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Blog Entries posted by -IGNITION-

    So I went on the Final Fantasy XIII website for the first time since forever. And. Oh my. That is some sexy screenshots. I cannot literally wait until March
    Did a bit more FFVII today. It's such a strange game it's actually funny. I love it!
    Might be going to South Wales in a tomorrow, or on Tuesday or on... Ok, nobody really knows. I just might be going away and will have pretty much no internet access
    Who agrees...
    That Super Monkey Ball (iPod Touch), is the most annoying game ever!
    That Wall-E is the most awesome film ever!
    I have never been more bored in my life.
    In other news, I played some more Final Fantasy VII today.
    "Why don't you dress up like a girl?"

    I figure I have less of an interest in Bionicle nowadays, I'll still post a little bit, but not much. I figure I need something to actually blog about that is something that people might not necessarily see.
    I figured, what am I interested in that I can blog about?
    A few things immediately spring to mind:
    - Apple (and technology generally)
    - Games
    I figure I'll be blogging about those things mostly, and will try to make things as interesting and give my own opinion about that stuff as much as possible.
    Hence, I think I will be revamping this whole blog space. People *probably* aren't that interested about me, but they might be interested in the two things above (certainly games more I would presume) so I will try to offer stuff about that. Twitter feed will be going up soon, and I'll crack to work on some images Happy reading people.
    So the forums are back. Yay life
    In their absence I have been playing a lot of Final Fantasy. I have nearly beaten FFVIII, FFVII, doing a Perfect run of FFIX (Ugh, Excalibur 2 ), a NM FFVI, and a perfect FFII.
    Yeah, quite a lot
    I do hate that phrase.
    Anyhoo, got 4 bits of homework on the first day back, I saw the girl who rejected me and I feel rubbish, and just generally I've decided I hate school.
    Isn't life amazing?
    Ok, it's a tad late. In order of priority.

    Go out with this really nice girl I know. She's a lovely person, and it's about time I got my act together. Finish FFVII. Swim more. Get an award on this blog  
    Alright, so I went around to a friends house, and we got FFVII to work. It's really quite a strange game, it's a lot different from FFVI..
    Cloud Strife is awesome!
    Mr T. is strange...
    Tifa is lousy..
    Why does Materia actually reduce some of your stats?!? That never happened in FFVI..
    Put up the ol' Christmas Tree (finally).
    Need to do xmas shopping BADLY. Christmas is in like, 4 days..
    Summary: FFVII is strange...
    Right, if BZPower are doing what they did last year, then all the forums (including blogs) will be offline, which means I technically won't be able to wish you all a Happy Christmas.
    So I am doing it now!
    Happy Christmas!
    Wrapped some presents and stuff, but at moment I'm just bored. There's nothing good on Christmas Telly (which is odd, because there usually is)
    So yeah, I hope everyone on BZP has a good Boxing Eve!
  10. -IGNITION-
    I might just download it, it looks pretty awesome. Apparently it's faster than XP and I actually really liked Vista.
    Actually checked my email today so I saw the script for Mutran. I must say it looks pretty awesome and alhough I haven't actually gotten around to recording anything yet, I'm fairly certain I know exactly how to play each role with plently of madness.
    *Cackles manically*
  11. -IGNITION-
    I beat it today! PC version. I'd already listened to the Extreme from the PSX, and I have to say it was somewhat disappointing.
    The ending, I loved it. You just cannot beat the FMV's of Final Fantasy VIII, they are beautiful
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