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Blog Entries posted by Zonis

  1. Zonis
    GregF ruined my childhood
    Seriously though, it's ironic about how overjoyed we all were then it was annoced the "Nuva" were returning, and then we get this. Thanks, greg.
  2. Zonis
    I'm building a garage. Go me go. Unfortunatly, I've gotten worse at starting up nails instead of beter. The keep freaking falling out after I hit them with my hamer a bunch of times.
    Also, I just got linked to a Random Fact generator, and it's the almost cooler than Cee. I can't link to it, but I can post examples.
    - "Zonis eats batteries instead of energy bars."
    - "Zonis ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one."
    - "Zonis told the Beatles that they were fat."
    - "All you bases are belong to Zonis."
    See what I mean? Awesome. Now to make some other people happy...
    - "Exo invented the word 'sexy' because people couldn't describe him with words."
    - "Once Dokuma threw a rock. Dokuma then destroyed the tenth planet."
    - "Spitty once bought a brick from a yard Sale. The Whit House is composed of that one brick.
    - "Cee can do HTML on paper."
  3. Zonis
    Nothing much, just a quick blog entry with some pictures.

    Me making one of the walls.

    To walls up, one to go.
    We managed to put all 3 up in one day, so that was pretty good. Found the time to watch a movie and do most of my homework, so a surpassingly productive Saturday.
    Don't worry, the next entry will be more owned and stuff, if I can find anything in my boring life to blog about.
  4. Zonis
    3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    Wait, It's 10:32 in the morning.
    Anyways, get used to writing 2008 on all your homework, other wise you teacher will proably think you're stupid or something.
  5. Zonis
    Why are there only like, 3 Christmas movies that don't suck? Probably the only reason it they got permission to make half of them was that they're about a popular holiday.
  6. Zonis
    8/10 is not constructive criticism. "ur comiks r awsome u win yay" is not doing anybody any good. "wth u suck nub >" Is not even allowed. If you can't find any thing wrong with a comic, that's okay. Tell them what you liked about it, instead of "ur mi nuw best fwend." If you can find something wrong with it, tell them that along with what you liked.
    And now for the comic makers... when some one gives you CC, don't tell them to shove it. If someone doesn't kiss the ground you walk on because "tat's how gud mi comiks r," don't "ban" them from your comic topic. CC is there to help you, not to insult you. If it came out as insulting, ask them to be a bit nicer. If someone doesn't complement you comics, it doesn't mean they're spamming. Don't ignore everything bad about your comics, because then they'll never get better. Take what people tell you they don't like about your comics, and fix it. Take the things people like about your comics, and make them better. That way, people will like your comics more, which is always a good thing.
  7. Zonis
    I stayed up all night playing GH3 at my youth group party las nigh, so I got not sleep. 3 things are likiely to ocure.
    1. bad spelling/grammer
    2. attitude problem
    3. nothing at all.
    That is all.
  8. Zonis
    The new episode of America's Got Talent was a dumb idea. They should've done a video hosting site, if they were going to to something like they did.
  9. Zonis
    Relient K's coming out with 2 new projects, one Being called "The The Nashville Tennis EP", so new Relient K stuff, although not nearly as good as old, is cool. Speaking of old stuff, they're also releasing sometime this summer "The Bird and the Bee Sides", a compilation album of B-Sides, and stuff from older EPs. So Yayz, original Relient K.
  10. Zonis
    Dear BZP Staff:
    What's the big idea? Someone complains about a problem- banned. Someone tries to prove a point- banned. Someone tries to help- banned. Banned members don't even get recognition afterwards.
    "Hey, you remember that guy who said _________?"
    "Yeah, he was really right."
    "I know. We should-"
    *topic closed/deleted*
    And not just banned members. Dead members, too.
    Some of you may have heard of the tragic loss of Beliwa, a BZP member who died about a week and a half ago. After only several pages of a memorial topic, it was closed. Why? Why extinguish the memory of one who should not be forgotten? Really, what happens now? What will Beliwa become? Nobody. Just that one sick kid who died. Soon he won't even be that.
    "You ever hear of Beliwa?"
    And what will become of me? I will disappear. I'll become whatshisface. I will have died on BZPower.
    Just to prove a point.
    And the fact that you're already forgetting me is proving that point right now. You don't want me remembered because I'm right. And you know it.
    BZP, you sicken me.
    - Doctor Norik
    P.S. The word filter's too strict, too.
    P.P.S. Oh, and none of these are Zonis' opinions.
    And if this is closed, it's just proveing his point.
  11. Zonis
    I'm gonna be absent from the internet in general for a while, unless I hook up my mac. My comp got a really bad virus, so my dad's trying to save all the files he can. Plus, I'm going away on the 15th, and I wont be back for 4 days. Keep my computer in your prayers, cause my whole family has some very important stuff on it.
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