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Blog Entries posted by -IGNITION-

    Okay, I already know the piano and flute...
    So I think I will learn Guitar, or Banjo, or Lute. Either will do, they're all pretty much the same when it comes down to it.
    Yeah I've got the stage of FFVII where you have to catch Chocobos. Om my lol, it's just so much fun! It's possibly the most random thing I've ever had to do in FF
    I've only played FFI-FFVI
    Ok, it's a tad late. In order of priority.

    Go out with this really nice girl I know. She's a lovely person, and it's about time I got my act together. Finish FFVII. Swim more. Get an award on this blog  
    Has turned into slush, which has turned into rain, which is absolutely no fun whatsoever. All it does is cause disruption, and no one can play in it or anything.
    I wake up, and I'm like, "I'm sooo tired, FIVE MORE HOURS!!"
    Darn school has drained my life out of me.
    On a more Bionicle Related Note, Reign of Shadows is awesome, and I couldn't care less Guardian is dead.
    Also, the vehicles = EPIC WIN! I will probably get the most expensive one.
    Epic WIN!
    Seriously, it's awesome. The graphics are amazing, I got the stupid Apple Drivers to work, it performs to an incredibly high standard, it's ridiculously fast, and there's simply NOTHING to fault with it. I just simply haven't found anything wrong with it yet. Nothing, Zilch, Zip Zadda.
    Even IE8 is awesome, it's FASTER than Safari. Which is amazing, 'cuz I've always thought that IE sucked.
    That said, I'm still gonna download Safari, because of the capabilities progammed into it, such as the "Activities" Window, which is incredibly useful I might add.
    The loading screen = Amazing. They finally got rid of that horrible bar, and replaced it with something NICE.
    The Start Button = Immense. When you click on it, green, yellow, red and blue light eminate from around it.
    The only really annoying thing that I can find is that my Bluetooth keeps going into powersave, which is really irritating. I can probably fix that easily enough.
    Honestly, as soon as Windows 7 comes out, I am one sold customer. I hate Macs, I am ditching them forever.
    And another nice little thing is that you know when you apply Javascript commands when you type a post, it applies those commands whilst you're still typing. So right now I'm seeing an emboldened Green-ish post. It's awesome
    Is awesome.
    Spent 5 hours downloading it, and half and hour installing it.
    I used Boot Camp, and although I would be typing this on 7, unfortunately I cannot, because when you put the stupid Boot Camp Drivers on, it installs the Bluetooth Monitor, and its default settings are to BLOCK everything. So unfortunately, I cannot use my Bluetooth Mac Keyboard, OR my Bluetooth Mouse. Come on Apple, the same thing happened with XP, couldn't you have thought that one through a little bit harder.
    Seriously. Windows 7 is awesome. It's fast and it has sexy Graphics. When I get a USB mouse, I give ya' some screenies.
    I might just download it, it looks pretty awesome. Apparently it's faster than XP and I actually really liked Vista.
    Actually checked my email today so I saw the script for Mutran. I must say it looks pretty awesome and alhough I haven't actually gotten around to recording anything yet, I'm fairly certain I know exactly how to play each role with plently of madness.
    *Cackles manically*
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