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Blog Entries posted by Zonis

  1. Zonis
    I'm building a garage. Go me go. Unfortunatly, I've gotten worse at starting up nails instead of beter. The keep freaking falling out after I hit them with my hamer a bunch of times.
    Also, I just got linked to a Random Fact generator, and it's the almost cooler than Cee. I can't link to it, but I can post examples.
    - "Zonis eats batteries instead of energy bars."
    - "Zonis ordered a Big Mac at Burger King, and got one."
    - "Zonis told the Beatles that they were fat."
    - "All you bases are belong to Zonis."
    See what I mean? Awesome. Now to make some other people happy...
    - "Exo invented the word 'sexy' because people couldn't describe him with words."
    - "Once Dokuma threw a rock. Dokuma then destroyed the tenth planet."
    - "Spitty once bought a brick from a yard Sale. The Whit House is composed of that one brick.
    - "Cee can do HTML on paper."
  2. Zonis
    Dear BZP Staff:
    What's the big idea? Someone complains about a problem- banned. Someone tries to prove a point- banned. Someone tries to help- banned. Banned members don't even get recognition afterwards.
    "Hey, you remember that guy who said _________?"
    "Yeah, he was really right."
    "I know. We should-"
    *topic closed/deleted*
    And not just banned members. Dead members, too.
    Some of you may have heard of the tragic loss of Beliwa, a BZP member who died about a week and a half ago. After only several pages of a memorial topic, it was closed. Why? Why extinguish the memory of one who should not be forgotten? Really, what happens now? What will Beliwa become? Nobody. Just that one sick kid who died. Soon he won't even be that.
    "You ever hear of Beliwa?"
    And what will become of me? I will disappear. I'll become whatshisface. I will have died on BZPower.
    Just to prove a point.
    And the fact that you're already forgetting me is proving that point right now. You don't want me remembered because I'm right. And you know it.
    BZP, you sicken me.
    - Doctor Norik
    P.S. The word filter's too strict, too.
    P.P.S. Oh, and none of these are Zonis' opinions.
    And if this is closed, it's just proveing his point.
  3. Zonis
    Emos ban you.
    Yeah, Russia is trying to ban emos. That's reeeaaaally not going to work. First of all, there's no such thing as emos, just a style associated with self-injury. So most people who dress in that certain was have to go buy new clothes for no reason. And how do you even dictate which music is emo and which isn't? Emo doesn't mean depressing lyrics, it's just a certain music style.
    So yeah, Russia gets to board the fail boat now.
  4. Zonis
    Today, me and my friend did something stupid. Or rather, he did and I got in crud for it. Bob (as we'll call him) put a rock in the middle of the road, much to my opposition. Long story short, someone hit it. We got in trouble. My parents are ignoring the fact that I told him not to do it, and I'm prolly going to have to pay a bunch.
    On the plus side, I though of a good band/song name.
  5. Zonis
    My computers insides were really dusty, causing it to make noises whenever it did something, it made it load really slow. So my dad cleaned out the inside of my computer. It works a lot better now, and doesn't make annoying noises. Or any noise at all for that matter.

  6. Zonis
    Well, my PMship died. You all know what that means, I don't get to blog any more. Thanks to everyone who read and commented, see you when I get moar moniez.
    Before I "go", one more thing. Back during BZP's last anniversary when I wasn't a PM, my last entry was dedicated to Nid. Isn't it ironic how this one was too?

  7. Zonis
    GregF ruined my childhood
    Seriously though, it's ironic about how overjoyed we all were then it was annoced the "Nuva" were returning, and then we get this. Thanks, greg.
  8. Zonis
    I bough a 1 year Premier membership. Go me. Now, you will al be force to listin to me ramble for a year. Have fun with that.
    Revamp coming soon.
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