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Blog Entries posted by -IGNITION-

    I have never been more bored in my life.
    In other news, I played some more Final Fantasy VII today.
    "Why don't you dress up like a girl?"

    I have returned.
    And I have WAYY too much work to do.
    'Cuz like, I really have to get on and finish Project Bionicle.com.
    I need to make banners for Bionicle Acronym Contest.
    And I really need to get my post count back up. It's down to 1.02

    Few things...

    Happy New Year to everyone! Going away until the 4th of January. Probably won't have internet. Top Gear is awesome. Super Monkey Ball is awesome. Bionicle 2009 has begun... Making a few banners at the moment, which might go up into my blog, and some banners for my Bionicle Acronym Contest. Drew, and inked a drawing of Balta, that should be up soon. I reckon I'm getting better at drawing. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «MISERIX ISN'T DEAD ZOMG!!
    Did a bit more FFVII today. It's such a strange game it's actually funny. I love it!
    Might be going to South Wales in a tomorrow, or on Tuesday or on... Ok, nobody really knows. I just might be going away and will have pretty much no internet access
    Who agrees...
    That Super Monkey Ball (iPod Touch), is the most annoying game ever!
    That Wall-E is the most awesome film ever!
    Right, if BZPower are doing what they did last year, then all the forums (including blogs) will be offline, which means I technically won't be able to wish you all a Happy Christmas.
    So I am doing it now!
    Happy Christmas!
    Wrapped some presents and stuff, but at moment I'm just bored. There's nothing good on Christmas Telly (which is odd, because there usually is)
    So yeah, I hope everyone on BZP has a good Boxing Eve!
    Did xmas shopping and I bought myself a new phone. It cost a grand total of....
    Beat that people
    Also, I should really think of a more imaginative title than "A Blog." for my blog. Any suggestions?
    If anyone can make this game offline and send it to me, then I will give them a space in my blog where they can put anything in
    I'm being serious.
    That game is seriously addictive...

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Brothers In Arms 8 is slightly strange. At least we found out where the shattering was
    Alright, so I went around to a friends house, and we got FFVII to work. It's really quite a strange game, it's a lot different from FFVI..
    Cloud Strife is awesome!
    Mr T. is strange...
    Tifa is lousy..
    Why does Materia actually reduce some of your stats?!? That never happened in FFVI..
    Put up the ol' Christmas Tree (finally).
    Need to do xmas shopping BADLY. Christmas is in like, 4 days..
    Summary: FFVII is strange...
    This one is for computer geniuses
    Alright, so like, my friend gives me FFVII at school. Now, I go home, turn on the ol' (new) Mac, and fire up Windows. I install FFVII and load it up.
    So I load it and it plays the creditsies, and so on, and I press any button and skip it.
    It then ends up at this screen, and then whatever I press the game does nothing.
    I got frustrated with it at one point, and started pressing hitting random buttons on my keyboard, and it came up with a screen saying "Would you like to quit the game?" .
    After a bit more keyboard bashing, I closed the program down using Task Manager.
    Can anyone help?
    My Keyboard looks like this, if it matters..

    EDIT: Never mind, I found a page with loads of patches on that might just fix it..
  10. -IGNITION-
    Gone Premier. I feel so special.
    $35 gone to the site. It's well worth it, just to be able to blog and poll.
    I will update this as often as I can, without over blogging (if that's possible), and boring people to death.
    At the moment this entry is probably pretty boring, so, I'm going to say this:
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