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Takanuva of Twilight

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Posts posted by Takanuva of Twilight

  1. Can Toa of Plasma superheat themselves? I always thought that, similar to Ta-Matoran/Toa, Su-Matoran/Toa had heat resistance, but to a higher degree than Ta-Matoran/Toa, thereby allowing them to superheat themselves and create a "shield", as in anything that touches them melts. I haven't read anywhere where either of those abilities are confirmed though, so this may not count as versatility of the element. :???:

  2. I think the black sky reflects how he feels, really good!

    Thanks! That's sort of what I was going for, so I'm really glad you saw it as that! :D

  3. That's a nice painting. I think the background looks great, like shadows in his memory. I've seen a lot of different art types on BZPower, but this is the first painting I saw so far. The legs look skinny, as in not wide enough, and you can't really make out the details on his mask. Good job, still.

    Thanks! I've noticed digital art (or at least coloring) is used a lot, but I'm a bit new to it, and still prefer traditional mediums. ;) Painting is actually something I don't use too often; more often I use colored pencils, like on Velika himself, but when I was in the art room I decided to take advantage of the materials there. One thing I actually had trouble on was the front of the mask, due to the positioning, so I'll have to watch that if I ever do a pose like this in another drawing. I can see what you mean with the skinny legs. The funny part is they were actually a bit wider when I first drew him and I had to make them smaller; maybe somewhere in the middle of the two extremes would have been better.


    wow prettu good capturing of him. with the background you can actually get a sense of his feelings, kinda of reminds me when matoro found out matanui died,

    Thanks! I wasn't trying to allude to that scene, but now that you mention it I can definitely see it!


    I like this painting, though I would suggest that you make the ground look elevated. So as to show where he is.

    I didn't know what you were talking about at first, but then I went back and noticed what you meant. I'll have to keep that in mind, thanks!

  4. Here's a painting I did during study hall in the art room; Velika. Recently when I found out

    he was revealed to be a Great Being,


    I wanted to do something involving him, and while listening to the song Never Too Late by Three Days Grace I got the idea to show him kneeling, possibly mourning, but he's at least sad. The actual drawing was outlined in black Sharpie (thinking about maybe going over it with Sharpie again) and colored with Prismacolor colored pencils, and then the background was painted with watercolors.


    I'm thinking about adding stars into the black sky in the background with regular, non-watercolor paint, but I also really like the way it looks right now. I know I won't be doing anything to the sand though; I just love the way it came out! :D

    I can't wait to hear what you think!

  5. I actually thought of this a little while ago, and when you think about it it makes perfect sense. The Adventures series tells the tales about the adventures of past heroes, whereas the Legends series has legends coming to life, such as the Mask of Life, Karzahni, I think Artakha was seen later on. To the Matoran all of those things were just legends, but they were then seeing them with their own eyes. ;)

  6. Bionicle Heroes DS had a few glitches that I found annoying, including:


    -Runes/Gears floating in unreachable places midair.

    I have one Rune left to get, then I'll have 100% in that game, but when I use Halhii's tracker ability it doesn't stay in one spot, and when I'm near it I can't see it. Have you managed to overcome your glitch? :(

  7. All the old BIONICLE games. ^_^ Backlot was really awesome too, and I have some really great memories of that game. World Builder, and there was a Racers one (I think) where you controlled a car in a store full of LEGO sets (and a giant dinosaur! :) ), and had to complete certain objectives. I can't remember the name of that one now...


    Edit: The Racers game was called Supersonic RC! It was the title of one of the threads in this forum. :P

  8. I still love BIONICLE! It is, and always will be one of my favorite franchises ever. Although, since it's ending I have begun to pursue other interests, namely TransFormers, and, since the LEGO theme was introduced, The Lord of the Rings and other Middle-earth stuff. ;) Currently all my sets are in a huge bin in the basement, but once I get my shelves built and set up they're all getting a spot at the top! :D I'm hoping to read all the fiction, in chronological order, some day, hopefully this year if I'm lucky!

    Which reminds me, when was the blog or the serial on BIONICLE Story been updated last? I haven't checked in a while, and I can't remember if I've read the current one yet or not (read the blog yesterday anyway, and it sounded familiar, but I can't remember).

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