

    Is awesome.
    Spent 5 hours downloading it, and half and hour installing it.
    I used Boot Camp, and although I would be typing this on 7, unfortunately I cannot, because when you put the stupid Boot Camp Drivers on, it installs the Bluetooth Monitor, and its default settings are to BLOCK everything. So unfortunately, I cannot use my Bluetooth Mac Keyboard, OR my Bluetooth Mouse. Come on Apple, the same thing happened with XP, couldn't you have thought that one through a little bit harder.
    Seriously. Windows 7 is awesome. It's fast and it has sexy Graphics. When I get a USB mouse, I give ya' some screenies.
    This one is for computer geniuses
    Alright, so like, my friend gives me FFVII at school. Now, I go home, turn on the ol' (new) Mac, and fire up Windows. I install FFVII and load it up.
    So I load it and it plays the creditsies, and so on, and I press any button and skip it.
    It then ends up at this screen, and then whatever I press the game does nothing.
    I got frustrated with it at one point, and started pressing hitting random buttons on my keyboard, and it came up with a screen saying "Would you like to quit the game?" .
    After a bit more keyboard bashing, I closed the program down using Task Manager.
    Can anyone help?
    My Keyboard looks like this, if it matters..

    EDIT: Never mind, I found a page with loads of patches on that might just fix it..
    Okay, I already know the piano and flute...
    So I think I will learn Guitar, or Banjo, or Lute. Either will do, they're all pretty much the same when it comes down to it.
    Okay, so I checked the news today, with all the colour reshuffles etc..
    And in all my three years of BZP, I have never seen anyone with the Group title of "Reporter"
    Seriously, since when has there been this group
    Did xmas shopping and I bought myself a new phone. It cost a grand total of....
    Beat that people
    Also, I should really think of a more imaginative title than "A Blog." for my blog. Any suggestions?
    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Okay, I decided I would actually GO THROUGH the ToyFair pictures 'n' stuff.. 
    And I'm glad I did. The big sets all = Epic win. Seriously, they're all amazingly cool, I dunno how LEGO has done it again. Skopio VX-1 FTW!
    I might buy the big version of Mata Nui, but I ain't seen that yet. 2009 Summer is looking to be awesome...
    Unfortunately, I recently got a social life, so that's going to be draining my money BIGTIME. Hope I still have enough for Skopio..
    I do. Not often you hear that in a Blog Entry.
    Though it's unlikely that many of you have noticed, nor cares, I really have not been very active on BZP recently. This has been down to a number of things, ranging from getting a social life and having to spend time with my friends, to sheer depression where everything makes me sad and means very little to me, the causes of which I don't particularly want to go into, 'cuz I don't
    Needless to say, school has started again, and I'm not depressed anymore. I will contribute much more to the forums than I have over the past few months, I have no more reason to be depressed, and recently life has taught me that you can make a difference in the most unexplained and unexpected ways.
    It's true to be perfectly honest.
    I'm physically growing up. The people around me are mentally growing up. It's high time I stopped being a baby and moaping about things that have gone pretty badly wrong in terms of my "aims".
    I also need to game a lot less.
    So yeah, I have graphics homework at the moment, and it's really quite a lot of fun messing around with Photoshop
    I'd also like to say that I really do love this board. It's frankly quite incredible how the admins have created a board where honesty, helpfulness and niceness are encouraged, and rule breaking and that sort of stuff is discouraged. It's easy to go view many other boards and see how simply badly run they are. It's a disgrace.
    Thank you Admins. BZP is an amazing site.
    So yeah, that's all I have to say. Comment if you want to, but just, whatever.
    See you guys around
    Yeah I've got the stage of FFVII where you have to catch Chocobos. Om my lol, it's just so much fun! It's possibly the most random thing I've ever had to do in FF
    I've only played FFI-FFVI
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