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Blog Entries posted by Zonis

  1. Zonis
    wohoo we got blogs. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to blog about.
    So I'll just post this.

  2. Zonis
    Well, my PMship died. You all know what that means, I don't get to blog any more. Thanks to everyone who read and commented, see you when I get moar moniez.
    Before I "go", one more thing. Back during BZP's last anniversary when I wasn't a PM, my last entry was dedicated to Nid. Isn't it ironic how this one was too?

  3. Zonis
    Thanks to Chinese Democracy - Guns 'N Roses official release date, which happens to fall under 2008, every American will get a free Dr. Pepper, with a coupon on their website. I looked for it and couldn't find it, but that's probably because I'm from Canada.
  4. Zonis
    Today has been a really boring day. I woke up early, so I've been tired the whole day. I've really been wanting to rent Wario Land: Shake it, by my parent's are making up excuses as to why the won't take me. When I asked, I got brought over to my pastor's house to work on his garage with some other people in my church. Ironically, that was the most fun part of the day. I would've been hanging out with my best friend "Bob", but I'm grounded for 1 more week after the results of this entry.
    So yeah.
  5. Zonis
    Today, me and my friend did something stupid. Or rather, he did and I got in crud for it. Bob (as we'll call him) put a rock in the middle of the road, much to my opposition. Long story short, someone hit it. We got in trouble. My parents are ignoring the fact that I told him not to do it, and I'm prolly going to have to pay a bunch.
    On the plus side, I though of a good band/song name.
  6. Zonis
    My computers insides were really dusty, causing it to make noises whenever it did something, it made it load really slow. So my dad cleaned out the inside of my computer. It works a lot better now, and doesn't make annoying noises. Or any noise at all for that matter.

  7. Zonis
    GregF ruined my childhood
    Seriously though, it's ironic about how overjoyed we all were then it was annoced the "Nuva" were returning, and then we get this. Thanks, greg.
  8. Zonis
    Chinese Democracy, at least if all goes according to plan, will Be released on November 25. I Just hope the Album people have been waiting for since 1994 will be good.
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