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Blog Entries posted by -IGNITION-

    Epic WIN!
    Seriously, it's awesome. The graphics are amazing, I got the stupid Apple Drivers to work, it performs to an incredibly high standard, it's ridiculously fast, and there's simply NOTHING to fault with it. I just simply haven't found anything wrong with it yet. Nothing, Zilch, Zip Zadda.
    Even IE8 is awesome, it's FASTER than Safari. Which is amazing, 'cuz I've always thought that IE sucked.
    That said, I'm still gonna download Safari, because of the capabilities progammed into it, such as the "Activities" Window, which is incredibly useful I might add.
    The loading screen = Amazing. They finally got rid of that horrible bar, and replaced it with something NICE.
    The Start Button = Immense. When you click on it, green, yellow, red and blue light eminate from around it.
    The only really annoying thing that I can find is that my Bluetooth keeps going into powersave, which is really irritating. I can probably fix that easily enough.
    Honestly, as soon as Windows 7 comes out, I am one sold customer. I hate Macs, I am ditching them forever.
    And another nice little thing is that you know when you apply Javascript commands when you type a post, it applies those commands whilst you're still typing. So right now I'm seeing an emboldened Green-ish post. It's awesome
    Basically, our History Class went on a trip to Berlin, for reasonably obvious reasons, what with it being Berlin.
    I must say that the city was really surprising. It's an empty city. There aren't very many cars, there aren't very many people, there weren't even that many bikes. There's few people walking around in the shops, on a Saturday afternoon. SATURDAY. It was just empty.
    You try going to London on Saturday Afternoon, you'll simply fail.
    I was also surprised at how physically huge each of the buildings were. Those Germans really really know how to build stuff.
    We looked at the Reichstag, although we didn't go in unfortunately. Apparently this was because it takes about 2 hours to get into the building. Bit annoying really, I wanted to see the huge dome on the top of the structure.
    Looked at some of the remains of the Berlin wall. It's not that big a wall, just the fact that it has barbed wire on the top, and if you climbed over one side, you would've been shot by Russians, and if you climbed over the other side, you would've still been shot by Russians.
    Went to a concentration camp. That was one fun little trip.
    Generally though, the trip was really interesting, and generally awesome. Went with my friend, and we played a lot of FFI and FFIV, in addition to Free Running when there weren't teachers around.
    Good trip

    Few things...

    Happy New Year to everyone! Going away until the 4th of January. Probably won't have internet. Top Gear is awesome. Super Monkey Ball is awesome. Bionicle 2009 has begun... Making a few banners at the moment, which might go up into my blog, and some banners for my Bionicle Acronym Contest. Drew, and inked a drawing of Balta, that should be up soon. I reckon I'm getting better at drawing. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «MISERIX ISN'T DEAD ZOMG!!
    I have returned.
    And I have WAYY too much work to do.
    'Cuz like, I really have to get on and finish Project Bionicle.com.
    I need to make banners for Bionicle Acronym Contest.
    And I really need to get my post count back up. It's down to 1.02

    I haven't been on BZP in quite a while, for kinda obvious reasons. It's a shame so much has been lost.....
    Updates: Played more FFVIII, FFI, FFII, FFIV, FFIX, FFT. All very good games
    I have gotten into free running. It is totally awesome, but my knees are all bloodied up, which is slightly painful on my part. Guess I'll get used to messing up

    I've decided to put XP back on to my Mac. Although 7 was a fabulous system, I'm downgrading for the following reasons:
    My graphics chip can't handle much more than Windows 7, anything else = Blue Screen of Death
    NTFS system is annoying to cross data.
    Too large to effectively run.
    I'm going to have to put Windows XP back on EVENTUALLY, I may as well do it now
    Other than that, it's an excellent system. If I ever get a powerful computer, and 7 comes out, I may buy it
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