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Blog Entries posted by -IGNITION-

    I wake up, and I'm like, "I'm sooo tired, FIVE MORE HOURS!!"
    Darn school has drained my life out of me.
    On a more Bionicle Related Note, Reign of Shadows is awesome, and I couldn't care less Guardian is dead.
    Also, the vehicles = EPIC WIN! I will probably get the most expensive one.
    Has turned into slush, which has turned into rain, which is absolutely no fun whatsoever. All it does is cause disruption, and no one can play in it or anything.
    So to print out Binky's epic poster, the dimensions of which are roughly A0 piece of paper, I will need to spend £7,000 on a printer that can print it out in A0.
    I'm thinking I'm going for the "resize" option.
    It's freakin' awesome.
    Seriously, it's the best game ever. If you've got an iPod Touch/iPhone, go buy it.
    If you haven't got an iPod Touch/iPhone, go buy one, then go buy Rolando 2.
    Words cannot describe just how awesome it is.
    It's just unbelievably awesome.
    Like, WOW.
    It's actually sooo messed up. Like, all the tabs are messed up and in the wrong place, and they've put cover flow in a place that no one uses, and it's quite a heavy application, and it looks pretty stylish.
    I love it Well done Apple
    Right, you know how recently the canister set have been pretty mediocre, at best?
    Well, this year, they don't look half bad, but I don't have a lot of money, or a lot of room, so I'm wondering:
    Canister Sets OR Skopio VX-1?
    I know banned members aren't allowed to be discussed, but I feel like saying it anyway. I never knew him very well on BZP, but I did enjoy his blog and his unique style of posting. So I'm just going to say it now.
    I miss Omicron.
    About a year ago, I purchased a GBA version of Final Fantasy V and Final Fantasy VI, from Amazon. Both, to my annoyance, were counterfeit.
    FFV has really been annoying me lately, so I today I thought, why not take it apart? I couldn't care less if it broke.
    So I did take it apart. And it didn't break, oddly.
    Here's what it's like inside a (counterfeit) GBA cartridge....
    'Cuz I'm nice I resized them all

    Today everyone was talking about LEGO and how they miss stuff like that from their childhood. Then one girl said she had LOADS of Lego, like a small box full of it. She actually made a bet that she had more than me.
    I will enjoy proving her wrong
    And then I was like; "Oh yeah. I'm even a member of a LEGO Forum Site". Course, no one believed me. They all thought I was being funny. Haha. Joke's on them
  10. -IGNITION-
    So for those of you who like music (probably almost everyone) I found a nice band that might adhere to some people's tastes
    Orba Squara Check 'em out. Beautiful guitar and singing, and the older albums feature Ukulele's and chimes, so check that right now
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