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Posts posted by Zonis

  1. did dark709 leave or something? the townspeople are revolting pretty hardi swear all the comments in this topic are disappearing
    viva la revolutionVery solid comic, although the artistic methods leave something to be desired. The lack of a punchline gives it a post-modern edge, something that not all audiences appreciate but it pertains to my taste in webcomics. All in all, 3 1/2 stars out of 4.
  2. That's funny, for a while when people talked about No More Heroes I used to think "why are people talking about Neutral Milk Hotel on a site about videogames... oh."So good comic, and also what font do you use because it's better than Calibri.

  3. (not on vinyl because I am a pleb)

    But I do have it on vinyl ahahahahahahaAnyways thanks for the compliments, the potato/drum argument is something I always found funny so when that sprite was made I instantly thought of it. I think Kabs is right, I'm pretty sure Bost made it. It certainly wasn't me, I'm no good at spriting.so yeah everyone go listen to ITAOTS and express your love for Religious content removed. - B6
  4. Hm, for some reason, I never really took a good look at Project Klinkerpoop. Dunno why.But this series looks very interesting, I must say. I'll be keeping tabs on this.(And what's with the RIP Angry Nid?)

    Sadly, Nid passed away recently. Kabs went over it in one of his fillers, it was quite gruesome. Out hearts go out to his friends and family.
  5. 240px-Dmitri1.jpgharrypotterinthedeathlyhallowpart2.jpgI like how Nid is in the same pose every time he appears at the end of a comic.
  6. New comics added to the Freewebs Klinkerpoop series. I went and looked on the old site and there were 3 still there that weren't on the maj, so here you go.

  7. A great show on NBC about a lawyer who's degree is found to be forged and goes to community college so that he can be a lawyer again and resume his former life. It's probably the funniest show on television, the writers really know how to keep up continuity and hide jokes so that it's infinitely rewatchable. My favorite episodes are Cooperative Calligraphy, Remedial Chaos Theory, Modern Warfare and Anthropology 101.

  8. Nice, Korts. Canadian jokes are especially valid, and I appreciate them.Man, 3 comics in one day. This is way different than the months it used to take us to make comics. The winds of change are blowing our way, I can feel it.

  9. I liked the filler a lot, KT. I liked the BZP Castle and the Cloud floating in the wind.Also, the Museum is up. I have a feeling that there's important stuff I'm misssing, but that's what's on our maj.

  10. Now THIS looks interesting. I'm excited for this concept of former comic makers coming out of retirement. My only regret is that I didn't start reading BZP comics sooner so that I could get all the references.

    The post that's "reserved for extra content" will eventually house the old series' like Klinkerpoop and Operation LOSER, so hopefully people will read through those and jokes won't go over people's heads.
  11. YES YES YES IT'S A MIRACLE THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT ARTIII NEEDSAlso who's the lime green guy behind Emkay and how do I not know this. :mellow:

    The lime green guy is Bostwik. He wasn't really into comics before, so not knowing him is understandable.EDIT: wait that's KT lol
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